Figure drawing Working from photos: Combining figures and backgrounds
What to do: Choose a photo of a person from a magazine, web or other source Choose a photo of a person from a magazine, web or other source Find a separate picture or design to use as a background Find a separate picture or design to use as a background Draw the person in this new background Draw the person in this new background Here are some student examples: Here are some student examples:
The background could be real or imaginary
The background can add meaning to your work as well as visual strength
1. Figure drawing proportion Value 8. Use of correct proportion on the figure and the face. 1. Figure drawing proportion Value 8. Use of correct proportion on the figure and the face. 2. Attention to detail and shading. Shading or colour has a full range from dark to light. Value 8 2. Attention to detail and shading. Shading or colour has a full range from dark to light. Value 8 3. The background Value 4. Background creates a strong visual design. Background works with the foreground to enhance or accent the figure 3. The background Value 4. Background creates a strong visual design. Background works with the foreground to enhance or accent the figure Total: /20 Total: /20
Large grids in the class are 4cm x 4cm Grid a large magazine photo 2cm x 2cm This will double the size of your photo into a poster size drawing