School Lunch and the School Environment Parting thoughts
School Lunch Nutrients in meals averaged over a week School decides food items served as long as meal pattern and nutrients are met
Local wellness policies By 2006 – 2007 Includes physical activity and nutrition education goals USDA guidelines, school district decides specifics
Opportunities for Extension HealthierUS Challenge FNEP helps meet nutrition ed. in the school FNEP reaches other channels like parents
Local wellness policy Work w/partners USDA DESE DHSS
Who does what? NPA: nutr. ed. in classroom & to parents, link w/school food service, coalition Specialist, coordinator: Help develop policy – join local School Health Advisory Council, provide training May vary from region to region!
Quote – Gabriela Mistral Many things we need can wait. The child cannot. Now is the time his bones are being formed; his blood is being made, his mind is being developed. To him we cannot say tomorrow. His name is today.
Next ITV – August 12, 2005 Food safety and food production – from antibiotics in animals to organic foods and pesticides