INTRODUCTION I am going to discuss the Elements of literature. Those elements are Plot, Characterization, Setting, Point Of View, and Theme. I am going to explain those different elements through the story The Sniper.
PLOT DIAGRAM 1.Expostion-The Sniper is the main character and is on a rooftop in Ireland during a civil war. 6.Inciting Incident- The Sniper lights a cigarette. 2.Rising Action- He takes other risks such as putting his head above the parapet. 3. Climax-The Sniper gets shot in the arm. 4.Falling Action-He tricks the other guy into thinking he is dead. 7.Resolutiuon- He shoots the man who shot him and kills him. 5. Dènouement-He finds out that he shot his brother
FALLING ACTION During this stage follows the most interesting part of the book. The falling action in this short story is when the Sniper tricks the other shooter. He does it by raising his hat up by the barrel of the gun. When he does that the other shooter shoots the hat and the Sniper lets his gun and hat fall to the Street.
CHARACTERS The Sniper is the story’s main Character. I say this because he is the one that the writer zooms in on. He is also a dynamic character. He learned that you should always be together as a family so you don’t hurt each other. Other characters include: The Old Lady that informs on the sniper The Soldier that is in the Turret that the sniper shoots The other shooter in which we later find out is the Sniper’s Brother
SETTING The story is set during the Civil War on the O'Connell Bridge in Dublin Ireland. It is in the middle of the night. There are lots of gunshots and dogs barking around the Sniper.
POINT OF VIEW The Point of View for the story is Third Person (limited). It is this way because it uses words such as he or his. If it had been First person it would have used words such as I or me and would have been like a flashback, and if had been Second person it would have used words such as you or your and would have made it feel as if you were the sniper. It is limited because we only hear the thoughts of the Sniper. If it were omniscient then we would have gotten the thoughts of other people other than just the Sniper.
THEME The theme for this story is: As a family you should always stick together in a time of civil war. I discovered it because the story is set during a Civil war. Civil wars are not a good thing because they can put friend on friend brother on brother. The family part comes from the end when he shoots his brother and doesn’t realize it until he goes and looks at who he had just killed.
CONCLUSION I have told you about the different elements of literature. Those elements are Plot, Characterization, Setting, Point Of View, and Theme. I have also related each of those elements to the short story The Sniper.