ENVE 4505 Surface Water Quality Engineering Dr. Martin T. Auer
Welcome to … The Life Aquatic
1. Surface Water Quality The Legislative and Regulatory Mandate A. In the Beginning
1. Surface Water Quality The Legislative and Regulatory Mandate B. Awakening
1. Surface Water Quality The Legislative and Regulatory Mandate C. Congressional Considerations
1. Surface Water Quality The Legislative and Regulatory Mandate A. In the Beginning B. Awakening C. Congressional Considerations
I.Surface Water Quality The Legislative and Regulatory Mandate D. NEPA – The National Environmental Policy Act
I.Surface Water Quality The Legislative and Regulatory Mandate D. NEPA – The National Environmental Policy Act … insure that presently unquantified environmental amenities and values be given appropriate consideration in decision-making along with economic and technical considerations. … include in every recommendation or report on proposals for legislation and other major Federal actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment, a detailed statement by the responsible official on the environmental impact of the proposed action.
1969National Environmental Policy Act 1970Environmental Protection Agency established Occupational Health and Safety Act Consumer Product Safety Act 1972Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act Clean Water Act Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act Noise Control Act 1973Endangered Species Act 1974Safe Drinking Water Act 1975Hazardous Materials Transportation Act 1976Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Solid Waste Disposal Act Toxic Substances Control Act 1977Clean air Act Amendments Clean Water Act Amendments I.Surface Water Quality The Legislative and Regulatory Mandate D. NEPA – The National Environmental Policy Act
I.Surface Water Quality The Legislative and Regulatory Mandate E. The Clean Water Act
I.Surface Water Quality The Legislative and Regulatory Mandate E. The Clean Water Act The objective of this act is to, “restore and maintain the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the Nation’s waters.”
I.Surface Water Quality The Legislative and Regulatory Mandate E. The Clean Water Act … by establishing two ‘national goals’ (1) elimination of the discharge of pollutants into navigable waters by 1985 (zero discharge); and
I.Surface Water Quality The Legislative and Regulatory Mandate E. The Clean Water Act (2) achieving an interim water quality level that would protect fish, shellfish and wildlife while providing for recreation in and on the water wherever attainable (fishable, swimmable).
I.Surface Water Quality The Legislative and Regulatory Mandate E. The Clean Water Act Technology-based approach existing direct dischargers new dischargers indirect dischargers POTWs
I.Surface Water Quality The Legislative and Regulatory Mandate E. The Clean Water Act Water quality-based approach beneficial use State standards, reviewed by U.S. EPA fishable-swimmable conventional pollutants
I.Surface Water Quality The Legislative and Regulatory Mandate E. The Clean Water Act Toxic substances 129 priority pollutants effluent standards water quality standards
I.Surface Water Quality The Legislative and Regulatory Mandate E. The Clean Water Act Management permits penalties TMDLs antidegradation