Takeo Higuchi Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, KEK for the Belle collaboration Oct 14, 2003; Pittsburgh, PA Takeo Higuchi, KEK BEAUTY2003 Hot Topics from the Belle Experiment
Introduction to the Belle experiment CP violation in B 0 K S Evidence of B 0 0 0 New resonance X(3872) Summary Contents
Introduction to the Belle Experiment Introduction to the Belle Experiment
e+e+ ee 3km circumference L = (1.06 )/cm 2 /sec L dt = 158 fb 1 On-resonance 140 fb 1 L = (1.06 )/cm 2 /sec L dt = 158 fb 1 On-resonance 140 fb 1 World Records History 1999 Jun2003 Jul 3.5 GeV e + 8.0 GeV e – e + e (4S) with = – Crossing angle = ±11 mrad. KEKB Accelerator
Belle Detector K L detector 14/15 layer RPC+Fe Electromagnetic Calorimeter CsI(Tl) 16X 0 Aerogel Cherenkov Counter n = 1.015~1.030 Si Vertex Detector 3 layer DSSD TOF counter 8.0 GeV e 3.5 GeV e + Central Drift Chamber Tracking + dE/dx 50-layers + He/C 2 H 5
People 274 authors, 45 institutions many nations many nations 274 authors, 45 institutions many nations many nations
CP Violation in B 0 K S
CP Violation by Kobayashi-Maskawa KM ansatz:CP violation is due to complex phase in quark mixing matrix KM ansatz:CP violation is due to complex phase in quark mixing matrix unitarity triangle CP violation parameters ( 1, 2, 3 ) = ( , , ) CP violation parameters ( 1, 2, 3 ) = ( , , ) O
Time-Dependent CP Asymmetry Inputs: f = 1,S = 0.6 A = 0.0 A = 0 or | | = 1 No direct CPV S = f sin2 1 : SM prediction
New Physics Hunting in b sqq + New process w/ different CP phase New process w/ different CP phase SM penguin Deviation from b ccsHint of new physics SM predicts same CPV in b ccs and sqq. SM predicts same CPV in b ccs and sqq. e.g.) squark penguin New physics may deviate CPV in b ccs from sqq
b ccs Reconstruction 5417 events are used in the fit. 140 fb 1, 152M BB pairs J/ K L signal B 0 J/ K L b ccs w/o J/ K L p B * (cms) Beam-energy constrained mass (GeV/c 2 ) Detail by K.Miyabayashi
CP Violation in b ccs M BB consistent with no direct CPV poor flavor tag fine flavor tag Small systematic uncertainty Well controlled analysis technique Small systematic uncertainty Well controlled analysis technique Detail by K.Miyabayashi K. Abe et al. [Belle collaboration], BELLE-CONF-0353.
b sqq Reconstructions B 0 K S : K + K , K S – Minimal kaon-identification requirements. – Belle standard K S selection. – | M(KK) M( | < 10MeV/c 2 (mass resolution = 3.6 MeV/c 2 ). – | p | in CMS > 2.0 GeV/c. – Belle standard continuum suppression (given later.) – | E | < 60MeV, 5.27 < M bc < 5.29 GeV/c 2. M(KK) [GeV/c 2 ] Background is dominated by continuum CP in the background: –K K K S : (7.2±1.7)% –f 0 (980)K S : –These effects are included in the systematic error. Background is dominated by continuum CP in the background: –K K K S : (7.2±1.7)% –f 0 (980)K S : –These effects are included in the systematic error.
b sqq Reconstructions Cont’d B 0 K S – More stringent kaon-identification requirements. – Particle veto for , D 0, c0, and J/ K K and D + K K S. – Belle standard continuum suppression. – | E | < 40 MeV, 5.27 < M bc < 5.29 GeV/c 2. B 0 ´K S :1) ´ , + 2) ´ + , – Belle standard continuum suppression. – | E| < 60MeV ( ´ ; 100 < E < +80 MeV ( ´ ) 5.27 < M bc < 5.29 GeV/c 2
B 0 KSB 0 KS B 0 KKKSB 0 KKKS B 0 KSB 0 KS Beam-Energy Constrained Mass 68 11 signals 106 candidates for S and A fit purity = 0.64 0.10 efficiency = 27.3% 244 21 signals 421 candidates for S and A fit purity = 0.58 0.05 efficiency = 17.7% ( ´ ) 15.7% ( ´ ) 199 18 signals 361 candidates for S and A fit purity = 0.55 0.05 efficiency = 15.7%
Unbinned Maximum Likelihood Fit 1. f sig :Event by event signal probability 2. P sig : 3. R: t resolution function 4. P bkg :Background t distribution signalbackground
CP Violation in b sqq B0 KSB0 KS B0 KKKSB0 KKKS B 0 ’K S f S A B f CP (sqq) decay vertices are reconstructed using K- or -track pair. Fit sin2 152M BB
Consistency Checks CP violation parameters with A = 0 – B 0 K S : f S = 0.99 ± 0.50 – B 0 K K K S : f S = 0.54 ± 0.24 – B 0 K S : f S = 0.43 ± 0.27 Null asymmetry tests for S term – B K : f S = 0.09 ± 0.26 – B K : f S = 0.10 ± 0.14 Less correlation btw S and A Less correlation btw S and A Consistent with S = 0
Statistical Significance sin2 1 Hint of new physics? Need more data to establish conclusion. Hint of new physics? Need more data to establish conclusion. B 0 K K K S, ´K S – Consistent with sin2 1. B 0 K S – 3.5 deviation (Feldman-Cousins). – S( K S ) = sin2 1 : 0.05% probability. K. Abe et al. [Belle collaboration], hep-ex/ , submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.
Evidence of B 0 0 0
Two possible diagrams require measured 2 disentangled Disentangling 2 bu d u W W d u u b t B 0 is one of promising decays to measure 2 T T P P Penguin-polluted CP violation Br(B 0 0 0 ) measurement gives constraint on .
B 0 0 0 Reconstruction B 0 reconstruction – 2 0 ’s with 115 < M( ) < 152 MeV/c 2. – Efficiency = 9.90 ± 0.03%. – Those MC-determined distributions are used in extraction of signal yield with calibration using B D 0 decays in data. Signal MC E [GeV] M bc [GeV/c 2 ]
Continuum Suppression Fisher |cos B | |r||r| Multi-dimensional likelihood ratio Continuum Signal MC e + e BBe e qq 1 cos 2 for BB flat for qq Construct likelihood r = high well tagged originated from B decay r = low poorly tagged originated from qq Flavor tag quality B flight direction Fisher
B 0 Contamination E-M bc shape: MC-determined 2-dimensional distribution. Yield: Recent Br measurement with MC-determined efficiency. According to MC study, other charmless decays than B 0 are negligible. Br(B 0 ) measurement: B. Aubert et al. [BaBar collaboration], hep-ex/ , submitted to PRL. B 0B 0 00 B 0B 0 E [GeV] M bc [GeV/c 2 ] charmless background incl. 0
Signal Extraction M bc [GeV/c 2 ] E 152 M BB B 0 (modeled by MC) Signal Continuum Signal yield: Unbinned maximum likelihood fit Branching fraction Signal shape is modeled by MC, and is calibrated using B D 0 decays in data. Significance incl. systematic error = 3.4 S.H.Lee, K.Suzuki et al. [Belle collaboration], hep-ex/ , submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.
New Resonance X(3872)
New Narrow Resonance: X J/ Mass distribution: DataMC (2S) X New resonance X is found. [GeV/c 2 ] Events / GeV/c 2 conversion elimination
B+ K+XB+ K+X B+ K+XB+ K+X B + K + X reconstruction – Add loosely identified kaon to X [GeV/c 2 ] [GeV] M bc M J/ EE 3-dim. unbinned likelihood fit. 3-dim. unbinned likelihood 152M BB
What is X? Hypothesis I: 1 3 D 2 – M(X) = 3872 MeV/c 2 differs from prediction: M(1 3 D 2 ) = 3810 MeV/c 2. – (1 3 D 2 c1 )/ (1 3 D 2 J ) ~ 5, while (X c1 )/ (X J ) < 1 M bc M( c1 ) No clear signal E.Eichten et al., Phys. Rev. D21, 203 (1980); W.Buchmüller and S.-H.H.Tye, Phys. Rev. D24, 132 (1981).
What is X? Cont’d Hypothesis II: “molecular” charmonium – M(X) = 3872 ± 0.6 ± 0.5 MeV. – M(D 0 ) + M(D 0* ) = ± 1.0 MeV. – Do above facts suggest loosely bound D 0 -D 0 * state? – Need more data to conclude. QQ qq D 0 -D 0 * “molecule” S.-K.Choi, S.L.Olsen et al. [Belle collaboration], hep-ex/ , submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.
3.5 deviation is observed with Feldman-Cousins in CP violation in B 0 K S from the SM. Hint of new physics? Br(B 0 0 0 ) = (1.7±0.6±0.2)×10 6 is measured, which gives constraint on penguin uncertainty in 2. New resonance of X J/ is observed at M(X) = ±0.6±0.5 MeV/c 2 that does not look like cc state.
Backup Slides
Mixing-Induced CP Violation B0B0 B0B0 B0B0 V tb V*V* V*V* KSKS td Sanda, Bigi & Carter b d b d t t WW b d KSKS W W t t g g d s s s d s s s V tb V ts V tb V ts
How to Measure CP Violation? Find B f CP decay Identify (= “tag”) flavor of B f CP Measure decay-time difference: t Determine asymmetry in t distributions ee e+e+ e :8.0 GeV e :3.5 GeV B CP zz B tag (4S) ~ f CP z c B ~ 200 m flavor tag Detail by K.Miyabayashi
Systematic Error of CPV in b ccs SourcesError Flavor tag0.014 Vertex reconstruction0.013 Signal fraction (J/ K L ) Signal fraction (other)0.007 t resolution function Fit bias0.008 B tag decay interference0.008 t background distribution < m B, B < Total0.028 Small uncertainty in analysis procedure Small uncertainty in analysis procedure stat err. = 0.057
B 0 K K K S : CP = 1 Mixture K-K- KSKS B0B0 J=0 CP = ( 1) decay CP = +1 K+K+ CP = 1 fraction is equal to that of =even/odd Since B 0 K K K S is 3-body decay, the final state is a mixture of CP = 1. How can we determine the mixing fraction?
-even fraction in |K 0 K 0 > can be determined by |K S K S > system CP = +1 l = odd l = even Using isospin symmetry, CP even B 0 K K K S : CP = 1 Mixture Cont’d
t Distributions t [ps] B0 KSB0 KS B0 KSB0 KS B0 KKKSB0 KKKS B0 KKKSB0 KKKS B 0 ’K S q f = 1 q f = 1 q f = 1 q f = 1 q f = 1 q f = 1
Systematic Errors of CPV in b sqq SA SASA Wtag fractions±0.018±0.007±0.005±0.006±0.005±0.007 Physics parameters±0.033±0.002±0.006±0.002±0.003±0.003 Vertexing±0.022±0.046±0.016±0.027±0.044±0.024 Background fraction±0.053±0.035±0.045±0.026±0.029 ±0.036 Background t ±0.015±0.008±0.003±0.003±0.010±0.006 Resolution function±0.013±0.005±0.004±0.003±0.007±0.004 KKKs + f 0 Ks bkg ± Sum+0.09±0.07±0.05±0.04±0.05± KSKS 'KS'KS KKK S Systematics are small and well understood from b ccs studies.
Systematic Uncertainty Sources N S N S E peak position 0.03 0.04 E width 0.62 0.45 M bc peak position 0.04 0.04 M bc width 0.69 0.67 Rare B ( + 0 ) 0.99 1.33 Total 3.34 3.43 Sources Eff Eff Fitting 5.3% 6.1% 0 efficiency 7.0% 7.0% MDLR selection 2.0% 2.0% Luminosity 0.5% 0.5% Total % 9.5%
M( ) Distribution M( ) [GeV/c 2 ] Fit to -mass is pretty good – M( ) can be fitted by -mass distribution well. – 1 3 D 2 J/ is forbidden by isospin conservation rule.
Constraint on Amp(B ) Amp(B ) Amp(B ) Amp(B ) B 0 /B = 1.04 B 00 /B = 0.39 A = 0.57 Using Our Results Belle Preliminary M.Gronau et al., Phys. Lett. B 514, 315 (2001).