Consortia Portal for Sharing Resources of Russian Libraries Alexander Plemnek, Natalia Sokolova St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg,


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Presentation transcript:

Consortia Portal for Sharing Resources of Russian Libraries Alexander Plemnek, Natalia Sokolova St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation 1

Outline 2  Introduction  Russian library consortia  ARLICON Partnership  ARLICON projects and services  Welcome to ARLICON conference

St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University 3

The Main Reading Room 4

 The Library – one of the biggest academic libraries of Russia (3 mln volumes)  Institute of Consortia Library Information Systems – IT for the library systems and library services  Center of Digital Reprography – digitization of the documents and books according to copyright restrictions 5 The Library Information Complex

The Russian Context  Russian libraries are associated for foreign partners only with few major ones in metropolises  Collections of many other libraries are hidden, unknown and not accessible  113,981 libraries (OCLC, 2014)  In 2012 only 42,1% of public libraries had the Internet connection (Ministry of Culture of RF, 2013) 6

Rethinking the Library Interconnections  The mission - promotion of new quality standards for the library services, introduction of new networking and ICT-based technologies  Association of Regional Library Consortia (ARLICON) – year of foundation, SPbSTU is one of the founders, headquarters of ARLICON  14 library consortia joining several hundreds of libraries from 57 regions of Russia  Single entry point for the library catalogues and cooperative library services 7

8 General Idea of Cooperation

ARLICON. Stages of Development  1 stage (1996 – 2002) – development of library consortia on new principals in Russian Federation  2 stage (2002 – 2007) – development of stable basic infrastructure for inter-consortia and interlibrary cooperation, ARLICON portals  3 stage ( ) – development of specialized services for more effective sharing of library resource  4 stage ( ) – transition to new platform for the Partnership services 9

General Idea of Common Infrastructure Russian State Library National Library of Russia Russian Bookchamber ARLICON National level Consortium 1 Consortium N... Regional Level Library 1 Library n... Local Level Library 1Library m... Standards Formats Rules National bibliography Records, services Rules, regulations, services 10

ARLICON Services  ARLICON project  Activities, aimed to reach particular results - consortia library service or/and resource - by joint efforts of all involved libraries  All libraries, not necessarily ARLICON members, can participate in any of projects  Users (libraries) subscribe to project services 11

ARLICON Project Maxims  All project members are equal in their rights and responsibilities  ARLICON receives exclusive interest for the whole project resource (database of another copyright-protected object) and, consequently, the right to provide access to project services for external users  The project participants elect the Manager and the Board  ARLICON becomes the Clearing house for project cost accounting and manages the everyday activities of the project 12

Development of Common Infrastructure ARLICON National level Project 1 Project N... Project Level Library 1 Library n... Local Level Library 1Library m... Rules, regulations, services 13

Main Projects and Services  Analytical bibliographic database of articles from Russian journals (MARS)  Electronic Document Delivery  Distributed Electronic Library  Union Catalogue of Periodicals of Russia  … 14

Project MARS  Started from several libraries, now the project joins 230  In 2014 the size of MARS database exceeds 2,25 million records  Average daily replenishment is about 1000 new records  Database covers about 2100 titles of most popular (according to libraries subscriptions) Russian journal.  Common workflow joins about 800 specialists from 230 libraries 15

MARS Workflow  Creation of records by use of any modern integrated library system. The records should be produced within 10 days after receiving journal in the library.  Automatic quality control by special filtering program (parametric filling, correct use of headings, etc.)  Manual quality control by bibliographer-inspectors  Correct records are sent to MARS database  Indexing the database  New records become available through the portal search 16

Participants of MARC project 228 libraries from 100 cities  Institutional libraries – 4  Municipal public libraries – 40  Regional and city public libraries – 52  Academic libraries

MARS. Size of the database 18

Coincidence between MARS and library subscription 19

Union Catalogue of Journals of RF Libraries 20  Shows journals collections of about 200 libraries since 2000  Freely available database  Interface only in Russian 




ILL/EDD Project: Document Delivery  210 participated libraries  No delivery to private users  Delivery of articles from 6000 journals (titles)  Delivery of non-periodical documents  Statistics of each library  The library patron receives only the printed copy  Average time of delivery - 7 hours, 70% of requests - within 3 hours 24

EDD Project. Dynamics of requests 25

EDD Project. Dynamics of requests 26

EDD Project 27

Success rate

Distributed Electronic Library. EPOS Project 29  Electronic libraries - the obligatory part of information provision for all universities and colleagues, requested by the Ministry of Education and Research of RF  11 participants – university libraries, e- resources  Each participant is responsible for copyright compliance  Authorized access

Architecture. EPOS Project 30 Current architecture:  singe portal  federated search  distributed metadata and e-resources storages  OPAC-like search interface New architecture:  single portal  single index (metadata and full text)  discovery-like interface

Discovery-like Search Interface 31

New Projects 32  FEDURUS (FEDeration of Unified access to academic and research resources for RUSsia)  Beneficiaries: e-resource providers and database users (academic and research libraries)  Started in 2014, announced as a project in June 2014  SAML-based technology  Compatibility with international standards

New Projects 33  Archive of articles from Russian journals  Joint project with libraries and publishers  Based on MARS and EDD projects  Services for the libraries and private users  New services: digitization on request

New Platform for ARLICON Services 34  Transition to new platform and improvement of services  Discovery-like interfaces  Central index for Russian resources  Services available for end users (if copyright compliant)  Multilingual interfaces

Welcome to ARLICON annual conference 35  “Consortia Library systems: Technologies and Innovations”, June 2015, 13 th conference

Thank you 36   Questions/ comments