Risk Kód ITMS projektu: Gymnázium Pavla Jozefa Šafárika – moderná škola tretieho tisícročia Vzdelávacia oblasť: Jazyk a komunikácia Predmet Anglický jazyk Ročník, triedy: Príma Tematický celok: Risk Vypracoval: Ing. Diana Matisová Dátum:
What are the names of these jobs? JOBS - VOCABULARY a dentist a police officer a soldier a hair dresser a tailor a butcher
What are the names of these jobs? JOBS - VOCABULARY a baker a taxi driver a doctor an office worker a vet a manager
Strange jobs What is the job of these pople? What do they do? Would you like to do it? STRANGE JOBS
What is the job of these pople? What do they do? Would you like to do it? STRANGE JOBS
What is the job of these pople? What do they do? Would you like to do it? STRANGE JOBS
What is the job of these pople? What do they do? Would you like to do it? STRANGE JOBS
Match the opposites and translate them. Then desribe the jobs and people in slide no.1 and no.2. patient lazy interestingboring dangerousimpatient hard-workingweak strong safe friendlyunfriendly difficulteasy JOBS - ADJECTIVES
Match the words to form teo-words jobs. Who is in the pictures? taxiwarden shopclerk bankguard trafficassistant socialdriver securityagent Estateworker COMPOUND NOUNS
Drive a taxi Bake bread. Prepare and sell meat. Fight in wars. Look after people's teeth. Look after people's health. Cut and style people's hair. Jobs - vocabulary What are the names of these jobs? taxi drivers bakers butchers soldiers dentists doctors hairdressers
A doctor works in a A vet works in a A teacher works in a A chef works in a A butcher works in a A baker works in a An accountant works in an hospital school kitchen butchers bakery office vet surgery Jobs - vocabulary
Desribe your parent̕s working day. Use the words below. get upby car/ by bus/ on foot have a breakfasthave lunch have dinnercome back home help with homeworkhave a shower go to bedwatch TV play with childrengo to work MY PARENT̕S WORKING DAY
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