Laser Display System Design Review Presentation 2 Christopher Nigro David Merillat
Project Objectives Produce a simple, binary, graphical display using a set of diode lasers. –Support Test Displays Stationary Scrolling –Possible Support for Images/Video Displays –Minimize Lasers Required Should Control Cost –Provide Sufficient Accuracy and Precision Minimize Jitter and Flicker in Image
High Level Overview
Display Specifications SpecificationValue Refresh RateMinimum 60 Hz Vertical Resolution16 pixels Vertical Height12.5 cm ± 0.5 cm Vertical Jitter< ½ pixel Horizontal Resolution100 pixels Horizontal Field of View90° ± 1° Horizontal Jitter< ½ pixel Optimal Projection Distance70 cm
Target Display Modes Target Deliverables –Basic Text Display Display basic 8-point text. –Scrolling Text Display Display scrolling 8-point text at a configurable speed. –Pause Display Pause displays between commands. Goal Deliverables –Binary Image Display Display ASCII-encoded binary images. –Binary Video Display Display animation, or correlated sets of ASCII-encoded binary images.
ModuleStatusExecutor Software Text Rasterization / AnalysisCompleted in SimulationDave Text DisplayCompleted in SimulationDave Text ScrollingTBDDave Input Parsing / Recipe ControlTBDChris FIFO Output RoutinesCompletedDave Timing Signals / TablesTBDBoth Hardware Motor Control System Started, DesignedDave Frame Construction CompletedChris Mirror Construction CompletedChris Laser Alignment CompletedChris Laser Mounting Interfacing Nearly CompleteBoth Mirror Mounting CompletedChris Motor Mounting CompletedChris Electronics / Circuits FIFO Interfacing CompletedDave Laser Drivers CompletedDave Motor Control Circuit Designed / AcquiredDave Sensor Circuit Designed, not TestedDave Progress to Date
System Diagrams - Hardware Organization
System Diagrams - Software Organization
System Diagrams – Sensor Setup Calibrating from the beginning of each mirror face’s sweep precludes the need to calibrate all four faces with respect to one reference angle.
System Diagrams – Motor Control Circuit
System Test Plan Test PhaseDescriptionDetails Phase 1Component Testing Test individual Components for expected operational limits and performance. Phase 2Software Simulation Develop and simulate all possible software prior to actual system level testing. Phase 3Circuit Testing Construct and individually test system subcircuits. Phase 4Subsystem Integration Integrate and interface various system components. Phase 5Overall System Testing Test and adjust completed system.
System Details – Power Consumption Lasers 12V = 2.5W Motor and Control Interface 12V = 5.87 W 5 V =.32 W Microprocessor 5V =.79 W Total Consumption = 9.51 W
System Details - Cost ItemCostSupplier Motorola MC68332 Microprocessor$200New Micros, Inc. Diode Lasers (20)$ Mirrors$7Johnstown Glass Co. Frame Hardware$10Home Depot Lexan$10Home Depot Circuit Components$15Radio Shack Nidec Motor and Control BoardFreeOld Yamaha 4x CDR Drive Mirror Mounting Equipment$3Home Depot Duplo BlocksFree FIFO ChipsFreeRIT Computer Engineering Technology Dept. Total Cost$345
Conclusion Safety Concerns –Spinning Glass Mirrors at ~1000 RPM –Must secure motor shaft and mirrors. – Mounting equipment must be sturdy. –This has been taken into consideration during construction. Questions, Comments, Suggestions