Jerry Blazey ICAR Review 9/10/03 Overview of Accelerator - ICAR Activities at NIU Accelerator Physics activities at NIU are rather diverse –Beam Physics supervised by Court Bohn –Muon Cooling supervised by Mary Anne Cummings A number of individuals are involved –Faculty: Jerry Blazey, Court Bohn, M.A. Cummings, Dave Hedin, Assistant Professor TBD –Scientists: Nick Barov, Sasha Dychkant, Daniel Mihalcea, Yanni Sideris –Staff: Donna Kubick, Patti Sievert, Kristi Gordon, Sergey Uzunyan –Students: Laura Bandura, Gregory Betzel, Dan Bollinger, Daniel Grubb Other programs –Detector Physics has a similar budget and number of people –Outreach supervised by Pati Seviert
Jerry Blazey ICAR Review 9/10/03 Accelerator Related Funding Current –State of Illinois HECA Grant for ICAR (already mentioned by D. Kaplan) –Dept. of Education Grant for NICADD –Dept. of Education Grant for NICADD –NSF: Muon cooling Pending –Department of Energy: “Nonlinear Dynamics of High-Brightness Electron Beams and Beam-Plasma Interactions: Theories, Simulations, and Experiments” –NSF: Muon Cooling, MICE UCLC for “Improved Simulation Codes and Diagnostics for High-Brightness Electron Beams” –Joint Technology Office: “Photoinjector Modeling and Simulation”
Jerry Blazey ICAR Review 9/10/03 Outreach Science Road Show –Visit grade schools and high schools plus community centers from Rockford to DuPage county. –During the past year, ~50 trips were made to schools and community centers in five counties. –Emphasizes Enthusiasm for science Energy and light The science of observations Stereotypes about science Public awareness of Fermilab Summer Science camps High School Physics Programs. Teaching Observatory
Jerry Blazey ICAR Review 9/10/03 Other Accelerator Related Activities Assisted with purchase of large and small furnaces for LC structure annealing. Assisting with the formation of an Advisory Committee to help Fermilab work with local organizations and citizens in planning for the future. Collaborating with the NIU Geology department on hydrogeological and geological issues associated with LC siting issues.