A review of definitions : continuously operating reference station What is it? A permanently mounted GPS receiver. : High Accuracy Reference Network : Michigan Height Modernization Project : Federal Base Network : Cooperative Base network
ref er ence, n.,- 1. referred or consulted as a centering point base, n.,- 1. the fundamental part or foundation sta tion, n.,- 1. a place or position where something is to remain 2. a place equipped for some particular kind of work, service, or broadcasting Defined by “Webster” What is a Reference/ Base Station
MDOT CORS First step in a in creating a Homogeneous 3D geodetic network in the state. First CORS installed in Jackson, Michigan on September CORS system was originally installed by MDOT for our own use. Today it has become similar to a public road. Available to everyone at no cost!!!
MDOT CORS BACKGROUND Department had been using GPS for static and rapid static control work since MDOT used to have 38 crews state wide with each crew containing 8 people. Today there are 8 crews statewide with no more than 2 to 3 person/crew The Road budget has quadrupled in the same time frame. We had to get the work out.
Behind the Eight Ball The Survey and Photogrammetry Units were understaffed and ill prepared for the magnitude of requests we receive. We did not possess the staff nor technology to complete the work. The end result was the inability to deliver our product to our customer in a timely manner.
Search For Solutions We needed to develop solutions for the situation. Our goal: To produce accurate survey and photogrammetry data quicker and more efficiently. We looked at several areas of our process: survey request timing Consultant contact scoping improvements Application of new technology to improve the actual process of surveying. The Earl of Cone
CORS BECAME A REALITY We investigated different methods to get the work out and realized that we were spending lots of hours bringing control to a project. We decided to implement a reference network across the state that would assist us in the control process. The next step was to “Sell” the idea to the management at MDOT.
Management’s Concerns Management was rightly concerned with the following: Is this technology proven? What will be the overall costs? What will be the costs savings to the department? How long before we recoup our initial investment? After satisfying managements concerns, they gave us the go ahead.
Jackson “UNIV” Station Lets open the door and see a bit more about this network The Michigan Spatial Reference Network (56) Fifty six GPS receivers 6 more waiting for spring thaw. Located at various MDOT and county faciltites. RTK (RTCM) Available VIA WEB All controlled by SpiderNET software.
Building the Monuments We researched and consulted with Structural and mechanical engineers to try and build stable monuments for the conditions we encounter in Michigan. We decided and a 2 part mount. The base consisting of a reinforced concrete monument 24” in diameter by 12 feet below grade. And the mast which is know commonly known as an “Earlconic”.
SITE PHOTOS Looking in the monument hole. Waiting for the concrete. Cable Trench
Site Selection. The first 12 sites we had planned were selected on the following criteria. Must be on MDOT property Must have had an existing dedicated LAN connection. Must have met visibility requirements and suitable soils for stability.
Completion of Initial stations The initial stations were installed in a 3 month period. During this 3 month period we decided to implement a user interface to access the data. was born. In its 5 years of existence we have had over 30,000 downloads for the data. This does not include the people who get the MSRN data directly from NGS.
Positioning the CORS We then decided to position the CORS relative to the HARN. We mobilized the MDOT survey forces and discovered that we needed help. We asked for volunteers and the response was overwhelming: Dept. of Natural Resources Private sector stepped up to the plate Ferris State University Students
Positioning CORS We had originally planned hour sessions to position the CORS. After discussing with NGS we revised the sessions to create a 3 rd 5.5 hour session. This observation also served as the re-observation of the HARN.
Cooperation ` Local Gov. Agencies other State Agencies PRIVATE SECTOR
Phase Description Phase I (Real-Time Data Acquisition and Integrity Monitoring) Deploy network of Static Stations Operational Testing Public Access (User training/ Workshops/Seminars MDOT Expansion County Expansion City Expansion Emergency/ Utilitarian expansion Phase II (Real-Time Broadcasting) In Planning Real-time PCS Policy for City/ County additions to network Phase III The future
Why Height Modernization? We already have the 2D dimensional component (MSRN) in place why not add the height component and have a 3D geodetic control network in the state? Other Benefits Land Surveying Land Use Planning Property Descriptions Great Lakes monitoring Floodplain Mapping Environmental Applications Precision Agriculture Precision GIS base mapping Navigation
MHMP Goals Eliminate inconsistencies in the vertical network Result will be a homogeneous vertical network Replace and supplement control in High growth areas where control has been destroyed. Statewide 3D Control Network. Further enhance RTK.
Phase Description Phase 1 Define a pilot area Secure funding through state funds and Federal highway research funds. Complete pilot project area using consultant forces. 2 PHASES (2 separate contracts) Monument Placement 2 nd order class 1 Leveling and GPS Report Results. Phase 2 Secure Congressional funding. Can be officially called “height modernization” Ongoing until state is completed (long term) 10 year window for completion.
What is involved with Monument placement Monuments Poured concrete 16” Diameter by 8’ in depth Monument will be re-enforced with 4 pieces of fiberglass re- bar. Monuments will be located Approximately 1.8km to 2 km apart along the designated route. Monuments will be located as much as possible in areas that will give the longest monument life. 95% of monuments should be located in areas suitable for GPS purposes. Obstructions shall be kept to a minimum Foresight to future usage shall also be kept in mind.
2 nd Order Class 1 leveling All 2 nd order class 1 specs must be followed. Collimation performed daily 60 meter maximum backsight Backsights and foresight must be balanced. Double observe each section under different circumstances. Use turning pins (turtles) and Rod supports. The use of ATV’s are recommended where permitted to increase productivity.
Where are we today? Contract for monument placement will be released in the upcoming month. Consists of placement of monuments in Macomb, Wayne, St. Clair, and possibly Oakland Counties. Low bid/QBS contract Total number will be dependent on BID amount for monuments and on the number of recoveries of existing control. 50% success rate in recoveries. Scope for leveling and GPS needs to be created. Contract will be issued in the spring can not commence till monument placement is complete. IDS pre-qualified contract Pilot Must be completed by 9/1/06
PARTNERS? We need partners at local level to achieve the same level of success as with the MSRN. Partnering does NOT mean $ commitment. Different forms of Partners Time Resources Talent Education Preservation If Stakeholders participate in the process it will almost ensure a successful program.