Lecturer: Moni Naor Foundations of Privacy Formal Lecture Zero-Knowledge and Deniable Authentication
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Authentication and Non-Repudiation Key idea of modern cryptography [Diffie-Hellman]: can make authentication (signatures) transferable to third party - Non-repudiation. –Essential to contract signing, e-commerce… Digital Signatures: last 25 years major effort in –Research Notions of security Computationally efficient constructions –Technology, Infrastructure (PKI), Commerce, Legal
Is non-repudiation always desirable ? Not necessarily so: Privacy of conversation, no ( verifiable ) record. –Do you want everything you ever said to be held against you? If Bob pays for the authentication, shouldn't be able to transfer it for free Perhaps can gain efficiency Alternative: (Plausible) Deniability If the recipient (or any recipient) could have generated the conversation himself or an indistinguishable one
Deniable Authentication Setting: Sender has a public key known to receiver Want to an authentication scheme such that the receiver keeps no receipt of conversation. This means: Any receiver could have generated the conversation itself. –There is a simulator that for any message m and verifier V* generates an indistinguishable conversation. –Exactly as in Zero-Knowledge! –An example where zero-knowledge is the ends, not the means ! Proof of security consists of Unforgeability and Deniability
Encryption Assume a public key encryption scheme E Public key P k – knowing P k can encrypt message m –Compute Y=E(P k, m) With corresponding secret key P s, given y can retrieve m m=D(P s, E(P k, m)) Process is probabilistic : to actually encrypt choose random string and compute Y=E(P K, x, ). Plaintext ciphertext
Deniable Authentication Completeness for any good sender and receiver possible to complete the authentication on any message Unforgeability Existential unforgeable against adaptive chosen message attack –Adversary can ask to authenticate any sequence m 1, m 2, … –Has to succeed in making V accept a message m not previously authenticated –Has complete control over the channels Deniability –For any(?) verifier, there is simulator that can generate computationally indistinguishable conversations.
Interactive Authentication P wants to convince V that he is approving message m P has a public key P k and a secret key P s of encryption scheme E. To authenticate a message m: V P : Choose x 2 R {0,1} n. Send c=E(P K, m ° x) P V : Receiving c Decrypt c using P s Verify that prefix of plaintext is m. If yes - send x. V is satisfied if he receives the same x he chose
Is it Safe? Want: Existential unforgeability against adaptive chosen message attack –Adversary can ask to authenticate any sequence m 1, m 2, … –Has to succeed in making V accept a message m not authenticated –Has complete control over the channels Intuition of security: if E does not leak information about plaintext –Nothing is leaked about x Unforgeability: depends on the strength of E Sensitive to malleability : –if given E(P K, m x, ) can generate E(P K, m’ x’, ’) where m’ is related to m and x’ is related to x then can forge.
Security of the scheme Unforgeability: depends on the strength of E Sensitive to malleability : –if given E(P K, m r, ) can generate E(P K, m’ r’, ’) w here m’ is related to m and r’ is related to x then can forge. The protocol allows a chosen ciphertext attack on E. –Even of the post-processing kind! Can prove that any strategy for existential forgery can be translated into a CCA strategy on E Works even against concurrent executions. Deniability: does V retain a receipt?? –It does not retain one for an honest V –Need to prove knowledge of r There are encryption schemes satisfying the desired requirements
No receipts Can the verifier convince third party that the prover approved a certain message?
Simulator for honest receiver Choose x R {0,1} n. Output: h Y=E(P K, m x, ), x, i Has exactly the same distribution as a real conversation when the verifier is following the protocol Statistical indistinguishability Verifier might cheat by checking whether certain ciphertext have as a prefix m No known concrete way of doing harm this way
Commitment Schemes – Hiding: A computationally bounded receiver learns nothing about X. – Binding: s can only be “opened” to the value X. Receiver Sender Commit Phase Sender Receiver X s Reveal Phase v X X Reveal Verification Algorithm s, v, X yes/no
Encryption as Commitment When the public key P K is fixed and known Y=E(P K, x, ) can be seen as commitment to x To open x: reveal , the random bits used to create Y Perfect binding: from unique decryption For any Y there are no two different x and x’ and and ’ s.t. Y=E(P K, x, ) =E(P K, x’, ’) Secrecy: no information about x is leaked to those not knowing private key P S
Deniable Protocol P has a public key P K of an encryption scheme E. To authenticate message m : V P : Choose x R {0,1} n. Send Y=E(P K, m x, ) P V : Decrypt Y=E(P K j, m x, ), Send E(P K, x, ) V P : Send x and - opening Y=E(P K, m x, ) P V : Verify consistency and open E(P K, x, ) by sending . P commits to the value x. Does not reveal it yet
Security of the scheme Unforgeability: as before - depends on the strength of E can simulate previous scheme (with access to D(P K,. )) Important property: E(P K, x, ) is a non-malleable commitment (wrt the encryption) to x. Deniability: can run simulator: Extract x by running with E(P K, garbage, ) and rewinding –Expected polynomial time Need the semantic security of E - acts as a commitment scheme In Step 2. Instead of E(P K, x, )
Complexity of the scheme Sender: single decryption, single encryption and singe encryption verification Receiver: same Communication Complexity: O(1) public-key encryptions
Ring Signatures and Authentication Want to keep the sender anonymous by proving that the signer is a member of an ad hoc set –Other members do not cooperate –Use their `regular’ public-keys –Should be indistinguishable which member of the set is actually doing the authentication Bob Alice? Eve
Ring Authentication Setting A ring is an arbitrary set of participants including the authenticator Each member i of the ring has a public encryption key P K i –Only i knows the corresponding secret key P S i To run a ring authentication protocol both sides need to know P K 1, P K 2, …, P K n the public keys of the ring members...
Deniable Ring Authentication Completeness for any good sender and receiver possible to complete the authentication on any message Unforgeability Existential unforgeable against adaptive chosen message attack Deniability –For any verifier, for any arbitrary set of keys, some good some bad, there is simulator that can generate computationally indistinguishable conversations. Source Hiding : –For any verifier, for any arbitrary set of keys, some good some bad, the source is computationally indistinguishable among the good keys Source Hiding and Deniability – incomparable
An almost Good Ring Authentication Protocol Ring has public keys P K 1, P K 2, …, P K n of encryption scheme E To authenticate message m with jth decryption key P S j : V P : Choose x {0,1} n. Send E(P K 1, m x, 1 ), E(P K 2, m x, 2 ), …, E(P K n, m x, n ) P V : Decrypt E(P K j, m x, j ), using P S j and Send E(P K 1, x, 1 ), E(P K 2, x, 2 ), …, E(P K n, x, n ) V P : open all the E(P K i, m x, i )’s by Send x and 1, 2,…, n P V : Verify consistency and open all E(P K i, x, i ) by Send x and 1, 2,… n Problem: what if not all suffixes ( x ‘s) are equal And the adversary knows one the keys!
The Ring Authentication Protocol Ring has public keys P K 1, P K 2, …, P K n of encryption scheme E To authenticate message m with jth decryption key P S j : V P : Choose x {0,1} n. Send E(P K 1, m x, 1 ), E(P K 2, m x, 2 ), …, E(P K n, m x, n ) P V : Decrypt E(P K j, m x, j ), using P S j and Send E(P K 1, x 1, 1 ), E(P K 2, x 2, 2 ), …, E(P K n, x n, n ) Where x=x 1 +x 2 + x n V P : open all the E(P K j, m x, j )’s, by Send x and 1, 2,…, n P V : Verify consistency and open all E(P K i, x, i ) by Send x 1, x 2, …, x n and 1, 2,… n
Complexity of the scheme Sender: single decryption, n encryptions and n encryption verifications Receiver: n encryptions and n encryption verifications Communication Complexity: O(n) public-key encryptions
Security of the scheme Unforgeability: as before (assuming all keys are well chosen) since E(P K 1, x 1, t 1 ), E(P K 2, x 2, t 2 ),…,E(P K 1, x n, t n ) where x=x 1 +x 2 + x n is a non-malleable commitment to x Source Hiding: which key was used (among well chosen keys) is –Computationally indistinguishable during protocol –Statistically indistinguishable after protocol If ends successfully Deniability: Can run simulator `as before’
Properties of the Scheme Works with any good encryption scheme - members of the ring are unwilling participants. Fairly efficient scheme: –Need n encryptions n verifications and one decryption Can extend the scheme so that convince a verifier that At least k members confirm the message.
Extended Protocol Ring has public keys P K 1, P K 2, …, P K n of encryption scheme E To authenticate message m with subset T of decryption keys: : To authenticate message m with subset T of decryption keys: V P : Choose r {0,1} n. and split into shares x 1, x 2, … x n Send E(P K 1, m x 1, r 1 ), E(P K 2, m x 2, r 2 ), …, E(P K 1, m x n, r n ) P V : For each j T decrypt E(P K j, m x j, r j ) using P S j and reconstruct r Send E(P K 1, x’ 1, 1 ), E(P K 2, x’ 2, 2 ), …, E(P K n, x’ n, n ) Where r=x’ 1 +x’ 2 + x’ n V P : open all the E(P K i, m x j, r i ) by Send x 1, x 2, … x n and r 1, r 2,… r n P V : Verify consistency and open all E(P K i, x, t i ) by Send t 1, t 2,… t n and x’ 1, x’ 2,…, x’ n
Ring Signatures [RST] Rivest, Shamir and Tauman proposed Ring Signatures: Signature on message m by a member of an ad hoc set of participants –Using existing Infrastructure for signatures For a generated signature the source is (statistically) indistinguishable Non-repudiation - recipient can convince a third party of the authenticity of a signature Non-interactive - single round Efficient - if underlying signature is low exponent RSA/Rabin –Need Ideal Cipher for combining function
What are the social implications of the existence of ring authentication and signatures?
Related Notions Deniability and anonymity can have many meanings…, long history in Crypto Deniable Encryption Undeniable signatures –Chameleon signatures (Krawczyk and Rabin 98). Group signatures The signature is intended for ultimate adjudication by a third party (judge). –Not deniable if secret keys are revealed! Designated verifier proofs
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Coming Lectures – Irit Dinur and Kobbi Nissim, Revealing information while preserving privacy. PODS, 2003.Revealing information while preserving privacy. – Cynthia Dwork, Frank McSherry and Kunal Talwar, The price of privacy and the limits of LP decoding. STOC 2007,The price of privacy and the limits of LP decoding Differntial Privacy – Cynthia Dwork, Frank McSherry, Kobbi Nissim and Adam Smith: Calibrating Noise to Sensitivity in Private Data Analysis. TCC 2006,Calibrating Noise to Sensitivity in Private Data Analysis – A. Blum, C. Dwork, F. McSherry, and K. Nissim, Practical Privacy: The SuLQ Framework, PODS, 2005.Practical Privacy: The SuLQ Framework Contingency Tables – Boaz Barak, Kamalika Chaudhuri, Cynthia Dwork, Satyen Kale, Frank McSherry and Kunal Talwar, Privacy, accuracy, and consistency too: a holistic solution to contingency table release. PODS 2007: Privacy, accuracy, and consistency too: a holistic solution to contingency table release. – Lars Backstrom, Cynthia Dwork and Jon M. Kleinberg: Wherefore art thou r3579x?: Anonymized social networks, hidden patterns, and structural steganography. WWW 2007Wherefore art thou r3579x?: Anonymized social networks, hidden patterns, and structural steganography Application of Differential Privacy – Kunal Talwar and Frank McSherry, Mechanism Design via Differential Privacy. FOCS, 2007.Mechanism Design via Differential Privacy – Kobbi Nissim, Sofya Raskhodnikova and Adam Smith. Smooth Sensitivity and Sampling in Private Data Analysis, STOC 2007,Smooth Sensitivity and Sampling in Private Data Analysis
Extras Fuzzy Extractors RFIDs, –Yossi Oren and Adi Shamir, Power Analysis of RFID TagsPower Analysis of RFID Tags –Stephen A. Weis Security of HB+Security of HB+ Face\Vision Crowd –Enabling Video Privacy through Computer VisionEnabling Video Privacy through Computer Vision –E. Newton, L. Sweeney, and B. Malin. Preserving Privacy by De- identifying Facial ImagesPreserving Privacy by De- identifying Facial Images