The fall of Poland, the Low Countries and France Germany Advances The fall of Poland, the Low Countries and France
Appeasement During the 1930s the Allies had “appeased” Germany. Nazi Germany began to build up her army, airforce and navy again. Germany also began to take land they thought they were entitled to. Allies did not punish Germany for breaking the terms of Treaty of Versailles nor for their actions towards Czechoslovakia. This allied policy is known as ‘appeasement’.
Adolf Hitler orders the German Army into Austria. 12 March 1938 Neville Chamberlain and Adolf Hitler sign the Munich Agreement. 29 Sept, 1938 Joseph Goebbels organizes Crystal Night (Krystallnacht). 9 Nov 1938 The German Army invades Czechoslovakia. 15 March 1939 Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler sign the Nazi-Soviet Pact. 23 Aug 1939 The German Army invades Poland. 1 Sept 1939 Britain declares war on Germany 3 Sept 1939
Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact 1939 Russia secretly agrees not to declare war on Germany if Germany invades Poland (in return for Polish land) Photo from
Declaration of War Germany invaded Poland 1 Sept 1939 Allies told Germany to withdraw When they did not, the Allies declared war on 3 Sept 1939 Map from
Blitzkrieg Literally means “Lightning War It is a concentrated co-ordinated assault based on overwhelming force and speed by planes, tanks, artillery and infantry. Blitzkrieg tactics works best in small areas Photo from
Invasion of France and the Low Countries Germany launched their attacks on 10 May 1940. Belgium and the Netherlands surrendered in May 1940 and France surrendered in June 1940. The Germans again used Blitzkrieg tactics successfully.
Invasion of Poland – Blitzkrieg Tactics Photo from
German bombing of Poland Photo from Leah Hammerstein Silverstein describes the bombing of Praga and Warsaw (Clip):
Destruction in Warsaw in 1939 as a result of Blitzkrieg Invasion of Poland Photo from Destruction in Warsaw in 1939 as a result of Blitzkrieg
German troops parading after capturing Poland Photo from
Hitler reviewing the troops after capturing Poland Oct 5, 1939 Invasion of Poland Photo Hitler reviewing the troops after capturing Poland Oct 5, 1939
Photo of Warsaw, May 1940 Photo from
Invasion of the Low Countries May 1940 Photo from Destruction of Rotterdam Clip of German paratroopers dropping into Rotterdam
Germany invades France Photo from Footage of the Invasion of France:
Speer, Hitler and Breker in Paris after Germany defeated France in June,1940. Photo from
Map from