GLCE: E.ES.01.32: GLCE: E.ES.01.32: Observe and collect data of weather conditions over a period of time. Presenters: Danielle Buskey Sara Kallenberg
EXPLORE : Weather Journal Activity Students will complete an entry page by observing the weather condition outside.Students will complete an entry page by observing the weather condition outside. Have a teacher example of the thermometer for students to copy each day, this example will be filled out by having the teacher read a thermometer and color accordingly.Have a teacher example of the thermometer for students to copy each day, this example will be filled out by having the teacher read a thermometer and color accordingly. Complete journal for a period of time so that students see different types of weather.Complete journal for a period of time so that students see different types of weather.
EXPLAIN : What is a weather journal? A weather journal is a collection of observations that students make by logging in the weather conditions and data that they find each day.
EXPLAIN : Weather tools : Rain Gauge Thermometer Wind vane Types of weather : Precipitation Cloud cover Wind Temperature
EXPLAIN : Precipitation: rain, snow, hail and freezing rain Types of Weather... Rain Gauge: A tool used to measure the amount of precipitation
Types of Weather... Cloud cover: cloudy, partly cloudy, and foggy Partly cloudy Cloudy Fog
Types of Weather... Wind: breezy, windy, calm Wind Directions: North South East West Northwest Northeast Southwest Southeast Wind Vane: Instrument placed on top of elevated structure that is used for finding wind direction
Types of Weather... Temperature: hot, cold, cool, and warm Thermometer: Tool used to measure the temperature
ELABORATE: 1.Get into 3 groups 2. Each group will be given a picture 3. Look at your picture and decide what clothes you would wear that day to school 4. Look through the clothes and dress accordingly to the weather condition in the picture
Resources : 07_218316_7.pdf 07_218316_7.pdf