Stuart Felce Head of Community Safety Street Games UK Crime Prevention and Diversion Shaping a response from the Third Sector and evidencing impact
Crime Prevention and Diversion Shaping a third sector response
StreetGames and Derbyshire PCC Funded through Sport England deal under sustainability National lead for Sport and Community Safety – Advice was to go local (APCC/HO/Moj) Working with 13 PCC’s at present
National Picture
2007/ / / / /12 5, /13 5, /14 5, 6 Number of Incidents ASB DATA…
Partnerships (doing more for less, together) Evidence of need and outcomes Reducing resources (nationally and locally) Politics ( with a big and little p!) Challenges to 3 rd sector
Strengthening and building partnerships Increasing dialogue with young people Ability to test new ideas New and emerging evidence Restorative Justice as positive alternative Opportunities to 3 rd sector
Protection, Prevention, Support collectively delivering effective engagement S U M M I T