IT Workforce Planning and the IT Managers Council TSP Forum, December 15, 2004
December 15, 2004 TSP Forum 2 IT Workforce Planning History University hiring freeze; beginning of WFP 2003 IT WFP surveys External Team Review for Administrative Computing CIT and units are isolated from each other, “seemingly by institutional design.” IT WFP Recommendations Gartner Estimates
December 15, 2004 TSP Forum 3 IT WFP History (cont’d) 2004 Director of Distributed Support position created ITMC established Unit plan templates sent to Deans and VPs Unit plans due
December 15, 2004 TSP Forum 4 IT Managers Council Recommendation Improve communication Intra-unit Across IT units Share information Plan together Help CIT and units become less isolated from each other
December 15, 2004 TSP Forum 5 ITMC Survey 50% do not find local-central IT relationships “positive and productive” 80% disagree with the notion that local- central IT communication is effective
December 15, 2004 TSP Forum 6 What does this have to do with WFP? By communicating, sharing information, and planning together, IT will become more efficient i.e.: it will save the university $ ITMC an “enabling recommendation” IT WFP being implemented in the only way it can be at Cornell e.g.: Units can explain their non-compliance IT WFP creates opportunities for dialogue
December 15, 2004 TSP Forum 7 ITMC Structure One representative from each major college, administrative unit, and CIT area A large, eclectic group! Units are quite diverse You are not “you”, you’re your unit Importance of internal/external communication Theoretically, all Cornell IT is in the room New opportunities!
December 15, 2004 TSP Forum 8 The ITMC and You Know your representative! Find out what happens at the monthly ITMC meeting! How are ITMC issues communicated in your unit? Feed back to your representative!
December 15, 2004 TSP Forum 9 General Goals of the ITMC Allow CIT and units to hear each other clearly, and at the same time… …begin thinking as one IT at Cornell Work on the IT WFP recommendations Collaborate on substantive issues that will benefit Cornell as a whole
December 15, 2004 TSP Forum 10 Specific Goals Improve software and hardware acquisition A big source of frustration AND an opportunity to work together Develop directed training – a coordinated evaluation of IT training needs Short-term as well as strategic Training, career development, advancement Begin thinking of ourselves, centrally and locally, as Cornell IT professionals
December 15, 2004 TSP Forum 11 Specific Goals (continued) Recommend standards Interoperate with SIGs, TSP, CCD, others What are your ideas here? Let me know! Figure out how to work! Does the ITMC make decisions, or recommendations? How can members effectively communicate the views of their constituents? What goes on the agenda?
December 15, 2004 TSP Forum 12 Active Committees Operational Procedures Software Acquisition Training Best Practices Server Farm
December 15, 2004 TSP Forum 13 Challenges Size of council Diversity of units All with exactly one representative Representatives with differing levels of authority within unit* Balancing action and discussion Intra-unit communication * All representatives were named by Dean or VP, and thus have authority to represent unit
December 15, 2004 TSP Forum 14 DDS Priorities Actively support and facilitate coordination, communication, integration Connect with each ITMC representative Become familiar with college/divisional priorities, problems, concerns Ensure top-down and bottom-up communication within unit Lead review in ITMC of WFP recommendations
December 15, 2004 TSP Forum 15 Thoughts, Observations, and Themes* Central and distributed IT must better educate each other on challenges, priorities, and responsibilities Understand priorities beyond IT IT is a support function: it is not as important as what it supports Connecting to university priorities Desire to work together to create a unified vision of IT at Cornell
December 15, 2004 TSP Forum 16 Additional Information New ITMC Website in February A central location for IT news and information SIG Support Formalizing support for SIGs An area on the ITMC website where you can manage your own content and hold virtual discussions Co-chair structure Contact me for more information! Coordination with CCD and TSP
December 15, 2004 TSP Forum 17 Additional Information Current ITMC Website Current DDS Website IT WFP Recommendations
December 15, 2004 TSP Forum 18 Help! Share your ideas! x Get involved! Follow what’s going on in the ITMC. Read the minutes – they’re posted on-line Talk to your manager about participating in a SIG or an ITMC committee
December 15, 2004 TSP Forum 19 Questions ?