Presenting: Yaron Yagoda Kobi Cohen DSP SWITCH Digital Systems Laboratory WINTER-SPRING 2003 Supervisor: Isaschar Walter Characterization Presentation
System Properties A Communication Center for 4 DSPs (8 McBSP ports). Transfer rate of 142 Mbit per second.
Block Diagram Router Communication Unit Communication Unit Communication Unit Communication Unit Matrix
The Matrix(Reloaded) FIFO Block Controller Block Controller Block Controller Block Controller
Control Word SourceTargetNum wordsIndexNum of blocksOffset Source- The address of the sender. Target- The address of the target. Num words- Number of words in the block. Index-The number of block in the message. Num of blocks-The total blocks in the message. Offset-The offset in the DSP memory. 4 bits 8 bits4 bits 8 bits
After checking the priority of the port, the router checks if there is enough space in the FIFO with the highest priority possible and if there is no room it moves to the next one… In case the amount of words that sends is more than the amount of words in the emptiest FIFO it sends how many words can be received. FIFO Decision
There are 4 degrees of priority,one for each of the 4 FIFOS. The highest is 0 and the lowest is 3. The priority is determined by the PC user. Each port is allowed to write to a FIFO which is equal or higher than it’s priority. Priority
DSP sends control word Priority Check FIFO Decision Router send OK wordRouter send WAIT word Enough space in FIFO? Yes No Data Receive Flow Send amount of words can be accepted Limited Space
Future Schedule Communication in 32 bit McBSP. Implementation of the upper protocol using CCS. Implementation of the Matrix. Implementation of the router. Driver and GUI.