ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) 14 April 2015 Professor Brian Yates Executive Director, Australian Research Council
ARC and ORCID Web: arc.gov.au I The ARC supports the use of unique research identifiers ORCID provides potential opportunity and benefit to the ARC, Australian universities and the Australian research sector more generally The ARC is continuing to work closely with the NHMRC and other sector partners
NHMRC and ARC Joint Statement Web: arc.gov.au I The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) & ARC are encouraging all researchers applying for funding to have an ORCID identifier The ARC is currently considering options within Research Management System (RMS 2.0) to capture and utilise ORCID functionality We will continue collaborating with NHMRC, Australian National Data Service, CAUL and UA to progress work
ARC Developments Web: arc.gov.au I The potential to streamline research administration and reporting for researchers and universities is recognised Bring both benefits to the sector and potential for internal efficiencies Will help with the disambiguation of researchers and outputs, and enable the linking/use of high quality persistent data
ARC Developments (2) Web: arc.gov.au I In late 2014, Deputy Vice Chancellors Research were surveyed regarding the usage of common identifiers ORCID found to be the most common and preferred The ARC is now looking at ways of capturing and using ORCID IDs in RMS 2.0 Work has commenced to ensure compatibility with ARC systems and application requirements
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