Modernity & Rationality- WEBER begins the analysis Used to describe a particular period of European history through to now. Used to refer to sociological characteristics of this society as it developed. Used to refer to development of societies, (e.g., “modern Saudi Arabia”) As in “modernization is a good thing; countries want to modernize.” Used to refer to ways of thinking/being that developed in concert with the societal characteristics over that period of history.
Modernity... worldview dimensions Like Durkheim, Weber is trying to Explain the great Transition – into the Modern Rationalization The Modern mythos: (sacred story, creed) All is explainable by the means of reason. All action proceeds by formal rationality. Ergo: Exuberant Humanism There is nothing we cannot know. There is nothing we cannot do. But there is no enchantment in the world.
Weber (1864-1920) German Sociologist Married to Marianne Weber Rationalization of modern societies. Sociology to discover and interpret meaning (verstehen) of social action. Major works: Sociology of Religion The Protestant Ethic & the Spirit of Capitalism. Economy and Society
Weber –his “Method” Verstehen – subjective meaning of social action – understanding behaviour from THEIR perspective Anti-positivism Ideal types is a useful technique. Social Science should be Values-free
Verstehen Understanding people (from their own perspective!) IF people’s behaviour is based on their own reasons/meaning – we are not automatons. If we are not automatons, on what basis do we act? Implications: People act. Social Scientists study patterns, not `laws` Both Agency AND Structure
Rationality Rationality 4 types of Rationality An orientation to reality which weighs up the means and ends of action in a straightforward and pragmatic manner. ON WHAT BASIS DO WE DO THIS “calculation”? 4 types of Rationality Practical Rationality – “commonsense”, everyday, just going through via “habit” Therefore, ROUTINIZATION Theoretical Rationality – attain cognitive knowledge of the world; abstract knowledge
Rationality ON WHAT BASIS DO WE DO THIS “calculation”? Substantive Rationality – the “substance” of decision-making is based on Values, not outcomes. Formal Rationality – application of technical criteria; based on rules, procedures, application of analytic tools. Weber: formal rationality had replaced substantive rationality, because bureaucracy stresses a technical orientation to means and ends. Formal Rationality is solely Western. A fct of Industrialization. The Hallmark of Modernity.
Weber as a “theorist of Modernity” and a theorist of Capitalism The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. Ironically, Protestantism reduced substantive rationality and generated formal rationality! See diagram…
Modernity: Sociologically characterized by…. Secularization Individualism (e.g., “human rights”) Specialization of Labour (experts) National/centralized community and structure Mass society Popular culture Mass media Rational planning Capitalism and the treadmill of production?