Topics electronic version of professional biographies: –9 not yet submitted –late penalty: 10% per day starting after 7pm tonight ~27 teams –1 missing project description –5 students without projects or teams schedule: upcoming due dates next Wednesday: start oral presentations
Fall 2007 Schedule of Due Dates M/F: due at 3pm in ERC 536 W: due at class time start oral reports on 10/17 overview of project in 5-10 minutes
Upcoming Due Dates Friday 10/12: hardcopy of signed team contract –work on this in class today Wednesday 10/17: –oral reports start –self-assessment essay Friday 10/19: electronic project description –use html template – to
Presentations Next Week 10/17/07 Almassalkhi, Niehaus Auer, Hershey, Peters, Wietlisbach Butler, Follis, Grissom, Schmidt Clark, Watson Goyal, Hardin, Herman Martin, Metz, Thorvaldsen
The Week after Next Monday 10/22: design diagrams level 0 and 1 Wednesday 10/24: presentations –Bagnola, Nusbaum, Toerner –Beckman, Bell –Carr, Hill, Osborne, West –Forry, Hoffman, Nafziger –Lux, Wittman –Mikulic, Vose
Remaining Presentations 10/31 presentations –Combs, Thomas –Hafer, Kroner, Olton –Hurd, Naufel, Peytchev, Shamma –Monnin, Shaw, Stricker –Warren 11/7 presentations –Drennan, Herrmann, Merz, Putnam –Fickas, Lavergne –Maynor, Nieport –McAtee, Rengering, Ulm –McGovern, Siebert 11/14 presentations –Adejumobi –Leeper, Kinsey –Montagne –Myers, Wolf –Warren
Design Diagrams Design 0: give highest level view of your project Design 1: elaborate modules or subsystems given in Design 0 Design 2: further elaborate Design 1 Explain diagram conventions: what do boxes mean? what do lines between them represent?
Design Diagram 0 Put the system name here!
Design Diagram 1
Design Diagram 2 (one of 4 pages)
Design Diagram Level 0
Design Diagram Level 1
Brainstorming Sketch (goes in Project Notebook)
Design Diagram Level 2
An Alternate Design Diagram Level 2
Oral Presentations engineers and computer scientists make presentations to clients, managers, teams, and the technical community communication skills identified as a top skill by our Industrial Advisory Board and alumni Typically, 15% introduction 80% body 5% conclusions
Retention style of presentationretention after 3 hoursretention after 3 days oral only70%10% visual only72%20% oral and visual85%65%
Introduction get the audience’s attention don’t just read title, give intuition (briefly) motivate the problem give the big picture and focus down to the problem domain
Body give an overview (“chapter headings”) help the audience to know when you change topics progress through topics
Conclusions what one or two things would you like the audience to remember?
Slides bulleted lists tables and graphs schematics or line drawings NEVER use sentences or paragraphs! summarize... don’t read words on slides to the audience
Overcoming Speech Anxiety be well-prepared memorize your opening lines practice transitions talk to friendly faces (avoid negative ones) OK to make mistakes, don’t call attention to them
Severe Speech Anxiety induced by fight or flight response exercise 1-2 hours beforehand take deep breaths before you start lessens over time (with practice)
Style Tips look at eyes (or foreheads!) scan audience as you talk speak confidently use a pointer step away from screen to draw attention to speaker avoid fidgeting (“um …,” “you know …”) be well-groomed, relaxed be enthusiastic (smile)
Presentation Guidelines 5 slides max title slide –project name –team member and advisor names –team photo(s) labeled with names motivation/background of project problem statement subproblems that need to be solved (preliminary) approach to solving them expected result or contribution evaluation: how will you know when you’re done and whether you’ve done a good job?
Team Contract Contents submit hardcopy signed by all team members Friday 10/12 keep a signed copy in team notebook (goes in design report at end of quarter) address any negative behavior that is a concern for your team 1.individual responsibilities or duties (at least 5 items) –what should each person do to ensure that the team succeeds? who maintains the project notebook? who is responsible for submitting assignments? what are individual responsibilities for quality of work, quantity of work, participation? do the responsibilities change each quarter? responsibilities (at least 5 items) –what does the team do to ensure that it functions well? how frequently do you plan to meet? how will you communicate when you are not meeting face-to-face? how will you resolve conflicts? how will you hold one another accountable for work? 3.penalties for infractions –incident specific to address problems identified above –escalate for repeated infractions? –should be realistic and enforceable by team