Mind and Machine Using computers to understand how the mind works.
Same or different?
A brief history of AI: Prehistory Automata Descartes: Animals as machines
Computing machines Da Vinci, Pascal, and Schickard Babbage’s Difference Engine and Analytical Engine
The First breakthrough The Analytical Engine was the first stored program computer. Such a computer has a set of basic instructions used in different sequences to perform calculations. Complex calculations can be built from simple instructions
The Turing Test
Passing grades? PARRY the Paranoid Robot Eliza: Eliza: Chat bots: Chat bots: What about my cats?
Information processing theory
The symbol system hypothesis Successes: Logic Theorist Logic Theorist SHRDLU SHRDLU GPS GPS MYCIN and other Expert Systems MYCIN and other Expert Systems
The birth of Cognitive Modeling
Searle’s Chinese Room
Does the Chinese Room hold water?
Where is the burden of proof?
Meaning and Understanding in symbol systems
Computer programs as theories of mind