Image reproduction +fMRI
Filtered Back Projection
Filtered backprojection Filter the measured projection data at different projection angles with a special function. Backproject the filtered projection data to form the reconstructed image. Filtering can be implemented in 2 ways, in the spatial domain, the filter operation is equivalent to to convolving the measured projection data using a special convolving function h(t) More efficient multiplication will be in the spatial frequency domain. FFT the measured projection data into the frequency domain: p(, )=FT {p(t, ) Multiply the the fourier transform projections with the special function. Inverse Fourier transform the product p ’ (, ).
Phase Encoding Gradient FrequencyPhaseSlice Slice Plane Y or XX or YZXY Z or XX or ZYXZ Z or YY or ZXYZ
Phase encoding
K space
K Space
Partial K space reconstruction
Zero padding
Conjugate symmetry
Homodyne reconstruction
Mechanism of BOLD Functional MRI Brain activity Oxygen consumptionCerebral blood flow Oxyhemoglobin Deoxyhemoglobin Magnetic susceptibility T2* MRI signal intesity
Magnetic Properties of Oxyhemoglobin and Deoxyhemoglobin Deoxyhemoglobin: paramagnetic ( > 0) paramagnetic with respect to the surrounding tissue Oxyhemoglobin: diamagnetic ( < 0) isomagnetic with respect to the surrounding tissue
T 2 * Effect in fMRI excitation reception MR signal (S) action rest TE t
Time Series and Activation Maps Off On Scan Number Signal Intensity
Temporal resolution Impulse-response function 2s 5s 12s
PCA_IMAGE: PCA of time space: 1: exclude first frames 2: drift 3: long-range correlation or anatomical effect: remove by converting to % of brain 4: signal?