1 Status of the ‘Oscillation Physics’ WG Recall of the organisation and activities of the group –Main subjects and general approach –Starting steps and.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Status of the ‘Oscillation Physics’ WG Recall of the organisation and activities of the group –Main subjects and general approach –Starting steps and initial goals Group structure and members Analysis topic review and status D. Duchesneau, F. Juget OPERA Collaboration meeting Mizunami January 21 th, 2008

2 This WG covers several topics from neutrino interaction global analysis to detailed study of oscillation channels Goal: produce the OPERA neutrino and oscillation physics results. These various activities include: Kinematical and global analysis of neutrino interactions Search and analysis of charm production Tau oscillation search and analysis      e,   h,   3h Analysis of e production from the beam and detailed study of   e oscillation Each physics stream includes an estimate and measurement of the corresponding physics background and a careful understanding and control of the data reconstruction efficiencies Main subjects and general approach Shown in Sorrento

3 Main starting steps and initial milestones Shown in Sorrento 1.Recall and make a status of what is already existing concerning the hybrid analysis environment and the need for 2008 data analysis. Do the same for the analysis tools and methodology every one should use; 2.Validate the complete data and MC analysis chain, and spend the necessary effort to produce the working chain involving OpEmuRec and the integration with electronic detector data. 3.Start a global kinematical analysis of the 2008 neutrino interactions with Data-MC comparisons 4.Start a global search for the charm events 5.In parallel review each tau channel analysis prospects (including background estimation)

4 Group structure and members: Each topic will have a reference person associated and to be referred for advances and questions To profit from the various expertise and interests, some people will have to interact and participate in different working groups. We foreseen 5 physics topics: Validate the complete data and MC analysis chain Kinematical and global analysis of 2008 neutrino interactions Search and analysis of charm production Tau oscillation search and analysis:      e,   h,   3h Analysis of e production from the beam and study of   e oscillation Shown in Sorrento

5 0) Validate the complete data and MC analysis chain A. Marotta, L. Chaussard, A. Cazes, D. Duchesneau, E. Pennachio + … 1) Kinematical and global analysis of 2008 neutrino interactions: D.Duchesneau, R. Fini, F. Juget, A. Meregaglia, R. Rescigno + … 2) Search and analysis of Charm production F. Di Capua, D..Duchesneau, M. Guler, F. Juget, U. Kose, S. Tufanli, T. Strauss + … 3) Tau decay search and analysis Statistical tools and multi-variable estimators L. Scotto, R. Rescigno + …         T. Tran +...       h T. Ariga +...     ,   e: F. Juget, G. Lutter, F. Meisel, A. Zghiche   ,   3h: Annecy ) Analysis of e production and detailed study of   e : F. Juget, G. Brunetti, G. Lutter, F. Meisel, A. Zghiche Group structure and members:

6 Validate the complete data and MC analysis chain This is a priority and should be obtained as soon as possible using the production of the official root data file Wait for the production of the official root data file Kinematical and global analysis of neutrino interactions Also a priority and will start with the validation of the official root data file However some tools and software need to be developed. Strong interaction with WG1,2 and 3. Search and analysis of Charm production An estimate of the charm rate expected in OPERA using the CNGS beam and OPERA status and performances (Already exist; see Francesco talk in Sorrento) Monte Carlo studies of event properties, efficiencies, background estimation … For a longer term, build a tool which allows to estimate the probability that an event is a charm candidate with a given confidence level. First meeting last week: Charm topological bckg from 2 prongs D0 short decay (S. Tufanli) Single basetrack charm event (bckg for tau long decay) (T. Strauss) Analysis topic review and status

7 Source of D 0 charm topological background. When muon is not identified and one of the tracks is not reconstructed, it creates kink topology. 1-D 0 TOPOLOGICAL BACKGROUND From S. Tufanli

8 Tau oscillation search and analysis: For each channel we will have to concentrate on the following steps : Event rate expectations in OPERA Background studies (determine which kind, sources, rates etc… collaborate with WG1 for the Monte Carlo event production to have enough events to work with etc…) Each analysis will have to address:  Event selection (electronic detector and emulsion criteria)  Efficiencies (integrating all the knowledge of WG2 and WG3 like for vertex finding and reconstruction efficiencies, trigger eff. etc…)  Background contamination and estimates  Signal performance Analysis of e production from the beam and detailed study of   e oscillation: This analysis should follow a similar analysis stream as above There will be a common activity to profit from the eQE analysis proposed to be performed in the WG2 based on electronic detector analysis. Analysis topic review and status

9 Summary The oscillation WG structure has been redefined and has 5 topics. Validate the data analysis chain Kinematics and global analysis of the 2008 data Charm analysis Tau analysis (all decay channel) e analysis First priority is to validate the first official root data sample and prepare the analysis tools for the kinematic and global analysis. People already working together –Charm meeting last week –Work for other topics will be organized soon