Sun ONE Developer Platform – Walto July Your Name Your Job Function Your Work Organization PRESENTATION TITLE This box provides space for call to action text, URLs, or any relevant info Architecting Sophisticated Portals with Sun ONE Walt O'Maley Sun ONE Platform Specialist
1 Speaker's Qualifications Responsible for product planning and technology evangelism at Sun for ten years on infrastructure products –Solaris –Network Management –Network Security –Sun ONE Portal Server –Sun ONE Developer Platform
1 Overall Presentation Goal Cover the key issues developers face in large portal deployments NEED A WEB PLATFORM NOT JUST A PORTAL SERVER
1 Sun ONE Architecture LinuxWindowsSolaris Sun ONE Application Framework Sun ONE Application Server 7.0 SE Java Web Services Pack Sun ONE Directory Server: Access Management Edition 5.1 Sun ONE Portal Server 6.0 Integrated Forte Tools Sun ONE Integration Server ServiceDeliveryPortalServer Platform Identity and Policy Identity Server ServiceContainerApplicationServer ServiceIntegration Application and IntegrationServer Service Creation, Assembly, and Deployment Studio EE ApplicationFramework ConnectorBuilder
1 Presentation Agenda Services that need to be provided Policy required to pull it all together Rapid development of new services EIS Integration Open platform requirement
1 Services-on-Demand Web content tailored by role –May want employees and partners to access intranet resources while enforcing access policy Web application –Need to be able to quickly develop new applications using current business processes Web services –Need to be able to gracefully leverage web services as well as web applications
1 Web Services Tool UDDI Registry WSDL definition XML / SOAP Description of Service Application Service XML / SOAP XML over SOAP/ ebXML/ JMS Services “Yellow Pages” Static lookup Dynamic lookup Components Legacy System SOAP/XML wrapper - or - SOAP/XML wrappers Points to URI Description of Service’s Interfaces
1 J2EE in the Containers Service Integration Service Delivery,
1 Services-on-Demand Java client to wireless devices Direct access to legacy systems –In many of our successful deployments, users needed direct access to legacy systems –Access from rich client or browser Define which services are needed Portal Server should cover all the above
1 Policy User groups requirements will effect the architecture Authentication –One size does not fit all –Faculty - strong level > password –Graduate Students – medium level = password with policy but careful with available content –Public – weak level – self-enrollment
1 Policy Access policy should tie user to roles –Faculty Define generic services for all employees Add specific services by role for key groups and roles but keep it simple –Students Limited access to intranet – Public Public information only –Virtual Teams tying faculty across multiple universities as well as corporate/gov't sponsers
1 Sun ONE Portal Server Identity Management Enabled –Tailor services by user roles Aggregate web and non-web resources –Intranet surfing –New Secure Search –Heterogeneous file access –Legacy application access via VPN (on the fly) Multi-Application Server and Platforms Multiple device support
1 Sun ONE Portal Server User Experience Enhancements Acme Organization ManagerSalesFather John Doe XML display profiles Multiple display profiles dynamicall y merged at runtime Multiple roles support Completely customizable JSP desktop
Sun ONE Developer Platform – Walto July Extensibility Providers – XML / XSLT - XSL transformation of an XML document – Web Services Provider – RSS - RSS (XSL) transformation to an XML document – JSP - Java Server Page – URL - Data read from a URL Provider API
Sun ONE Developer Platform – Walto July Portal Architecture Sun ONE Web Server, Sun ONE Application Server Sun ONE Identity Server Messaging and Transport Utility Services LoggingProfileSession Auth Apps NetMail Admin Console Content Delivery and Presentation Template Manager Display Profile Desktop Renderer (Servlet and JSP) Admin Module Search Search Engine and Robots Providers Policy Agent
1 Sun ONE Identity Server User Management –Define organizations, roles, groups, users –Delegate user account mgmt Policy –Role based access control to web resources, including web servers (IIS, Apache, iWS) Web SSO Services –Developer can define common policy (privleges and attributes) for a web application or service in XML file
Sun ONE Developer Platform – Walto July Roles-Based Access IT Mgr Employee HR Manager IT Services General employee HR Director Users can have one or more roles, privileges are aggregated Roles allow/deny access to Services or Service features Conflict model handles Role permission collisions – deny has precedence over allow Intranet Services HR Director HR Services
Sun ONE Developer Platform – Walto July Authentication Methods Supports the following authentication methods out of the box: 1. UserID/password (LDAP) 2. Digital Certificates 3. RADIUS 4. SafeWord 5. Unix 6. Anonymous ● Public SPI allows additional authentication methods to be added
Sun ONE Developer Platform – Walto July Administration - User Management Centralized administration of any user’s identity profile Unlimited, multi-level delegated administration Delegate management to employees, partners, or customers ● Create, modify, or delete users, add/remove user roles, reset passwords Delegation rights are configurable (e.g. a set of users, a specific application) User self-registration/self-service (e.g. passwords, contact information) CLI for all User Management GUI features
Sun ONE Developer Platform – Walto July Administration – Policy & Services Policy Centralized administration for all protected resources Multi-level delegated administration Service ● Manage service level configuration data stored in the Directory ● Configuration data spans multiple server instances that provide a service (e.g. disk quota for , channel list for portals)
1 Rapid Application Development Need to have separate roles that leverage different skillsets Java Component Developer –Focuses on business logic –Servlets, EJBs, J2CA connectors, DBMS, etc –Powerful but need to understand J2EE APIs –Studio Enterprise Edition IDE used
1 Rapid Application Development Application Developer –Focuses primarily on the presentation logic –Develop interactive form-based applications delivered over web –Understand business problem, may not be Java expert –Used to a page-centric development approach –Application Framework and Studio EE are used
1 Sun ONE Application Framework Decouples presentation, user interaction, and models for extensibility, scalability, and maintainability –Java Center best design practices uses MVC. Model –Application logic for business process (web service or EJB) –Access to enterprise resources (DBMS or EIS) –Able to “consume” any Java object or web service including.NET service
1 View –Creates the output page to client device –View is hierarchy of view components –Display fields tied to models to get model state (e.g. Query info from DBMS model) –Models and Views are agnostic Multiple Views using same Models (e.g different languages or devices) Reuse business processes (Models) in other applications Sun ONE Application Framework
1 Controller –Controls application behavior such as updating models or selecting views depending on user inputs. –Application developer adds procedural code to process user inputs (e.g. Update database with user input once hit submit) –Controller deals with session and security issues such as user authentication. Sun ONE Application Framework
1 Model-View-Controller Pattern Control ler Models Views Event Method Invocation View Selection HTTP Get/Post State Change State Query Change Notification Client Device HTML Response
1 Sun ONE Studio Develop and Deploy J2EE 1.3 applications –EJB 2.0 incl. MDBs, J2CA, JSP 1.2, Servlet 2.3 Easy Database access –Easily connect to DBMS and create DBMS forms Develop and publish web services –JAX* support –Wrapper EJB and Servlet methods as web service XML Support – create and edit XML files
1 Sun ONE Studio Wizards and project management Advanced debugger Version Control Sun ONE Application Server Integration –Deploy applications, start, stop, debug, etc Legacy Integration –Native connector architecture to bind C/C++ applications to web applications or web services
1 Integration with Sun ONE
1 Loosely-Coupled Connections Asynchronous communication between applications for – long-lived transactions – processes with manual steps Standards – JMS (Java Messaging Service) – MDB (Message Driven Beans) – SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
1 Three queue types –Single, Failover and Round-Robin SOAP support Message encryption (via SSL) Multiple broker support (for scalability) HTTP connections JDBC based pluggable persistence Auto-reconnection of failed connections Sun ONE Message Queue Beyond JMS
1 Tightly-Coupled Connections J2EE CA is standard approach to tightly couple EIS to Web application or Web service Request/response paradigm for web applications using Common Client Interface Service Provider Interface –Connection Management –Transaction Management –Security
1 Sun ONE Connector Builder EIS API typically provides –Access interfaces to the EIS –Management interfaces for security, transactions, and connection pooling Web applications access EIS –Through J2EE CA Common Client Interface (CCI) or through SOAP without concern for tranasactions, pooling, etc. Application server can manage EIS transactions, security, and pooling
1 Sun ONE Connector Builder Connectivity via J2EE CA & SOAP
1 Point-to-Point Integration Write stateful session beans that implement a business process and in turn integrate each EIS system either through tightly coupled or loosely coupled approaches Works if the process is fairly straightforward and relatively static
1 Integration Nightmare
1 Sun ONE Integration Server
1 Business Process Engine ● Conditional logic, sub-processes ● Timers (deadline and elapsed) ● Exception handling (e.g., application failure) ● Real-time and long-running process support
1 Sun ONE Developer Platform LinuxWindowsSolaris Sun ONE Application Framework Sun ONE Application Server 7.0 SE Java Web Services Pack Sun ONE Directory Server: Access Management Edition 5.1 Sun ONE Portal Server 6.0 Integrated Forte Tools Sun ONE Integration Server ServiceDeliveryPortalServer Platform Identity and Policy Identity Server ServiceContainerApplicationServer ServiceIntegration Application and IntegrationServer Service Creation, Assembly, and Deployment Studio EE ApplicationFramework ConnectorBuilder
1 Complete Platform –Web content, webapplications, web services, and EIS integration –The tool for Proof of Concepts Tools to allow development by roles –Studio EE, App Framework, Connector Builder –Sample Applications Complete deployment infrastructure –Portal, Identity, Application, Integration servers –Integrated with Install utility yet Integratable Sun ONE Developer Platform
1 Sun ONE Application Server Architecture EJB Container Web Container Other J2EE Web SvcsJDBCJCA JMS Provider (Sun ONE MQ) HTTP Web Infrastructure Operations Management & Monitoring High Availability Clustering & Load Balancing Trusted Web Services Web Server Proxy PortalIntegration Appserver Core “Platform Edition” (iAS 7) Value-Add Packs
1 Knowledge base with proactive alerts Includes “Experts” and “Enthusiasts” Site has grown to over 14,000 registered users since October Sun ONE Software Forum
1 Focus first on identity Next focus on common portal framework Develop a strategy that leverages legacy, web applications & web services. Define an open standards web services platform for your organization Sun ONE Best Practices
Sun ONE Developer Platform – Walto July Your Name Your Job Function Your Work Organization PRESENTATION TITLE This box provides space for call to action text, URLs, or any relevant info Architecting Sophisticated Portals with Sun ONE Walt O'Maley Sun ONE Platform Specialist