Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Galaxy formation from infrared to submm Michael Rowan-Robinson Imperial College London 1. Extragalactic infrared and submillimetre surveys 2. Radiative transfer models for extragalactic infrared sources 3. Models for source-counts and background radiation, from submm to ultraviolet
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Extragalactic infrared and submillimetre surveys Michael Rowan-Robinson Imperial College London Dole et al 2006 most of the starlight ever generated in the universe is emitted at infrared wavelengths, ~ 50% is absorbed by dust and reemitted at far infrared and submillimetre wavelengths
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School 1 micron - 1 mm - a few terrestial windows the infrared and submillimetre bands
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Pre-IRAS, IRAS Pre-IRAS: 1969: Caltech 2 Micron Survey (Neugebauer and Leighton) – circumstellar dust shells, BN object 1976: The AFGL Survey at 4.2, 11, 19.8 and 27.4 m (Price and Walker) – cds, HII regions IRAS: 1984: IRAS all sky survey at 12, 20, 60, 100 m - 30,000 infrared galaxies (measured redshifts of with S(60)>0.6 Jy - PSCz) - ir cirrus - ULIRGS, HLIRGS - AGN dust tori - ir dipole, large scale structure
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School IRAS Horsehead Nebula
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School IRAS all-sky survey
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Infrared galaxy populations with IRAS we were able to identify the main infrared galaxy populations - quiescent galaxies (ir cirrus) - starburst galaxies (prototype M82) - extreme starbursts (prototype A220) - AGN dust tori but the IRAS survey was not deep enough (z ~ 0.3) to study the cosmological evolution of these populations, though 60 m source-counts showed that evolution is present, at a comparable rate to that seen in radio-galaxies and quasars an important insight was that as infrared luminosity increased, the proportion of interactions and mergers increased
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School ISO ISO, launched 1996, reached z~1, + spectroscopy
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School ISO surveys CAM Deep Surveys Fadda et al, 2001, AA, astro-ph/ Franceschini et al, 2002, AA, astro-ph/ Elbaz et al, 2002, AA 384, 848 ELAIS Survey at 6.7, 15, 90, 175 m Oliver et al, 2000, MN 316, 749 Serjeant et al, 2000, MN 316, 768 Efstathiou et al, 2000, MN 319, 1169 Serjeant et al, 2001, MN 322, 262 Lari et al, 2001, MN 325, 1173 Gruppioni et al, 2002, MN 341, L1 Rowan-Robinson et al, 2004, MN 351, 1290 ISO HDF-N and HDF-S surveys Oliver et al, 2002, MN 332, 546 Mann et al, 2002, MN 332, 549 FIRBACK 175 m survey Dole et al, 2001, AA 372, 264
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School ISO surveys * main result was very strong increase in star-formation rate in galaxies between z = 0 and 1 (factor ~10) (Rowan-Robinson et al 1997, Flores et al 1999), confirming the result from optical surveys (Lilley et al 1996, Madau et al 1996) and that the rate estimated from optical data without correction for extinction is severely underestimated. problems of screen model for extinction correction issue of consistency between estimates of star-formation rate from uv, H , radio, far infrared sfr = 2.2 x L 60 = 2.5x10 -8 L H = 4.5x L 2800A
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Dust extinction in local galaxies ~ 0.3 in local galaxies (Rowan-Robinson, 2003, MN 344, 13)
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School comparison of star-formation rate estimates Daddi et al 2007
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School HDFN at 850 m Hughes et al 1998 impact of JCMT SHADES blank field surveys at 850 m showed that we were able to survey the whole universe to z = 5 with ultraluminous ir galaxies
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Submillimetre surveys Hubble Deep Field North Hughes et al 1998 Hawaii surveys Barger et al 1998, 1999, Cowie et al 2002, Wang et al 2004 CUDSS survey Eales et al 1999, Webb et al 2003, Clements et al 2004, Ashby et al 2006 UK 8 mJy survey (200 sq arcmin) Scott et al 2001, Fox et al 2001, Ivison et al 2002, Almaini et al 2003 SHADES (0.5 sq deg) Mortier et al 2005, Coppin et al 2006, Ivison et al 2007, Aretxaga et al 2007
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School submillimetre associations and galaxy redshift distribution Chapman et al, 2005, ApJ 622, 772 poor spatial resolution of JCMT means that reliable optical or infrared associations can only be made if have millimetre interferometry or radio associations why don’t we see submm galaxies at z > 4 ? is this a selection effect ?
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Near-ir Surveys 2MASS all-sky survey at J, H, K (to 15.8, 15.1, 14.3 mag.) – UKIDDS survey of 7500 sq deg in JHK (K=18.3) - FIR Surveys SPITZER surveys (GTO - various, FLS - 4 sq deg, SWIRE - 49 sq deg, GOODS sq deg, AEGIS - 1 sq deg, COSMOS - 1 sq deg) at 3.6, 4.5, 5.6, 8, 24, 70, 160 m - ASTRO-F all-sky survey in 6 bands at m -
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School 2MASS 2MASS provides a better picture of galaxy distribution at z<0.03
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Layered SPITZER Surveys Wide–shallow FLS GTO-shallow SWIRE –greatest volume sq deg –rare luminous objects –large-scale structure Confusion-limited GTO-deep GOODS-IRAC –maximum information 2.5 sq deg 300 sq arcmin on faintest resolved sources Ultra-deep GTO-ultra GOODS-24 m –confusion distribution sq arcmin
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School M51 Sombrero combined 3.6, 8 and 24 m images (SINGS consortium)
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School M82 N2207/IC2163 Stefan’s Quintet
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School SPITZER SWIRE survey 49 sq deg in 6 areas, at 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, 8, 24, 70, 160 m
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School ELAIS N1: 9 sq. deg SWIRE 3.6 m survey in ELAIS-N1
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Photometric redshifts method based on fixed galaxy and AGN templates, two passes through data to help identify QSOs and AGN dust tori, and selected priors Rowan-Robinson et al 2007
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Photometric redshifts SWIRE-VVDS sample (with VVDS team, PI LeFevre) VIRMOS-VLT Deep Survey spectra >1000 sources ~3% rms in (1+z) <1% outliers ~ IRAC 3.6 and 4.5 m big help in reducing outliers z = 1234 red: gals, blue QSOs
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Photometric redshifts All SWIRE Catalogue VVDS: 9 optical bands N1,N2: 5 optical bands Lockman: 3-4 optical bnds CDFS: 3 optical bands XMM-LSS: 5 optical bands z = SWIRE Photometric Redshift Catalogue contains over 1 million redshifts, 10% have z >2, 4% have z > 3, 20% detected at 24 m, 1% at 70 or 160 m red: galaxies, blue QSOs
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School rms, % outliers, as function of number of bands
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Redshift distributions >=3 bands from U-8 m left: Suburu XDS, R<27.5 below: ELAIS-N1, r<23.5: for optically blank sources use m for phot-z
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Lir/Lopt for galaxies with an ir excess, we fit ir templates (cirrus, M82, A220, AGN dust torus) and estimate L ir (reasonably accurate if have 70 m detection) for cirrus galaxies, L ir /L opt is a measure of optical depth of ism for star-forming galaxies, L ir /L opt is the specific star formation rate
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Lir/Lopt for starbursts
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School star-forming ellipticals * Lir/Lopt (specific star formation rate) versus Lopt (~ M) for galaxies with elliptical galaxy template fits * includes objects like Arp 220, whose star formation is heavily obscured Black: cirrus Red: M82 starburst Green: A220 starburst
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School ultraluminous cirrus gals(L), star-forming ellipticals(R)
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School AKARI Japanese mission, 68 cm cooled telescope, first all-sky far infrared survey since IRAS, 90 and 140 m, sensitivity probably comparable to IRAS FSS, but much better spatial resolution, so in principle may be able to construct deeper all-sky sample than PSCz
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School HERSCHEL 3.6 m passively cooled telecope operating at m layered survey will be carried out by SPIRE and PACS teams in guaranteed time, widest area 70 sq deg in 9 areas
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School PLANCK PLANCK will carry out a shallow all-sky extragalactic point-source survey, which will detect many high-z very luminous submm galaxies
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Radiative transfer models for extragalactic infrared sources radiative transfer models for ir sources cirrus models for local quiescent galaxies models for starburst, UKIRGs, HLIRGs applications to Spitzer galaxies, submm galaxies IRS spectra and their interpretation
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School ingredients for models for seds of infrared sources model for interstellar grains [ Mathis et al 1977, Draine and Lee 1984, Rowan-Robinson 1992, Desert et al 1990, Siebenmorgen and Krugel 1992, Dwek 1998] assumed density distribution for dust [ ~r - , HII region physics (Yorke 1977, Efstathiou et al 2000)] dust geometry [ spherically symmetric, axisymmetric (Efstathiou and RR 1990, 1991, 1995, Pier and Krolik 1992, Granato et al 1994, 1997, Silva et al 1998), clumpy [Rowan-Robinson 1995, Hoenig et al 2006] radiative transfer code [Rowan-Robinson 1980, Efstathiou and RR 1990, Pier and Krolik 1992, Krugel and Siebenmorgen 1994, Granato et al 1997, Silva et al 1998, Popescu et al 2000, Hoenig et al 2006]
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Radiative transfer models for infrared sources spherically symmetric dust clouds - first accurate code 1980 (R-R, ApJS 234, 111) - circumstellar dust shells starbursts and ULIRGs (RRE, 1993, MN 263, 675; ERRS, 2000) - cirrus galaxies (ERR, 2003) axially symmetric dust clouds - first accurate code 1990 (Efstathiou and R-R, MN 245, 275) - protostars AGN dust tori 1995
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School the radiative transfer equation The intensity of radiation I (r, ) satisfies the equation dI /ds = - n(r) C,ext I + n(r) C abs B [T(r)] + n(r) C,sc ( ’) I ( ’) d where C abs = a 2 Q abs, C,sc = a 2 Q,sc ( ’) C,ext = C abs + C,sc ( ’) d
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School interstellar dust grains size 50 A m (and larger ?) composition: amorphous C graphite amorphous silicates crystalline silicates SiC PAHs Brownlee particle
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School discovery of PAHs Leger and Puget, 1984, AA 137, L5
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School IRAS - cirrus south celestial pole
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Cirrus models for local galaxies assume optically thin ism, extinction A V (<1, ) BC starburst models, age t *, exponential decay time characterise galaxies by single mean intensity, = bolometric intensity/solar neighbourhood intensity (~2-5) for local galaxies, t * = 0.25 Gyr, = 5-11 Gyr (Efstathiou and Rowan-Robinson 2003, MN 343, 322)
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School IRAS - star forming regions constellation OrionLMC
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School IRAS - ultraluminous infrared galaxies Arp 220 Soifer et al, 1984, ApJ 283, L1: the remarkable infrared galaxy Arp 220
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Eftstathiou, R-R, Seibenmorgen, 2000, MN 313, 734 embedded phase, t < 10 7 yrs expanding neutral shell, t = years at 10 8 yrs, indistinguishable from cirrus Models for starburst galaxies
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School galaxy sed model fits from GRASIL (Silva et al 1998)
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School seds of ultraluminous infrared galaxies L:ISO R:SPITZER
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School IRAS - AGN dust tori Miley et al, 1984, ApJ 278, L79: A 25 m component in 3C390.3
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Infrared templates (Rowan- Robinson 2001)
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Hyperluminous infrared galaxies Rowan-Robinson, 2000, MN 316, 885 starburst dominated IRAS F10214, z=2.3 galaxy Teplitz et al 2006
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School dust torus dominated
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School SPITZER-IRS: IRAS F , hyperluminous infrared galaxy IRS spectrum of the hyperluminous ir galaxy F = IRAS P (Spoon et al 2004) z = (narrow line object), lg L sb = 13.25
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School L tor v. L sb
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School L sb v. M gas broken lines show time-scale to convert gas mass into stars ULIRGs and HLIRGs have bursts on shorter time-scale, or need truncated IMF
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School cirrus models for SCUBA galaxies Efstathiou and R-R (2003) found that cirrus models, with slightly higher A V and ( ~ 2-3 times higher than local quiescent galaxies) can also fit high-z galaxies from SCUBA blank-field surveys restrict analysis to SCUBA sources: (a) which have been confirmed by submm interferometry, or (b) sources from 8 mJy survey which have radio associations 70% of sources (16/23) successfully modeled by cirrus model. Note: models fit radio data also. assume t * = 0.25 Gyr, = 6 Gyr
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School SCUBA galaxies
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School z<0.12 galaxies with cirrus seds Rowan-Robinson et al, 2005, AJ 129, 1183 sources with good ISO-ELAIS and SPITZER-SWIRE data templates
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School z= galaxies fitted with cirrus or A220 template A220 model: A V = 200, t* = 26 Myr (Efstathiou and RR 2001)
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School fitted with cirrus, A220 starburst and AGN dust torus templates seds of z= galaxies/quasars
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School SPITZER-IRS spectra of ELAIS sources IRS spectra for 70 ELAIS- N1 and -N2 sources with S15> 1mJy validate the template fits most are ULIRGs, with z =1-3 Filled circles: optical, ISO, SWIRE ( and MAMBO) data Solid curves: model seds Red curve: calibrated IRS data (Hernan-Caballero et al 2006 )
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School seds of submillimetre galaxies SHADES SXDS Clements et al 2007
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School what powers ultraluminous infrared galaxies ? Genzel et al, 1998, ApJ 498, 579
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School what powers ultraluminous infrared galaxies ? Spoon et al, 2007, astro-ph/
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Models for source counts and background spectrum, from submm to ultraviolet ingredients for counts model at submm to uv wavelengths star-formation history, luminosity functions assumed seds, parameter estimation predicted counts and background intensity
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School MODELS FOR COUNTS AND BACKGROUND FROM OPTICAL TO SUBMM (Rowan-Robinson 2001, ApJ, 549, 745, 2007, in prep) * parameterized approach to star formation history * fitted to infrared and submm counts and background * 60 m luminosity function derived from PSCz data * ir and submm seds based on mixture of four components (cirrus, M82-starbust, AGN dust torus, Arp220), proportions depending on luminosity
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School OTHER RECENT WORK Franceschini et al, 2001, AA 378, 1 Gispert et al, 2000, astro-ph/ Xu et al, 2001, ApJ 562, 179 Takeuchi et al, 2001, PASJ, astro-ph/ Pearson et al, 2001, MN 325, 1511 Elbaz et al, 2002, AA 384, 848 Lagache et al, 2004, ApJS 154, 112 Gruppioni et al, 2005, ApJ 318, 9 Lagache, Puget, Dole, 2005, ARAA 43, 727
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School PARAMETERIZED MODEL FOR STAR FORMATION HISTORY * assumed star formation history: sfr = * (t)/ * (t o ) = exp Q{1 - t/t o }. (t/t o ) P meaning of parameters: t 0 /Q = sf (cf Bruzual,Charlot 1993) peak sfr when t/t o = P/Q, or t = P sf (essentially the Bruzual and Charlot models with an additional parameter to tune the epoch of peak star formation rate) * assume 60 µm luminosity function of the form (L) = C * (L/ L * ) 1- exp{-0.5[log 10 (1+L/L * )/ ] 2 } (Saunders et al 1990) * assume luminosity evolution with L * (t)/L * (t o ) = * (t)/ *( t o ) * for each P,Q, parameters L * (t o ) and are solved for from PSCz data (15000 IRAS galaxies with known z, S(60)≥ 0.6 Jy)
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School parameterized star-formation history sfr = * (t)/ * (t o ) = exp Q{1 - t/t o }. (t/t o ) P meaning of parameters: t 0 /Q = sf peak sfr when t/t o = P/Q, or t = P sf
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School assumed seds, fit to counts, predictions assumed spectral energy distribution, to convert luminosity function to other wavelengths, is mixture of cirrus, M82-starburst, AGN dust torus, Arp220-starburst components (radiative transfer models from Efstathiou et al 2000, Rowan-Robinson 1995), with proportion varying with 60 µm luminosity, to match colour-colour and colour-luminosity diagrams * fit to observed counts at 60, 850 µm, and background intensity at 140, 350, 750 µm to find best (least chi 2 ) values of P,Q: Ω o PQ best-fitting models then used to predict counts and background spectrum at m
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Infrared templates
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School colour-colour, colour-luminosity (Rowan- Robinson 2001)
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Luminosity function at 850 m
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Luminosity function at 60 m
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Luminosity function at 12 m
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Luminosity function at 0.44 m
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Counts at 15 and 850 m
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Counts at 90 and 175 m
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Counts at 0.44 and 1.6 m (King and RR 2002: improved fits using some density evolution)
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Redshift distributions
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Star- formation history (Rowan-Robinson 2003b)
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School differential counts at 24 m 24 m differential counts (Shupe et al, 2007, Papovich et al 2004)
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School new model for 24 m counts 24 m differential counts (Shupe et al, 2007, Papovich et al 2004) new model for ir counts (developed from RR 2001 models): independent evolution for each component, evolution has to flatten off at z < 0.5 M82 cirrus dust tori
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School SHADES counts at 850 m Coppins et al, 2007, astro-ph/
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School differential counts at m new SWIRE 70, 160 and SHADES 850 m differential counts (Afonso-Luis et al, 2007, in prep, Coppins et al 2007)
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School contribution of different fir luminosity ranges to star-formation rate blue: lg L firr /L o < 11 orange: 11 < lg L firr /L o < 12 red: 12 < lg L firr /L o green: total LeFloch et al, 2005, ApJ Reddy et al 2007
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School star-formation history to z = 6 Thompson et al 2006 Reddy et al 2007
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Frank Low: 1968: the far infrared background
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School the far ir and submm background Hauser and Dwek, 2001, ARAA 39, 249
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School the interpretation of the extragalactic background the integrated extragalactic background spectrum is a weighted integral of the star-formation history I = c | o to (t) L Z (t) dt weighting is by K-correction L Z /L so submm weighted to higher redshift than far and mid ir submm background can give strong limit on high z sfr
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Models for infrared background Rowan-Robinson 2001
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School far ir and submm background from stacking analyses
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School Models for infrared background Rowan-Robinson 2007 now have good bg data at 24, 70, 160 m models, modified to fit 24 m counts, now also give better fit to background spectrum
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School History of the universe
Aug 8th, 2007MAGPOP Summer School the future Darwin TPF ALMA Herschel