LtCol J. D. Fleming 2 Oct 2014
Why study leadership behavior? ◦ Simple: To learn why some people win and some people lose ◦ I want to be successful so I am going to do what she did to make her successful, and I am going to avoid doing what he did to make him fail ◦ Learn from good leaders ◦ Learn MORE from bad leaders!
Care about your people and care about your job. Know when one has to trump the other to make both possible. ◦ “Troop Welfare”
Easiest to directly observe and easier to change, this chapter’s focus. Difficult to directly observe and hardest to change.
Effective Leaders across cultures are: ◦ Charismatic/Value-Based Inspire, motivate ◦ Team Oriented Influence toward common goal ◦ Participative Involves others in decisions ◦ Humane Oriented ◦ Supportive, Considerate ◦ Self-Protective Ensure safety/security of the team ◦ Autonomous Independent / individualistic
Organizational competency model has four major categories: ◦ Intrapersonal skills (adapting to stress, goal orientation, adhering to rules). ◦ Interpersonal skills (communicating, building relationships). ◦ Leadership skills (building teams, getting results through others). ◦ Business skills (analyzing, making decisions, thinking ahead).
Adapts quickly to new situations and requirements. Keeps cool under pressure. Clearly explains missions, standards, and priorities. Sees the big picture, provides context and perspective. Sets high standards with a “zero defects” mentality. Can handle “bad news.” Gets out of HQ and visits troops. Sets a high ethical tone; demands honesty. Knows how to delegate and not “micromanage.” Can make tough, sound decisions, on time. Builds and supports teamwork within staff and units. Is positive, encouraging, and reasonably optimistic.
360-degree (multi-rater feedback) tools allow managers to get accurate information about how others perceived their on-the-job behaviors. Tell leaders about their strengths and development needs Questionnaire construction is very important. Poorly designed questionnaire items can lead to false feedback results. Leaders who received 360-degree feedback had higher performing work units.
Managerial derailment: Individuals who at one time were on the fast track but had their careers derailed. Patterns of derailment: ◦ Problems with interpersonal relationships (inability to build relationships) ◦ Failure to meet business objectives ◦ Inability to lead and build a team ◦ Inability to adapt ◦ Inadequate preparation for promotion
Females more likely to derail because of inability to deal with broader and more complex organizational issues or lead people from different technical backgrounds than their own (practical intelligence). Males more likely to derail because of arrogance, inflexibility, or abrasive interpersonal style (bold/cautious/or excitable dark side traits).
Why? ◦ Responsibility, promotion, job/boss/mission change, dip in production How? ◦ Development Planning Recognize, plan, commit ◦ Coaching (Formal & Informal) Forge, inspire, grow skills ◦ Mentoring (Formal & Informal) Guide, sponsor, role model
Care about your people AND your job. Four main factors to competency model are interpersonal skills, intrapersonal skills, leadership skills, and business skills. 360 degree reports are effective tools for identifying others’ perception of your leadership behaviors Leaders with high potential can fail through managerial derailment. Development plans, coaching, and mentoring can assist in making behavior changes to make better leaders.
A key distinguisher between an effective and ineffective leader is their everyday behavior. ◦ Leadership behavior can be observed. ◦ Certain traits, values, or attitudes may contribute to effective performance of some leadership behaviors. Ease in which we exhibit or can change behavior will partly be a function of our values, personality, and intelligence. Two other factors that should influence leadership behavior are the followers and the situation.
Many leaders either cannot build teams, get results, or do not realize the negative impact of their behavior. Leadership behaviors are a function of intelligence, personality traits, emotional intelligence, values, attitudes, interests, knowledge, and experience. Over time, leaders should learn and identify the most appropriate and effective behaviors. ◦ Individual difference and situational variables play a pivotal role in a leader’s actions.
No universal set of leader behaviors always associated with leadership success ◦ Situation/Follower impact Alternative conceptualizations are concerned with: ◦ Identifying key leadership behavior ◦ Determining if these behaviors have positive relationships with leadership success ◦ Developing those behaviors related to leadership success Leadership Grid: Profiles leader behavior on two dimensions: ◦ Concern for people ◦ Concern for production The most effective leaders are said to have high concern for both people and for production.
Community leadership: Process of building a team of volunteers to accomplish an important community outcome. Community leaders do not have position power, and they also have fewer resources and rewards. ◦ Cannot discipline followers who do not adhere to organizational norms Three leadership competencies needed to successfully drive community change efforts: ◦ Framing- helping a group recognize opportunities and issues that result in effective action ◦ Building social capital- developing/maintaining relationships that allow people to work together in the community ◦ Mobilization- engaging a group to take action to achieve a specific outcome
Insight about strengths and development needs is important. Development plans that address the skills identified as having the highest payoffs need to be built. Focus on only one or two needs at a time to avoid being overwhelming and unachievable. A written plan seems to aid in the continuance of development. Good development plans capitalize upon on-the-job experiences to hone needed leadership skills. Leaders can build accountability by: ◦ Having different people provide ongoing feedback on the action steps taken to develop a skill. ◦ Periodically reviewing progress on development plans with the boss.
Coaching: Process of “equipping people with the tools, knowledge, and opportunities needed to develop and become more successful.” Used for follower development and is a key leadership skill to help improve strength of the group Informal coaching: Takes place whenever a leader helps followers to change their behaviors. Coaching plan: Designed to lay out how a leader will support a followers’ development plan. Formal coaching: Programs provide a service similar to those of informal coaching for executives and managers in leadership positions. High & low performers need coaching.
Mentoring: Personal relationship in which a more experienced mentor acts as a guide, role model, and sponsor of a less experienced protégé. ◦ Informal mentoring- established by friendship, similar interests, and mutual respect ◦ Formal mentoring- organization assigns inexperienced with leadership potential to an experienced leader Leaders should look for opportunities to build mentoring relationships with senior leaders whenever possible. Key difference from coaching is that mentoring may not target specific development needs.