Launch of the Longitudinal Study of Skills Development Procurement Process In July 2015, the OECD plans to launch the first Call for Tender (CFT) to select one or more service providers to work on the first stage of the Longitudinal Study of Skills Development project –A CFT for a second stage is planned to be launched October 2017 Bidders will have eight weeks from the time the CFT is issued to respond with an offer Offers must be written and delivered to the OECD by the due date. –Details will be in the CFT
Objective of the Longitudinal Study Identify social and emotional skills that drive children’s well-being and social progress; Understand how learning contexts shape social and emotional development; To develop recommendations and measurement tools for policy-makers, educators and researchers.
We need better micro-data and evidence to inform policy-makers, teachers and parents which skills to invest in, when and how. This requires a collection of –Better and diverse measures of ‘social and emotional skills’ known to shape individual’s success in education, labour market and social outcomes. –Diverse measures of learning contexts (family, school and community) that drives skill formation. –Diverse measures of socioeconomic outcomes that matter. –Repeated measures of cognitive, social and emotional skills & learning contexts across individual’s childhood- adolescence to understand how skills develop over time. 4 Why do we need an international longitudinal study?
The study in a “snapshot” Target cohortsChildren in Grades 1 & 7 (at wave 1) RespondentsSchools (students and teachers) and home (parents) Survey coverageCities (w/state or nation-wide option) SamplingRandom selection of schools CycleAnnual data collection DurationMinimum of 3 years and ideally until early adulthood Data collection of: Skills Focus on social and emotional skills Learning contextsSchool, family and community Outcomes Education, health, violence, life satisfaction, labour market, etc.
Summary of the Social and Emotional Skills Framework
Conceptual framework Feasibility study Other developmental work Main data collection Timeline
Why do we need a feasibility study? Need to ensure the chosen social and emotional skills instruments: –cover key social and emotional constructs; –are reliably and validly measured; –demonstrate high predictive power; and –ensure robustness across ages, cultures and linguistic boundaries. Content : –Develop and test instruments for Grades 1-12; –Explore using multiple assessment methods: self-reports; teacher and parents reports; objective assessments; behavioural tasks; and administrative data.
Stages for Call for Tender Stage 1 (July 2015) Core A: Feasibility study of social and emotional skills –Survey design, development and testing of social and emotional skills instruments –Quality assurance of translation of data collection instruments –Development of computer delivery platform –Project management, survey operations, data handling, analysis and scaling Core B: Framework and questionnaire development for contexts & outcomes –Development of framework and questionnaire for the collection of contextual information and measurement of outcomes. Stage 2 (October 2017) Core C: Longitudinal design and sampling Core D: Management, coordination and implementation of main study
Two Cores in the First CFT for LSDD Bidders may respond to one or more cores. Bidders may respond as a company, organisation or consortium. Project management will be shared between Core A and the OECD Secretariat. Core A should be led by an International Survey Director who also gives leadership for the work of national centres.
Estimated Schedule for the Call for Tender Month 8 ApprovalsSignature Months 5-7 Negotiations Month 4-5 Clarifications of offers Months 3-4 Technical EvaluationFinancial EvaluationShortlist Determined Month 3 Responses Due Month 1: Issue Call for Tender Posted on Website, Distributed Via Questions via only, responses posted
Evaluation Criteria OECD will use the following criteria for evaluation: Technical Merit Financial Proposal (Best Value for Money) Expertise and experience of subject matter Experience with international projects For Core A, the profile of the proposed International Survey Director Details and the weighting per criteria will be specified in the Call for Tender
Further information can be found: opmentincities.htm