KMi-SMI collaboration Wenjin Lu and Enrico Motta Knowledge Media Institute Monica Crubézy Stanford Medical Informatics
Goals Customizing Protégé editor for use with OCML (Protégé-OCML) –Evaluating Protégé suitability Translating classification library into Protégé- OCML –Validating classification library –Evaluating UPML Revising Specification for Internet Reasoning Service
1. The Protégé-UPML editor for OCML Modeling of OCML meta ontology in Protégé – i.e., classes, relations, functions, axioms, etc... Inclusion of OCML meta ontology in Protégé-UPML editor –i.e., defining the appropriate KA forms for the basic OCML constructs Extension of UPML concepts for OCML, with reference to OCML meta ontology –e.g., formula -> OCML-formula
OCML meta ontology in Protégé By the way, this is the output of a new plugin for Protégé, that creates a graph out of a KB, with different visualization options subclass-of link instance-of link
Each OCML construct is an instance of :OCML-CLASS Template slots define own OCML fields for all classes
OCML in Protégé-UPML editor Inclusion of OCML meta ontology in UPML domain modelling meta-ontology Extension of UPML concepts for OCML (“UPML-OCML concepts”) –Formula < OCML-Formula formula -> ocml-kappa-expression, ocml-relation-mapping –Program < OCML-Program program -> ocml-lambda-expression, :OCML-PROCEDURE –Signature Element < OCML-Element ocml-type -> :OCML-CLASS, :OCML-RELATION, :OCML-FUNCTION –Signature < OCML-Signature signature-elements -> (OCML-Element)
UPML core ontology is extended for OCML
2. The Classification library in UPML Task-Domain Bridge PSM-Domain Bridge PSM-Task Bridge Task Refiner Domain Model Domain Refiner PSM Refiner Ontologies Ontology Refiner Classification Library Heuristic classifier (Optimal) Classification Optimal Heuristic classifier Apples Heuristic Apples Optimal Apples Abtractor, Refiner Color “green”, Sugar-level Observable, Solution Abstractor = Sugar-abstractorSolution = Apple class
The Classification library in Protégé-UPML Classification ontologies modeled in Protégé-OCML –Classification task, heuristic classification method, apples domain, heuristic classification application –Modeled as separate ontologies in Protégé-OCML (ie, a hierarchy of classes that are instances of OCML primitives) –Included along with UPML-OCML (UPML extended for OCML) UPML-OCML concepts instantiated with elements of the included classification ontologies UPML concepts instantiated with classification tasks, PSMs, knowledge roles, etc.
Each concept is an instance of :OCML-CLASS Own slots contain OCML definition of the class
Classification Library instance
Classification Task instance
Task: Classification (ontology signature)
Task: Classification (competence)
Heuristic optimal solution classifier PSM
Heuristic optimal solution classifier PSM (Signature and Competence)
Heuristic optimal solution classifier PSM (Operational description)
apples-domain bridge 4 mapping axioms define the bridge
apples-domain bridge (mapping axiom for observable)
Conclusions of the experiment Customization of Protégé-UPML for OCML –2-step process: OCML in Protégé + extension of UPML for OCML –Reasonably easy to do! Classification library in UPML –Fits nicely, except: Knowledge roles (case-indep. data) at the task & complex PSM level Task, PSMs, etc. are classes in OCML, not instances as in UPML Needs the implementation of a connection to OCML interpreter
3. Internet Reasoning Service