Contoh kesalahan keselamatan dan kesihatan
Contoh kesalahan keselamatan dan kesihatan #1 Source : Scene noted at a campus building in University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee (UWM)
Contoh kesalahan keselamatan dan kesihatan #1 Source : The door wedge holding open this fire door, a seemingly harmless condition, represents fire/life safety hazard and fire code violation. Never prop open fire doors. Fire doors are normally located in stairwells and hallways. Fire doors are to remain closed. The very purpose of these doors is to prevent smoke and heat from traveling up stairwells and along corridors.
Contoh kesalahan keselamatan dan kesihatan #2 Source : Scene noted at a campus building in University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee (UWM)
Contoh kesalahan keselamatan dan kesihatan #2 Source : A wire strap is being used to hold open this fire door, a seemingly harmless condition, represents fire/life safety hazard and fire code violation. Never prop or tie open fire doors. Fire doors are normally located in stairwells and hallways. Fire doors are to remain closed. The very purpose of these doors is to prevent smoke and heat from traveling up stairwells and along corridors.
Contoh kesalahan keselamatan dan kesihatan #3 Source : Responding to an indoor air quality complaint in a campus building at UWM
Contoh kesalahan keselamatan dan kesihatan #3 Source : The following product resulted in the malodor. The material safety data sheet (MSDS) stated this product contains methylene chloride, phenol and aromatic petroleum distillates. This dilapidated container caused product to spill and resulted in significant malodors. This indoor air quality problem was easily resolved with the prompt and proper disposal of this product. Persons who use chemicals at are responsible for conducting periodic chemical inventories and inspections, partially for assessing the integrity of product containers. Please remember that proper labeling and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are required for all chemicals. In this instance, the MSDS for this product was available on the manufacturer's web site.Material Safety Data Sheets
Contoh kesalahan keselamatan dan kesihatan #4 Source : Observed at a laboratory in UWM
Contoh kesalahan keselamatan dan kesihatan #4 Source : The right cylinder is not secured, and the left cylinder is not properly secured. Both could easily fall. Compressed gas cylinders are heavy and awkward to handle and a falling cylinder can cause serious injury. When cylinders are mishandled or improperly stored they may explode, release their hazardous contents or become dangerous projectiles. Empty cylinders should be clearly marked and stored as carefully as those that are full because residual gas may be present. Compressed gas cylinders should be secured firmly at all times. A clamp and belt or chain, securing the cylinder between "waist" and "shoulder" to a wall, are generally suitable for this purpose.
Contoh kesalahan keselamatan dan kesihatan #5 Source : Found in a university research stockroom in UWM
Contoh kesalahan keselamatan dan kesihatan #5 Source : This cylinder has rusted, presenting a chemical leak and exposure hazard. The deteriorated label doesn't permit identification of the contents, thus the range of potential hazards can't be narrowed down. By what's left of the label we can only assume it's hydrogen-something or another. Perhaps hydrogen gas, a flammable gas; hydrogen chloride, hydrogen bromide, or hydrogen flouride, which are corrosive gases; maybe even hydrogen cyanide, a poison gas? Many hundreds, even thousands of dollars may be spent to safely identify and properly dispose this small gas cylinder and contents.
Contoh kesalahan keselamatan dan kesihatan #6 Source : Observed while walking about in UWM
Contoh kesalahan keselamatan dan kesihatan #6 Source : This metal conduit box is being used in manner for which it was not designed. The box is intended to be mounted on a wall or other stationary object; it was not designed as a portable outlet box at the end of an extension cord. This piece of equipment is not being used in accordance with the manufacturer's intended use (violation of OSHA 29 CFR (a) - (g) and NEC 110-3(b)).The cords are clamped with box connectors that are designed for romex-type flat cable, not flexible cord. Note the lack of insulation around the wires at the end of the box; frayed wires could result in an electrocution hazard (OSHA 29 CFR (b)(1) or an electrical fault which could ultimately lead to a fire of nearby combustible materials. Flexible cords must be connected to devices and fittings so that strain relief is provided which will prevent pull from being directly transmitted to joints or terminal screws (OSHA (g)(2)(iv)). The users of this piece of equipment failed to identify this damaged (and non-compliant) equipment and failed to remove it from service (i.e., they didn't recognize the hazard). (OSHA 29 CFR (a)(2)((ii). Another example of a non-compliant extension cord. Note the missing knock-out. The plug with a missing cover cap is illegal. Dead-front plugs replaced these several years ago, because the covers fall off after a while, leaving exposed terminals.