The Way Forward The future use of Learning Technologies in the University of Brighton Dr R Stanier
The past & the present The past Bill Atkinson - a man with a vision The present A variety of sophisticated technologies that allow the creation of a rich learning & teaching environment
Mind Reading... Please mentally select a card and concentrate on it. I will perform this feat via mind control...
Mind Reading... And now, whisper the name of your card out loud. Please don't skip this part, it is very important.
Mind Reading... I have selected your card and have removed it from the pile. Surprised?
The Human Factor It’s the Human input that counts Learning technologies are simply a set of tools for humans to create with Bill Atkinson saw the potential for ordinary people to drive the technology
So why bother? Student expectations JISC, QAA & RAE Marketing Keeping up with other institutions Not forgetting learning & teaching & the student experience!
What have we got already? Student Intranet - cheap & cheerful Minimal Realisable Expectation Standard Technologies Lots of enthusiasm But we need more...
Consider this... All information accessible on & off campus A simple mechanism for creating online courses, content & assessment Discussion groups for student/tutor & student/student communication A student centred environment to aid information management Online … calendars Discussion groups Structured content assessment Revision systems & News communities Student tracking Information Access Information Management
Learning is now about information management as much as it is about subject matter Average 52,000 hits for parasitology Huge variety of different information sources
What’s needed... We need to increase staff IT Skills We need to be able to make appropriate choices about the technology To respond to student expectations & adapt to changes in learning cultures All this needs appropriate support...
Learning Technologies Group Providing Learning Technology services Academic Liaison Training Design Help define standards
LTSOs Facilitating the process Local knowledge Enthusiasm
Learning Technologies Network Drawn from all subject areas Early adopters Subject-specific knowledge Enthusiasm
Site Information Services Support Computer Officers & Course Resource Officers Site-based service Support academic use of technologies in the learning & teaching process
What's available outside the University JISC - Joint Information Systems Council LTSN - Learning & Teaching Support Network E-University
The importance of JISC as a driving force in UKHE DNER MLE JANET Advice Support? MANs Innovation International Relations
How do we go forward? Big Bang? or Planned Cultural Evolution
The Big Bang Theory - Coventry £1m over 3 years Driven by directorate 30 strong task force All modules listed
The Big Bang Theory - Coventry Resistance from staff Take up greatest where high level of technical support QAA average = 20.1 “I cried when they made me use WebCT”
University of Brighton We have £60,000 over 2 years Task force of 11 (LTSOs & steering group) Policy of facilitation rather than dictation QAA average = 21.6
The way forward Capitalise on what we’re good at - Teaching Planned Cultural Evolution Make best use of the support available - LTSOs & LTG Being able to make appropriate choices Using content NOT developing it
The future Richer and more interactive content & learning support Easier content production & access Mobile Communications - the prefered method of communication Digital TV - ubiquitous technology
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