Let’s Learn Spanish!
What do you think of when I say: “Let’s learn Spanish!”? What are some of your feelings? Why? –Nervous-It’s hard –Scared-Don’t know anything –Worried
This Just In! Spanish is EASY! Why? You already know THOUSANDS of Spanish words! Normal-Garage-Necesario Hospital-Doctor-Actor Capital-Terrible-Color Animal-Clase-Artista
The many words you know are called COGNATES Words that are similar/related to each other Can be within the same language –English: ‘shirt’ & ‘skirt’-both from root ‘to cut’ In different languages –‘plato’ & ‘plate’=similar in spelling, pronounced differently
What do the following words mean? Pie Pan Meter Sopa Foot Bread To put/place Soup Not pie, but Not pan, but Not meter, but Not soap, but
¡¿Qué?! Although these words look and are spelled like English words, they are not the same. Words such as these are called FALSE COGNATES
Let’s look at a few more… Hay Sin Once Embarazada There is/are Without Eleven Pregnant Not hay, but Not sin, but Not once, but Not embarrassed, but
¿Qué aprendimos? Cognates=¡Nuestros amigos! –Similar in spelling and often mean the same thing in both English and Spanish False Cognates=¡Amigos falsos! –Spelled like English words, but very different in meaning
Did you know… Not only do you know thousands of words in Spanish, you can also read and understand Spanish too? With the help of our cognate friends and the knowledge of the following words: –“el”=the “hay”=there is/there are
You can read the following paragraphs! “El elefante es un animal inteligente. Hay muchos elefantes en Africa. El camello es un animal enorme. Hay camellos en el desierto. “El profesor es inteligente. El programa es interesante. Hay mucho espacio en la clase.”
En conclusión… You CAN learn Spanish!