A U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science Laboratory Operated by The University of Chicago Argonne National Laboratory Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy LCLS Facility Advisory Committee April 7-8, 2005 Undulator Controls Status Report S. Joshua Stein
Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 2 Undulator Controls : FY05 Managerial Goals Further refinements of cost and schedule -Adapt to procedural hurdles in schedule maintenance Manage the effort and M&S internally -Integrate effort reporting at ANL Integrate WBS with the global LCLS controls schedule Report accurate and realistic numbers
Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 3 Undulator Controls : Equipment location Assuming acceptance of Title II for the LCLS conventional facilities, the Undulator hall will have four service buildings to house equipment racks. Minimum of two penetrations per building Climate controlled Number of racks specified and power to each -4 x 20 A circuits ~90’ ~15’ Racks Penetration
Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 4 Undulator Controls : Undulator Hall Equipment concerns Heat generation Very tight thermal budget - transient heat must be kept to a minimum (steady-state not so much a problem) Whenever possible, high power components will be installed in the equipment buildings, or above the hall ceiling. Radiation No radiation is acceptable within the tunnel (due to magnetic degradation) so we can design with that in mind Electronics will be allowed within the tunnel Teflon cables allowed (??)
Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 5 Undulator Controls : Undulator Hall With the current building design, equipment cables may need to run 150’ Difficult (impossible) for encoder signals, motor drive, highly sensitive diagnostics When these lengths are an issue, intermediary equipment will be installed or the design modified See proposed motor control design BPM down-converting electronics will reside in the tunnel Signal to fiber convertors Cameralink RS-232
Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 6 Undulator Controls : Undulator Hall
Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 7 Undulator Controls : Undulator Hall
Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 8 Undulator Controls : Strongback Motion Motion control test stand is being assembled at APS to allow mock up of the motion stages of the undulator segments 5 Axis of ‘cam’ motion to adjust strongback position 2 Axis of ‘slide’ motion to move the segment in/out of beam centerline Current design thought is to use local “mini” IOCs at each segement to control the 7 axis. “ Smart” servo motors will be used Includes integrated brake to allow zero holding current Driver and controller integrated into the motor head Multi-drop capable Thermal budget is a concern
Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 9 Undulator Controls : Strongback Motion
Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 10 Undulator Controls : Strongback Motion Total power per axis: Nominal: ~ 270W. Standby: ~ 5.3W. Per ID: Nominal: ~ 1890W. Standby: ~ 37W (IOC: 7W, Encoder: 5.5W, Motion: 24.5W) Assume AC/DC power supply efficiency: ~80%. Power supply MTBF: ~200,000 hrs. IOC MTBF: ~170,000 hrs.
Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 11 Undulator Controls : OTR Imaging Current design-to requirements include: -30 Hz acquisition and analysis (up to 120Hz with reduced ROI) -Minimum 2MP camera - Remote gain adjustment - Remote scan gating (reduce FOV) -Minimum 12 bit (effective) resolution -“Standard” image analysis - Background subtraction - Centroid, FWHM, Profile, etc. -Correlation with time-stamps
Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 12 Undulator Controls : OTR Imaging Imaging test stand created at APS -Max dual G4 host - Image capturing board (PCI) - Host analysis software - Run soft IOC -Imperx MD1600 Digital Camera x1600 Resolution - Adjustable gain, FOV over cameraLink -Current metrics - Full-field analysis and display max at 15Hz - Confident that, with optimization, 30Hz is possible
Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 13 Undulator Controls : OTR Imaging Time Stamps have not been integrated yet -Current thought is to use PCI based EVR to receive event code Image Capture EVR OS X 100BT / Gig Event link CameraLink CamerLink / Fiber xcvr CamerLink / Fiber xcvr Camera