Change DateSlide 1 Torfaen Adult and Community Learning Learner Member Committees
Change DateSlide 2 Torfaen Adult and Community Learning Each of the ACL main centres has a Learner Members’ Committee Each committee elects a chair, treasurer and secretary The Committee representation is one elected representative of each class
Change DateSlide 3 Torfaen Adult and Community Learning The Committees meet regularly between 3 and 6 times a year The level of activity depends on the commitment of learners involved The ACL Manager attends the meetings, submits a report and receives feed back from the learners. At specific times of the year curriculum planning is discussed and Partnership working is promoted
Change DateSlide 4 Torfaen Adult and Community Learning The committee if required is supported by the ACL Managers and the admin team by preparing the agenda, distributing the minutes and recording expenditure and income Each learner at enrolment pays a membership fee of £1.50 per centre per term. The fee is agreed by all committees annually Each class can put forward requests for resources such as books and equipment. The classes or clubs also request a contribution towards a trip or visit that enhances the learning experience
Change DateSlide 5 Torfaen Adult and Community Learning Each Learner Member Committee also contributes to the cost of the Torfaen ACL brochure. The cost is split by the number of enrolments per centre. The service area pays for the delivery as the brochure is posted to every household within Torfaen The committees can also decide to contribute to the upgrading of the centre facilities or purchase equipment that benefits the learners and clubs at the centre e.g. plumbed in hot water boiler
Change DateSlide 6 Torfaen Adult and Community Learning The views of the learners are captured through the learner member committees but in addition:- –Questionnaires –Notices in centres requesting ideas for new classes –Competition in Torfaen Talks to reach everyone in Torfaen to attract new learners –New for 2010 will be Learner Forums