Packages, Javadoc, Testing, GUIs Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Class notes
JavaDoc Documentation View in BlueJ through Interface View on web through API documentation (application programming interface): – Write your own /** Here is what my Class does * can go over multiple lines */
JavaDoc: write your own Write in html (text IS html) /** Here is my important part */ Use your date or name description For a full list of tags, see:
Quiz 6 Add javadoc to your mastermind program. Add an explanation for each method when appropriate. Add a comment at the beginning of the program. and put the date. View your javadoc through the BlueJ interface. Print out your source code with the javadoc comments.
Using the API Use API whenever you want to do something, but don’t know how Example: How do I use Random numbers? Look at API for Random Or, Look at documentation for classes: – –(note: search isn’t always that helpful) Or, look at: –This has a more graphical representation than the API; most people use the API –Look at top description and each method summary
Chapter 6 Testing
Testing/Debugging Syntax errors: Initially fixing syntax errors the hard part. After that, fixing logic errors: Testing: Ensuring that your code works Debugging: finding where code is incorrect
Levels of Testing Unit testing Application testing Always start at the lowest level Test after every method is written Use these tests throughout. after each method, run all of the old tests
Types of Testing (in BlueJ) Inspection System.out.println Regression Testing –Create tests and rerun them for each new development To do that, Test Harness/Test Rig –Class whose sole purpose is to test another class To do that, Automatic Testing using junit To do that, Record Tests
Testing, version 1 (textbook: 6.4) Write a method that will test different parts of a class. Example: day (simple blackberry) –in chapter 6, projects –diary-testing –OneHourTests class
Testing, version 2 Downsides of version 1 –results have to be checked by eye and checker has to know what results should be –automate process diary-testing-junit-v1 –green boxes are tests classes –supports unit testing, regression testing –part of BlueJ (not Java, but in the spirit of Java) –Run tests button Test classes contain –source code to test class, AND –assert.equals( ) to test whether test was successful
Testing, writing our own To Test findSpace method Record a test –Start Recording –Perform the test on the object bench –End Recording
Start Recording Show unit testing –Under tools, preferences, miscellaneous, check "Show unit testing tools" checkbox Compile all classes Create Test Class (if one is not there) –Right click on class –Choose "Create Test Class" Create Test Method –Right click on test class, chose "Create Test Class Method" –Put a name in (findSpace9)
Perform a Test on the Object Bench Red Circle means recording Create objects –Create a day object –Create an Appointment objects with a one- hour duration –Call the findSpace method in Day Check that the test is correct –right answer –assert box checked
End Recording End recording Examine source code in test class
Quiz 7 Write a test unit class for Mastermind and write two unit tests for the same method (test it using two different inputs). If you have no methods with parameters, then write two test for two different methods.
Graphical User Interfaces class notes (in book chapter 11)
GUIs: using Sun’s javadoc Graphical User Interfaces implemented in Java in javax.Swing and AWT packages (Swing is newer, better, but some stuff only in AWT) For general information, click on library Do tutorial Note ‘x’
Designing Program with Graphical User Interfaces GUI Programs have two parts/classes: –the User Interface –the engine In Mastermind –User interface is board and methods that use can call –The engine is what does the calculations: calculates black and whites/win/lose/generates answer, etc.
Implementating GUIs: GUI parts Components –buttons, menus, textfields, etc. Layout –Where on the screen to put the components. use LayoutManager Event Handling –instead of executing methods when called (by BlueJ or in code), execute methods when an event occurs (e.g., mouse click on a button)
Swing Java has AWT (old, Abstract Window Toolkit) and Swing (based on AWT) Swing prefixes components with J –e.g., Button is from AWT, jButton is Swing –We’ll use Swing To use Swing: import java.awt.*; // * means all packages in import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; // note ‘x’
Swing Specifics Everything in a container Two top level containers: JFrame, JApplet Other containers can be embedded within each other: Jbutton on JPanel on another JPanel, etc. Lots of parts to a JFrame, mostly ContentPane –content panes can hold any number of components –(4 components in windowFrame in lab3) –contentPane (only one) vs JPanel (can have lots)
Building a Window Everything is in a JFrame JFrame has –Title bar –Menu bar (optional) –Content Pane title bar menu bar content pane Frame (whole window)
Code for a Frame To build a JFrame, do 4 things (From 150 lab3 1. Create new JFrame and put a title in private JFrame windowFrame = new JFrame(“Word Jumble 1.0”); 2. Tie parts to JFrame (component, menubar, etc) // if gameWordPanel already exists – type JPanel Container cp = WindowFrame.getContentPane( ); cp.add(gameWordPanel); OR windowFrame.getContentPane( ).add(gameWordPanel); OR (in Java5): windowFrame.add(gameWordPanel);
Code for a JFrame 3. pack frame. arrange components windowFrame.pack( ) 4. make the frame visible (can also make it invisible, as in quitWord) windowFrame.setVisible(true);
Some Components JButton JPanel JLabel Lots, look at: /swing/package-summary.html
title bar minimize maximize close come for free component (JPanel) { Also in lab3, what to do on close (click on red X): windowFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
Layout managers Manage limited space for components. –FlowLayout, BorderLayout, GridLayout, BoxLayout, GridBagLayout (most flexible, hardest) Manage Container objects, e.g. a content pane. Each imposes its own style.
BorderLayout default for top level containers (JFrame)
BoxLayout Note: no component resizing.
Layout Manager Lab 3 4 JPanels gameWordPanel, gameGuessPanel, gameButtonPanel, gameStatusPanel
Layout Managers – Lab 3 Container contentPane = windowFrame.getContentPane ( ); contentPane.setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 1)); OR windowFrame.getContentPane().setLayout(new GridLayout(4,1)); OR windowFrame.setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 1)); // add panels in order windowFrame.getContentPane().add(gameWordPanel); windowFrame.getContentPane().add(gameGuessPanel); windowFrame.getContentPane().add(gameButtonPanel); windowFrame.getContentPane().add(gameStatusPanel);
Events We can now put items on a JFrame and arrange them. We need to be able to do something with them. Action Events –mouse click, mouse over, window action, menu choice, etc. General, ActionListener –Something happened –in java.awt.event –( vent/package-summary.html) vent/package-summary.html
“Check” button in Lab 3: add ActionListener event //Associate actionlistener with button and write actionPerformed b = new JButton("Check"); b.addActionListener(new ActionListener( ) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { System.out.println("Check is " + e.getActionCommand()); checkWord(); } );
Action Listeners: a different way b = new JButton("Check"); b.addActionListener(new checkAction( )); private class checkAction implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { System.out.println("Check is " + e.getActionCommand()); checkWord(); }
Create a Frame with Questions //Create the frame: –JFrame frame = new JFrame( ); // layout is BorderLayout //Create the button panel –JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(); // layout is flowLayout //Create the buttons: –JButton b1 = new JButton("yes"); –JButton b2 = new JButton("no"); –JButton b3 = new JButton("maybe"); //Create the Question Label: –JLabel question = new JLabel( );
Create a Frame with Questions part 2 // Add the buttons to the Panel –buttonPanel.add(b1); –buttonPanel.add(b2); –buttonPanel.add(b3); // Add the question and panel to the frame –frame.add(question, BorderLayout.CENTER); –frame.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); // Pack the frame and display it –frame.setSize(200, 100); // instead of frame.pack( ); –frame.setVisible(true); –frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame. EXIT_ON_CL OSE );
No action listener No action listeners yet