Characterization of 1mm lead-free joints
Test results (DIC 2D)
Experimental results Measured stress-strain curves: Improved resolution/noise with 2D DIC: Displacement +/-0.2 microns, strain +/- 2E-4 Correction of the out of plane displacement effects Apparent properties and variability: Large variability between plates, lower variability for a given plate effects of processing parameters / microstructure ?
Plasticity - damage evolution (1B)
Plasticity - damage evolution (2B)
Plasticity - damage evolution (3A)
Plasticity - damage evolution (4A)
Plasticity - Damage evolution: remarks Need to distinguish two phenomena: Elasto-plastic deformation: global behavior of the solder joint Failure : local behavior, depends on the interfacial properties Evolution during testing: Plasticity is “homogeneous” up to 90% load at least => most of the stress-strain curve can be used for characterization Failure in the last 15 seconds of the test: concentration of deformations in a corner & on the interface crack propagation: 1 crack on each interface (A), 1 single crack (B) AB
Characterization: 3D FE modelling Inside Outside 3D model: better accuracy & numerical stability, but resolution time x 2. Average Strain: 2% Max Strain: 10%
Plasticity evolution
Characterization: identification ~1h / 40 FE solutions to identify the material properties, parameters: E, yield stress, hardening, exp. Hardening rate Accuracy: max error +/-4% !!
Identification results: constraining effects 1B 2A 3A4B
Constitutive stress-strain curves
Next steps Testing: 0.5 mm & 0.2 mm joints Reinforced solder joints Split testing in 2 procedures: A simple one to compare materials A complete test for characterization Developpments Bulk solder specimen (FEM =>Design =>production) A better test specimen for joints ? Shear test (Nokia)? Tensile test ?