New Faculty Orientation September 19-20,
Academic Governance Relevant Policies University policies on Academic Freedom and Responsibilities (Section 2 of the Faculty Manual) nts/FacultyManual/facultymanual.pdf. nts/FacultyManual/facultymanual.pdf Guidelines for full-time Faculty Appointment, Re- appointment, and Promotion (provost’s website) )
Faculty Governance at Large Faculty Senate: The academic legislative body for academic affairs of the University, composed of members elected from the various faculties/schools in addition to senior administrators. The Senate is led by the president. It has several standing committees and boards and meets at least once per month throughout the academic year. Board of Deans: The academic executive body of the University. The BOD voting members are comprised of the president, provost, deans of the five faculties and the School of Business, vice presidents, and dean of student affairs.
Faculty Governance (Faculties/Schools) The Faculty: all full-time members of faculty. Administrative Committee Governing body at the Faculty; comprised mainly of academic department chairs and led by Dean. Standing Committees of the Faculty Members of all standing committees are elected from the voting faculty for a term of two years by the voting faculty.
Faculty Governance Faculties/Schools Standing Committees The Advisory Committee: the dean as chairperson and three to six members elected for a term of two years. It acts in an advisory and consultative capacity to the dean on appointment, promotion, reappointment or non-reappointment, leaves of absence. Other Faculty Standing Committees: UG Admissions, UG Student Academic Affairs, UG Curriculum, Graduate Studies, Research, Library, and Student Affairs.
Faculty Promotion Criteria: performance in teaching, research and service. Process: departmental promotion committee, departmental faculty, chair, Advisory Committee, dean, University promotion committee (expanded BOD), provost, president, & final approval of the BOT. Questions: refer to mentors, department chairs, and deans.
Faculty Re-appointment Policy Assistant professor Associate professor Full professor
Faculty Development Faculty Development Grants Short-term grants: support travel to international conferences, symposia, or meetings to present research results. Long-term grants: support research travel during the summer months (between 2 and 8 weeks). Junior Faculty paid research leave: Junior faculty in their third or fourth year of appointment at AUB receive one semester paid research leave.
URB Research Grants The University provides grant support for research activities. Competitively awarded to individual or group research projects. Administered by the Office of Grants and Contracts: Up to $10,000 in annual funding. Faculty members are encouraged to supplement URB funding with additional funding from other sources. Call for grant applications will be disseminated as early as mid-November.
Some Current Academic Initiatives Periodic Review of Academic Programs Enrollment Management and Services Graduate Education Interdisciplinary Educational and Research Programs Institutional Integrity Policies: -General Policies: including Non-Discrimination, Discriminatory Harassment, Sexual Harassment, and Conflicts of Interest -Academic Policies: Research Integrity, Human Research Protection, Animal Research, Intellectual Property
Other Key Policies ents/FacultyManual/facultymanual.pdf ents/FacultyManual/facultymanual.pdf Research and Outside Faculty Activities University-Funded Faculty Development and Research Grants External Research Grants Graduate Assistantships and Graduate Research Assistantships Research Assistantships Intellectual Property Non-Infringement of Copyright Academic Integrity at AUB. Periodic Paid Research Leave Leave Without Pay
Thank You July 16, 2015