Doing Business with the U.S. Army


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Presentation transcript:

Doing Business with the U.S. Army Ms. Colette Carrizales Deputy Director

Welcome to the MICC MISSION: The MICC provides Army commands, installations, and activities with disciplined and responsive contracting solutions and oversight. On order, provides trained and deployable Contracting Support Brigades to the Operating Force. “On behalf of the Mission and Installation Contracting Command Commanding General, Brigadier General Jeffrey A. Gabbert and the more than 1200 soldiers and civilians comprising the MICC Family, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the MICC-Fort XXXX Open House. We are committed to building a ready, transparent, and accountable organization that is built on trust and respect, and this open house is a big part of that commitment. The MICC stands committed to ensuring the promotion of early exchanges of information about future acquisitions. An early exchange of information among industry and the program manager, contracting officer, and other participants in the acquisition process can identify and resolve concerns regarding the proposed acquisition and remedy any other industry concerns or questions. We want to talk with you and hear from you, and we want to ensure that you hear from us, as early as possible in the acquisition life-cycle. That exchange is what this Open House is all about.” VISION: We do the right thing every day and are known as the Army’s premier contracting organization. BG Jeffrey A. Gabbert Commanding General

Agenda Overview of Army Major Commands and the MICC - Who we Are, Who we Support, and Why Where to find Information on Upcoming Requirements Reverse Auctions Small Business Representative

U.S. Army Commands (ACOMs) 1

Army Materiel Command 2

MICC MISSION The MICC provides Army commands, installations, and activities with disciplined and responsive contracting solutions and oversight. On order, provides trained and deployable Contracting Support Brigades to the Operating Force. VISION We do the right thing every day and are known as the Army’s premier contracting organization. COMMANDER’S INTENT Build a Ready, Transparent, and Accountable organization that is built on Trust and Respect. COMMAND MOTTO Judge our performance – Not our promises “Contracting for Soldiers!”

Contracting Support by CSB/FDO Annex A Contracting Support by CSB/FDO ARNORTH HRC ATEC USARC IMCOM FORSCOM USARC IMCOM TRADOC USARC IMCOM USARC III Corps I Corps XVIII ABN Corps MDW IMCOM 412th CSB – JB San Antonio 418th CSB - Fort Hood 419th CSB - Fort Bragg FDO Eustis MICC-Fort Buchanan MICC-Fort Jackson MICC-Fort Knox [904th CCBn] MICC-Fort McCoy MICC-JB San Antonio MICC-Moffett Field MICC-Dugway Proving Ground MICC-Fort Bliss [919th CCBn] MICC-Fort Carson [918th CCBn] MICC-Fort Hood [901st CCBn] MICC-Fort Irwin MICC-Fort Riley MICC-JB Lewis-McChord [902nd CCBn] MICC-White Sands Missile Range MICC-Yuma Proving Ground MICC-Fort Belvoir - MICC-Fort Meade MICC-Fort Bragg [900th CCBn] MICC-Fort Campbell [*922nd CCBn] MICC-Fort Drum [*925th CCBn] MICC-Fort Polk MICC-Fort Stewart MICC-Carlisle Barracks MICC-Fort Benning MICC-Fort Eustis MICC-Fort Gordon MICC-Fort Leavenworth MICC-Fort Lee MICC-Fort Leonard Wood MICC-Fort Rucker MICC-Fort Sill MICC-Presidio of Monterey MICC-West Point *Italicized – Activation planned in FY14 MICC CSB = 3 CCBN = 8 SCCT = 9 CCT = 44 ECC Mil (Auth.) = 441 ECC CSB = 6 CCBN = 5 SCCT = 7 CCT = 28 ECC Mil (Auth.) = 384 ACC Center(s) CSB = 0 CCBN = 4 SCCT = 0 CCT = 20 ECC Mil (Auth.) = 152 CSB = Contracting Support Brigade CCBN = Contingency Contracting Battalion SCCT = Senior Contingency Contracting Team CCT = Contingency Contracting Team 7 As of 31Mar 14

Who We Support 1st Armored Division (1AD) 32nd Army Air and Missile Defense Command (AAMDC) Brigade Modernization Command (BMC) William Beaumont Army Medical Center (WBAMC) Joint Task Force – North (JTF-N) U.S. Army Garrison Fort Bliss U.S.  Army Sergeants Major Academy (USASMA) Department of Public Works (DPW) Logistics Readiness Center (LRC) Army Sustainment Command (ASC) Network Enterprise Command (NEC) Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security (DPTMS)

Why We Support The MICC ensures America’s soldiers and their families have what they need to be ready and resilient.

Where To Find Latest Information On Upcoming Requirements Requests for Information (RFI) Federal Business Opportunities (FedBizOps) Reverse Auctions (GSA and FedBid)

Federal Business Opportunity (FBO) Keyword/Solicitation #: Type in: W911SG

What is Reverse Auctioning Typical Auction: Seller offers an item and buyers are free to bid on the item until the time period expires Reverse Auction: Buyer offers a proposed contract action and sellers are then able to offer bids on the contract As the auction progresses, the price decreases as sellers compete to offer lower bids than their competitors while still meeting all of the specifications Advocates suggest reverse auctions produce rapid downward price pressure

Where are these reverse auctions held? How do I register? GSA: In order to use, you’ll need a valid GSA eBuy username and password. If you don’t have an eBuy username and password, register here:

Current Requirements Custodial – One-year base period with four one-year options Paving – One year base period with one one-year option Refuse Collection – One year base period with one one-year option Hazardous Materials Management Program - One year base period with one one-year option Number of IT requirements Small construction projects

Small Business Specialist Mike Medrano MICC-Fort Bliss Small Business Specialist 915-568-2917

Small Business Investment Act Small Business Investment Act, codified at 15 U.S.C. § 631(a), Congress declared the policy behind the Act, stating: “It is the declared policy of Congress that the government should aid, counsel, assist, and protect, insofar as is possible, the interests of small-business concerns in order to preserve free competitive enterprise, to ensure that a fair proportion of the total purchases and contracts for property and services for the government be placed with small business enterprises, to ensure that a fair proportion of the total sales of government property be made to such enterprises, and to maintain and strengthen the overall economy of the Nation.” There are almost 29.6 million small businesses in the US and over 22 million are self employed Small Businesses are responsible for 39% of the GNP Small Businesses create 7 of every 10 new jobs Over 50% of the working population (120 million individuals) works in a small business Small businesses have generated over 65% - 80% of the net new jobs since 1995 and currently pay about 44% of the countries payroll Approximately 543,000 new businesses get started each month Mike Medrano MICC-Fort Bliss Small Business Specialist 915-568-2917

Small Business Specialist Role Principal Advisor to the Commander regarding small business issues Assists all businesses on Government contracting matters, including changes to the procurement system Advise and assist contracting, technical and program managers to increase use of Small Business Program participants Provide input to KO and IPT concerning Small Business matters Monitor small business performance (goals) Maintain outreach program to locate and develop competent small business firms Liaison with the Small Business Administration (SBA)

MICC – Fort Bliss Small Business Category FY 15 Goal FY 15 Achieved FY 14 Goal FY 14 Achieved FY 13 Goal FY 13 Achieved SB 52% 72.28% 51% 36.4% 46% 61.9% SDB 40% 88.94% 30% 27.9% 28% 59.3% SDVOSB 7% 18.20% 12% -1.3% 13.4% WOSB 13% 61.86% 10% 18.2% 11% 9.5% HUBZone 8.76% 2.4 % 9% 10.6% Percentage to El Paso Small Businesses FY 15 – 10.1% = $5.7M YTD FY 14 – 25.6% = $18.4M FY 13 – 12.1% = $35.5M