Experiences using a local AVHRR receiving station to assist monitoring of Central American volcanoes Peter Webley KCL
AVHRR Real time Volcano Monitoring Project Objectives Improve geological and geotechnical hazard avoidance capacity Improve capacity for low cost, rapid hazard, risk and vulnerability assessment Development systems for maintaining and improving national geoscience information Assess the capability of remote sensing for enhancing operational volcano monitoring Incorporates both geophysical and social science components
AVHRR Real time Volcano Monitoring Project Accomplishments Installation of the AVHRR receiving station Provided the software to allow the INETER staff to capture the data in real time Designed and installed automated capture and analysis system Carried out extensive case studies into the application of AVHRR to monitor and detect thermal volcanic activity Designed analysis system to monitor volcanoes in Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador and Costa Rica Development of web based interface for data download and thermal monitoring Multi-National Workshop in Nicaragua during March 2004 Developments Thermal fingerprint to detect eruption alert system Assessment of operational use of system Ash cloud monitoring system
Co-operating Countries and Partners Countries Nicaragua, Guatemala, Costa Rica and El Salvador UK, USA and Japan Partners BURS – Bradford University Remote Sensing KCL – Kings College London INETER - Instituto Nicaraguense de Estudios Territoriales CONRED - Comisión Nacional para Reducción de Desastres INSIVUMEH – Instituto Nacional de Sismologia, Vulcanologia, Meteorologia e Hidrologia. SNET - Servicio Nacional de Estudios Territoriales OVSICORI - Observatorio Vulcanológico y Sismológico de Costa Rica MTU – Michigan Technology University University of Tokyo
AVHRR Receiving Station and Data Swath area : 2000 km * 2000km satellite passes per day Data 5 Spectral Channels Measuring Reflectance and Temperature At 1.1 km resolution at nadir Analysis Use T 3 – T 4 to look at volcanic activity Determine radiance for the hotspot pixels Use T 4 – T 5 for ash cloud test Provide time series of important data BandWavelength (μm) Resolution (km) 1~ ~ a~ b~ ~ ~
Planning orbits
AVHRR Capture Software Data Capture Data calibration Data converted to universal format Processing fully automated
Capture System : Automatic NOAA Scheduler Carries out orbit planning, data capture and data calibration Conversion to universal format automated
Computing/Data Storage Computing Data Capturing Data Analysis Software BURS ENVI/IDL Data files RAW – 10 – 40 MB ENVI BIL – 90 – 180 MB Data Storage Per day: 400 – 500 MB CD backup Copied each week Storage within INETER Development to DVD storage Analysis outputs Stored on PC Displayed on website
Analysis System : Stage 1 Uses IDL/ENVI Automatically compiles and runs code if pass within past 30 minutes If no pass, then will close and re-load in 30 minutes Loads AVHRR scene into ENVI and extracts the following data Channels 1 to 5, Latitude and Longitude Satellite Azimuth, Satellite Elevation, Sun Azimuth and Sun Elevation 8 volcanoes in Nicaragua, 8 in Guatemala, 4 in Costa Rica and 4 in El Salvador Assigns a pixel corresponding to the volcano summit For each volcano, program carries out the following analyses Find the Max Temp 3 – 4 close to the summit pixel Determines Thresholds to detect ‘ hot/anomalous ’ pixels Determines Radiance anomalies Carries out Cloud Analysis of region surrounding the volcano
Analysis System : Stage 2 Finds the Maximum Temp 3 – 4 value in a 7 by 7 grid from summit pixel Determines this is be an anomalous pixel and creates 7 by 7 grid around hotspot pixel Determines the mean and standard deviation of this new array Analyses to determine which pixels are anomalous. If none, then no radiance calculations Uses these anomalous pixels in Radiance calculations
Analysis System : Stage 3 Calculates the Radiance for Channels 3, 4 and 5 from equation: λ = wavelength (m) T is temperature (K) L is Spectral Radiance (W/m 2 /sr/μm) h is Planck ’ s Constant (6.6* Js) k is Boltzmann ’ s constant (1.38* J/K) c is the speed of light (3*10 8 m/s) Calculates 3 Radiance anomalies for those ‘ hot ’ pixels Σ (Equivalent anomaly) Radiance from Channel 3 – Radiance from Channel 4 equivalent to Channel 3 (T 3, λ 4 ) Σ (Simulated anomaly) Radiance from Channel 3 – Radiance from Channel 3 simulated Simulated temperature from linear relationship between Channel 3 and 4 Σ (Background anomaly) Radiance from Channel 3 – Radiance from Channel 3 background Background temperature from edge pixels of 7*7 grid
Analysis System : Stage 4 Determines fully georeferenced images for all 24 volcanoes in Central America Creates text file outputs Including Channels 1 to 5, Channels 3 – 4, 4 – 5 at volcano summit and hotspot Latitude and Longitude at volcano summit and hotspot Number of saturated pixels Ash cloud pixels Radiance anomalies Updates time series figures for each volcano Past week Past month Last 6 months (rolling) Max per day Creates ASCII gridded data centred on each volcano Creates ENVI image files so user can analyse the data themselves Creates ARCVIEW raster and shape files
Outputs from Analysis (1) Text file based outputs for each volcano Channels 1 to 5 at Summit and hotspot Channels 3 – 4 and 4 – 5 at summit and hotspot Ash based and Saturated based pixels Three Radiance anomalies Distance between summit and hotspot CI and Cloud value for summit pixel Cloud index + Summit value Date and time of image Radiance anomalies Channels 3, 4 and 5 at hotspot
Outputs from Analysis (2) Fully georeferenced images for each country and volcano Processed data in real-time for own personal analysis Gridded text files of AVHRR data for each volcano Time series plots of text data.
Data Availability Real-time data accessible from website Fully georeferenced imagery Time series of Radiance anomalies Gridded data around each volcano Image files to allow users to carry own analysis. Access to data by web site for all volcanoes by end of Sept 2004 Data for Research Access provided so user can order past data for research purposes. Data available from March 2003 until present Process for ordering and sending data being developed Software required BURS. Will be supplied to interested parties ENVI. To analyse ‘ img ’ files. (
Overview of Demonstration Data planning Data capture Data calibration Conversion of data to ENVI format Automation of data capturing Overview of analysis system
Overview of Practical Fuego eruption in January 2004 Analysis of data for thermal activity Use of ENVI Data for 27 th December 2003, 6 th, 9 th and 12 th January 2004 Outputting data to images and ASCII format Demo of analysis system for images for 8 th and 9 th January Time series of Thermal activity