Almonaster la Real is a village situated in the North of Huelva’s Province, in the Sierra de Aracena y Picos de Aroche. The village has got seven hundred habitants. Almonaster has got fifteen small villages: -Veredas -Morales -El Patrás -Serpos -Cueva de la Mora -Juliana -Montes Blancos -Acebuches -El arroyo -Escalada -Gil Márquez -Aguafría -Canaleja -Calabazares -Mina Concepción
The climate is Atlantic- Mediterranean, with cold winters and cool summers. Almonaster has got important monuments, but the most important is Muslim Mosque, which was built by the Muslim in the ten century.
Almonaster has got a Town Hall in the centre, in the Plaza de la Constitución. His streets are cobble and has got old houses too. Almonaster has got a roman bridge and a pottery workshop.
Almonaster is very important for its celebrations: -Cruces de Mayo, which is celebrated the first weekend of May. -Romería de Santa Eulalia, which is a religious party. This party is celebrated the third weekend of May.
On december and January the slaughter of the pigs takes place. Almonaster has got a excellent shops of cold meats and cured ham.
For accomodation, Almonaster has got several hotels and rural houses. The Hotel Casa García, Las Palmeras and El Camino. For eat, Almonaster has got a excellent restaurants, as El Rincón de Curro and Las Palmeras.