The Context: Making sure you have unbolted, unscrewed, and unattached everything, begin to pry the door panel from the door using a wide, thin screwdriver.
Representing it in SNePS…
Rules to be implemented: 1. For some X, Y, Z, & U, if agent Y performs action Z with instrument X, and X has ability U, then U is a necessary condition for/ component of Z.
Rules to be implemented: 1. For some X, Y, Z, & U, if agent Y performs action Z with instrument X, and X has ability U, then U is a necessary condition for/ component of Z. e.g. if somebody pries with a screwdriver, and a screwdriver can lever, then levering is part of the process of prying.
Rules to be implemented: 2. If some agent performs the act of beginning something, then that something will have duration.
Rules to be implemented (Maybe): 3. If any object has the property of being bolted, screwed, or attached, then no door panel can be removed.
Rules to be implemented (Maybe): 3. If any object has the property of being bolted, screwed, or attached, then no door panel can be removed. 4. If all objects are unscrewed, then a screwdriver will not be used to screw anything. (meaning that the screwdriver will perform some other function)
Things that will happen next:
1. Throw stuff into SNePS
Things that will happen next: 1. Throw stuff into SNePS 2. See what happens.
The End.