What’s the difference?
F orest S tewardship C ouncil FSC is an international, membership-based, non-profit organization that supports environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world’s forests. FSC Canada was founded in FSC has comprehensive system of principles and criteria, that address legal issues, indigenous rights, labour rights, multiple benefits, and environmental impacts surrounding forest management
F orest S tewardship C ouncil Forest Management (FM) certification is the process by which a specific forest management unit is assessed for fulfillment of the standard. If the assessment is positive, a FM certificate is issued. Chain of Custody (CoC) certification is the process by which forest products are tracked from the forest all the way to the end consumer. All successive stages of processing, transformation, manufacturing and distribution must receive a CoC certificate for labeled products to be sold
F orest S tewardship C ouncil The market demand for FSC-certified products is growing. End Users are increasingly concerned about the impact of their decisions on the environment and communities. Products with the FSC logo are easily recognized and ensures the product contains wood or wood fibre from FSC certified forests or material that is 100% and post-consumer reclaimed/recycled material.
S ustainabe F orestry I nitiative The SFI program is a comprehensive system of principles, objectives and performance measures developed by professional foresters, conservationists and scientists, among others that combines the perpetual growing and harvesting of trees with the long- term protection of wildlife, plants, soil and water quality. The SFI program is overseen by the Sustainable Forestry Board (SFB), an independent organization, which is responsible for maintaining and enhancing the SFI.
S ustainabe F orestry I nitiative The SFI program has launched a labeling program at the request of customers and market demand. The labeling program is available in two distinct categories SFI Certified Participant and SFI Certified Sourcing.
S ustainabe F orestry I nitiative The SFI Certified Participant label represents product produced by a manufacturing unit that procures its raw material supply from third- party certified forests or through a third-party certified procurement system, or both. This does not imply that any or all of the material originates from SFI-certified forests. The material content of the product could originate from a variety of sources. In all cases, a qualified independent third-party must confirm the content.
S ustainabe F orestry I nitiative The SFI Certified Sourcing label represents product produced by a manufacturing unit that procures a substantial amount of its materials from independently third-party certified sources (2/3 rds minimum). This does not imply that any or all of the material originates from an SFI certified forest. The material content of the product could originate from a variety of sources. In all cases, a qualified independent third-party must confirm the content.
F orest S tewardship C ouncil S ustainable F orestry I nitiative Both are independently governed and subject to third party certification Both are supported by conservation groups Both fight illegal logging while recognizing the rights of indigenous peoples Both protect water, soil and wildlife Both protect endangered forests Both improve forest productivity by allowing prudent use of EPA approved pesticides Both improves forest productivity by allowing plantation forestry* *While FSC restricts plantations in the U.S., plantations remain a prominent component of FSC operations worldwide.
F orest S tewardship C ouncil S ustainable F orestry I nitiative Differences between the two certification programs are largely grounded in the ideological perspectives of each system’s supporters. FSC strongly discourages the use of non-native tree species. SFI does not, but requires close monitoring as well as assurance that the non-natives will not cause other problems, such as escaping, becoming naturalized and out-competing native tree species. FSC has regional and national working groups that set multiple standards that vary by nation or region. SFI has one set of standards for the SFI program. FSC offers certification “with conditions” approving a forest for certification even when its management still needs improvement. SFI makes no exceptions, if you don’t meet the standard you do not obtain certification.
Is there really a difference? Tell your customers the facts