My Work Experience at (Name of Employer/ Business) Picture of Business Picture or graphic of Activity at business Picture or graphic of Activity at business Picture or graphic of Activity at business Student Name Course Block Date Graduation Class of ____ Start Date to End Date
Contents 1.My Employer (Name of business, Type of Business, name of owner or manager or supervisor and location) 2.What is my Job?: Name of Position; Duties and Responsibilities - What I do (Name and describe 3 tasks) 3.Working Conditions (Name and describe five features of your job’s working conditions) 4.My Schedule: When I work (Describe Work Hours and why your employer chose those hours) 5.Three jobs found at this employer (Name and describe three tasks that each does on separate slides and support with graphics or photos of actual employees doing the job if possible) 1.Job 1 - Name and describe three tasks 2.Job 2 - Name and describe three tasks 3.Job 3 - Name and describe three tasks 6.Career Path for my job or one of the other jobs (Name and describe three beginning with the entry level include the Salary or wages for a each and the length of time and employee is at each level) 7.Education Requirement (Name and describe three to five features of the education requirements that you need for the entry level) 8.Job Employment Future Outlook (Research BC Job Futures for 5 years and 10 years) 9.Interview tips for this job with common questions 10.How to find a Summer Job in this type of Business 11.Summary 1.Instructions 1.Support the content of each slide with photos and graphics 1.Hyperlink the title of each title above to each slide e.g. Hyperlink My Employer to the ”My Employer “ slide 2.Place Navigation Buttons at the bottom of each slide in the lower right hand corner of every slide but the contents and title slide. Get these from the shapes area in the drawing area
My Employer Name of business, Type of Business, Name of owner or manager or supervisor and Location Photos and graphics
What is My Job? (Name of Position) What I Do: My Duties and Responsibilities My Duties (Name and describe 4 tasks) Task My Responsibilities (Name and describe 3 main Responsibilities) R1 R2 R3 Photos and graphics
Working Conditions (Name and describe five features of your job’s working conditions) 1.Feature 2.Feature 3.Feature 4.Feature 5.Feature Photos and/or Graphics
My Schedule: When I Work (Describe Work Hours and why your employer chose those hours) Work hours – Feature 1 – Feature 2 – Feature 3 Employers Reasons – Reason 1 – Reason 2 – Reason 3 Photos and graphics
Three jobs at (Name Employer) ( Name the job then List two responsibilities of the job) describe three tasks that each does on separate slides) Job (Position) Responsibility Job (Position) Responsibility Job Responsibility Photos and/or Graphics support with graphics or photos of actual employees doing the job if possible
Job (Name) and Main Role Work Tasks/Activities Task Photos and/or Graphics support with graphics or photos of actual employees doing the job if possible
Job (Name) and Main Role Work Tasks/Activities Task Photos and/or Graphics support with graphics or photos of actual employees doing the job if possible
Job (Name) and Main Role Work Tasks/Activities Task Photos and/or Graphics support with graphics or photos of actual employees doing the job if possible
Career Path of (for my job or one of the other jobs) (Name and describe three career path levels of the job beginning with the entry level include the Salary or wages for a each and the length of time and employee is at each level) Entry Level Salary/Wage Years of service Level 2 Salary/Wage Years of service Level 3 Salary/Wage Years of service Photos And/or Graphics
Entry Level Position Education Requirement: _______Job (Name and describe three to five features of the education requirements that you need for the entry level position) Feature Photos And/or Graphics
Job Employment Future Outlook (Research BC Job Futures for 5 years and 10 years include 3 points for each) 5 Year outlook Point 10 Year outlook Point Photos And/or Graphics
Interview Tips for ( Name job ) Tip 1 Tip 2 Tip 3 Tip 4 Tip 5 Photos and Graphics support with graphics or photos of actual employees
How to Get a Summer Job at (Name of Employer) : (Name a job for this type of Business ) FIVE tips/ways to get a summer job at your employer Tip 1 Tip 2 Tip 3 Tip 4 Tip 5 Photos and Graphics
Essential Faqs for Working at (Name of Employer) as a (Name your job for this type of Business) Name and describe four features of the job that you feel another student needs to know to work at your employer. Explain why. Faq 1 Reason Faq 2 Reason Faq 3 Reason Faq 4 Reason Photos and Graphics
My Overall Experience Reflection: What I Liked Name and describe three features of the job that you liked and why you liked it. 1.Feature Description Why 2.Feature Description Why 3.Feature Description Why Supporting Photos and Graphics
My Overall Experience Reflection: What I Learned That Will Help Me in the Future Name and describe three things that you learned from the job that will help you in the future. If not, give three reasons why you did not learn anything. 1.Learned Skill/Procedure/Idea Description How will it help me 2.Learned Skill/Procedure/Idea Description How will it help me 3.Learned Skill/Procedure/Idea Description How will it help me Supporting Photos and Graphics
My Overall Experience Reflection: Deciding Whether To Follow This Career Explain why or why not you would decide to follow this career path. 1.Reason Explanation Example 2.Reason Explanation Example 3.Reason Explanation Example Supporting Photos and Graphics
Summary Picture of the Employer Picture of What I do Working Conditions Picture of My Schedule: Picture of Three jobs found at this employer Picture of Career Path Picture of Education Requirement Picture of Job Employment Future Picture of Interview tips Picture of Summer Job Picture of Overall Experience Reflection Link each of the above pictures and their titles back to the slide for each so that any one can click on the pictures and go to the slide