The Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg OTH Regensburg
Agenda History of OTH Regensburg Organisation of OTH Regensburg Figures and Data Study Courses I´m going to talk about four main areas: - First I´ll say a little bit about our history - Second I´ll talk about our organisation - Third I´ll give you some basic figures and datas regarding our study courses
The City of Regensburg I´m going to talk about four main areas: - First I´ll say a little bit about our history - Second I´ll talk about our organisation - Third I´ll give you some basic figures and datas regarding our study courses
History of the OTH Regensburg Origins 1846: Foundation of a „Lyzeum“ = a royal Institute of Higher Learning 1959: Johannes-Kepler-Polytechnikum = State School of Engineering starts with 623 students 1971: Foundation of the Fachhochschule Regensburg = Regensburg University of Applied Sciences The first part of my presentation will deal with our history: The roots of the UAS Regensburg go back into the 19th Century. In 1846 a so-called Lyzeum was founded, which was a royal institute of higher education. At that time our university was founded as a pure construction school. It was only tought in the fields of Structural Engineering and Civil Engineering. In 1959 a State School of Engineering, the Johannes-Kepler-Polytechnikum was established and with it the fields Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. Finally in 1971 our University was founded as „Fachhochschule“. That means that we train practically oriented at the level of a university. This is also a very important milestone because we also introduced studies in other technical fields, but also in Business Studies and in Social Work. Now the expressions „Hochschule“ or „University of Applied Sciences are commonly used. By the way, the picture at the bottom shows our new library - at the left – and the new refectory – at the right. They work since 2006.
Fourth Largest University of Applied Sciences in Bavaria 17 State UAS 3 Church UAS 10 Universities Let´s have a look, how is Regensburg embedded in the Bavarian University system This map shows Bavaria divided in a nothern and a southern part. As you can see, Regensburg is located nearly in the centre. First of all in Bavaria there are two different types of Universities: Universities of Applied Sciences – the so called ´Hochschulen´ - and the conventional Universities. The green points mark the universities, the blue ones the ecclesiastical colleges and the red ones the universities of applied sciences. What´s the difference between Hochschule and University? I guess, a short, but also a good definition is: Hochschule is more practically orientated, the University is stronger scientifically orientated. Additionally there are furthermore 16 state and 2 church Hochschulen, also as 10 Universities. In Regensburg there is an University too. There exist a couple of cooperation fields between us and the university. Based on the number of students the Hochschule Regensburg is the third largest Hochschule in Bavaria. 5
8 Departments General Studies and Microsystems Engineering Architecture Civil Engineering Electronic and Information Technology Computer Science and Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Business Studies Social Sciences But how is the academic education organized? Within the academic sector the „Hochschule“ is structured into 8 departments. Starting from General Studies and Microsystems Engineering we´ve a wide range of academic faculties: nearly all the main lines of engineering and also Business and social sciences The departments are responsible to carry out the single courses. They offer many different Bachelor, Master and other postgraduate programmes. All of these begin in autumn and some of them also in spring.
Students and Staff Students Teachers and Staff Members 9.750 Students 15.500 Applicants 3.000 First-year Students 1.270 Graduates/year Teachers and Staff Members 210 Professors approx. 400 Staff Members approx. 350 associate lecturer 120 Laboratories Now I´d like to turn your attention to the main figures regarding students and teachers: Teaching is the focal point of our activities. The quality of teaching is the responsibility of all members of this university: of professors and of technical and support staff in academic and service departments in equal measure. At our university are teaching 210 professors, we have approximately 400 staff members and 350 associate lectures. Furthermore we have 120 laboratories. We´ve about 8.700 Students and yearly 3.000 first-year students. In more than 120 laboratories the students can practise their experimental skills.
Students First-year Students (Bachelor) Graduates Statistics Students First-year Students (Bachelor) Graduates Some figures are very interesting looking at them over the last 30 years. Let´s have a look to the relevant graph I´d like to show you now. The horizontal axis indicates the academic years starting from 1980 till now. The vertical axis shows the number of students and is scaled by thousand. The red dots indicate the total number (Bachelor and Master), the blue dots the number of first-year students only in Bachelor programmes. But let´s look to the red line. This is the interesting one. It tells us something about the younger history of our Hochschule: a. After the foundation in the 1970ties the so-called „Fachhochschulen“ became popular. And so as you can see from the graph starting in 1980 the number of students continuously increased also in Regensburg. b. As you can see from the graph in 1991 a peak was reached. c. Afterwards a strong decline started. What was the reason for this? d. In the early Nineties three so-called „new Fachhochschulen“ were founded right next to Regensburg. A complete new situation was etablished. For the first time we´ve got competitors and they all have been very successful. That´s the main reason for the decrease in the Nineties. e. We were forced to react. To improve the situation we startet some advertising programs: the web-site was improved, we went to schools to inform pupils and teachers a.s.o. d. And as you can see, we were successful: the number of students recovered, a slight but continuous improve startet, over the last year we reached an all-time high with 8.698 students.
Statistics If you would just take a look at this chart, furthermore you will see what the students are studying. Referring to the current situation, about two-thirds of our students are enroled in technical courses, more than 20 % in Business studies and 10 % in Social Sciences. On the right side you see the spread to the single courses of technical studies. 9 9
26 Bachelor Degree Courses Architecture Building Climate (Design & Engineering) Industrial Design Civil Engineering Electrical and Information Technologies Mechatronics Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency Sensor Technology and Analytics Microsystems Engineering Computer Science Business Information Technology Technical Computer Sciences Medical Computer Sciences Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Production & Automation Engineering Systems Engineering (avocational) Business Studies Business Studies (avocational) European Business Studies (with multinational degree) International Relations and Management Social Work Social Work at Schools Music- and Movement-related Education Nursing Science Now. What study courses do we offer? We offer these 26 Bachelor courses of studies. They all are listed here: Spanning from Architecture over the different Engineering and IT courses to Businees and Social Studies. We emphasize high quality. Therefore a great part of the study courses is accredited by external quality agencies.
16 Master Degree Courses Architecture (M.A.) Building Archaeology Civil Engineering (M.Eng.) Electrical and Microsystems Engineering (M.Eng.) Electric Mobility and Energy Networks Human Resource Management (M.A.) Industrial Engineering (M.Eng.) Computer Science (M.Sc.) Logistics (M.Sc.) Mathematics (M.Sc.) Mechanical Engineering (M.Sc.) Social Work M.A. Master of Applied Research in Engineering Sciences (M.Sc.) Advanced Master‘s Studies ( In-Service training) Master of Business Administration (MBA) Leadership and Communication Management (M.A.) Automotive Electronics (M.Eng.) Additionally we´ve 16 Master courses in our program, spanning also over the whole field of studies. As an special feature we offer some in-service courses. These three Master studies belong to an adult education program which must be paid for itself.
Facilities Library Refectory and Cafeterias Computer Centre Institut of Applied Research and Partnership with Industry - IAFW Centre for Adult Education and Knowledge Management - ZWW Course Advisory Service International Office Let´s move on to the question: ´is there anything else at our Hochschule´? Yes there is! Our core working processes have to be supported by a series of shared facilities: The library and the refectory – for example - are new buildings and are very good accepted by the students. The library currently holds some 163.000 volumes and 700 periodicals. Our university own mensa was recently added to the campus. From Monday to Saturday the mensa offers a choice of three main dishes at prices suitable for students. In all main buildings of the Hochschule there are also cafeterias offering a range of hot and cold snacks, coffee and other refreshments. No organisation can work without an IT-network. The Hochschule operates 14 computer labs which are distributed across most buildings and are open to the students for independent use. The computer labs are equipped with Dell computers and, increasingly, with flat screens. Aspecial service center supports the students in a wide range: course guidance service, career service, international affairs, student accommodation, sports facilities, cultural facilities 12
International Co-operation Exchange of students 30% of the Students study or work temporarily abroad Degree Course in European Business Studies: all its students have to spend four semesters at a partner university abroad ca. 600 students from foreign countries study at the Regensburg University More than 160 partnership agreements with universities in 50 countries Exchange of teaching staff and guest lectures Finally let´s focus on the international activities and add some figures: To be an internationally university, is very important to us. The Hochschule Regensburg cooperates with a growing number of universities, companies and institutions abroad. The emphasis is placed on exchange programmes allowing students to spend one or two semesters abroad studying or completing an internship/practical training. A growing number of graduates continue their studies abroad. In addition, numerous other contacts to universities abroad exist and are being developed through cooperative projects, the reciprocal exchange of guest professors and lecturers, and excursions. The Hochschule Regensburg is involved in a range of EU development programmes promoting international relations. We have more than 120 partnership agreements with one or more universities in 50 countries. We are very active in the exchange of students. However, we are also interested in the exchange of our lecturers and teaching staff. Therefore, I am glad that you are here. And I hope that an intensive and fertile partnership arises from your visit. I wish you an interesting stay and a nice time here at our university and here in Regensburg. Welcome and thank you for your attention.
The Exchange rogram For our exchange students we offer: Welcome service through our student tutors Big brother /Big sister program Accomodation service ( between € 200-300 per month) German courses free of charge Welcome and farewell party Excursions and trips during the semester DEADLINES for application: Winter semester: June30th Summer semester: December 31st Finally let´s focus on the international activities and add some figures: To be an internationally university, is very important to us. The Hochschule Regensburg cooperates with a growing number of universities, companies and institutions abroad. The emphasis is placed on exchange programmes allowing students to spend one or two semesters abroad studying or completing an internship/practical training. A growing number of graduates continue their studies abroad. In addition, numerous other contacts to universities abroad exist and are being developed through cooperative projects, the reciprocal exchange of guest professors and lecturers, and excursions. The Hochschule Regensburg is involved in a range of EU development programmes promoting international relations. We have more than 120 partnership agreements with one or more universities in 50 countries. We are very active in the exchange of students. However, we are also interested in the exchange of our lecturers and teaching staff. Therefore, I am glad that you are here. And I hope that an intensive and fertile partnership arises from your visit. I wish you an interesting stay and a nice time here at our university and here in Regensburg. Welcome and thank you for your attention.
Summary is the oldest University in Regensburg The ´Hochschule Regensburg´ is the oldest University in Regensburg is the biggest University of Applied Sciences in Eastern Bavaria offers a wide range academic program is successful in applied research will be an important player in the further education Is going International will increase to more than 10.000 students within the next three years In conclusion let me sum up the main points. We´ve done a lot of work and I´m sure that we´re on the right track The ´Hochschule Regensburg´ is…. … 15
Exchange Contacts Daniela Knott/Dr. Wilhelm Bomke/Heike Bieringer International Office Student Exchange I´m going to talk about four main areas: - First I´ll say a little bit about our history - Second I´ll talk about our organisation - Third I´ll give you some basic figures and datas regarding our study courses
Thank you for your attention!