What is WiSET? (Women in Science, Engineering and Technology) A network for female students and staff in the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences
To encourage more female graduates to develop careers in science, engineering and technology (SET). At the moment women are under- represented in SET and a large number of SET students enter non-SET careers. WiSET was originally funded by the UK government but is now funded by Faculty. Why?
How? Student coordinators work with staff to arrange a programme of events each year including …
Social networking events Inspirational talks from women working in science and engineering Opportunities to speak to professionals in an informal environment Meet other female students in the Faculty Encourage an interdisciplinary understanding
Industrial Site Visits Guided tours from leading experts To gain an insight into the ‘real world’ To see how different companies operate
Skills Workshops To enhance and develop skills in an informal environment (eg academic presentation skills, interview skills, psychometric tests etc)
Debates To take part in interactive debates with professional engineers and scientists to discuss topical issues (eg the environment, the work-life balance)
Volunteers If you would like to help to organise WiSET events in your School, please leave your contact details with one of the student coordinators or contact the WiSET Team at:
WiSET Website For more information check out: