Training Stress imposed to create competitive gains doesn’t always work overtraining can lead to problems Training Stress imposed to create competitive gains doesn’t always work overtraining can lead to problems
Overtraining -- despite intense training and high levels of motivation, the athlete cannot maintain previously-achieved levels of athletic performance. This is associated with STALENESS Overtraining -- despite intense training and high levels of motivation, the athlete cannot maintain previously-achieved levels of athletic performance. This is associated with STALENESS
Psychophysiological state associated with cardiovascular, endocrine, metabolic, perceptual, and psychological changes
Sleep impairment Chronic fatigue Appetite disturbance Elevated resting BP & HR (failure of HR to return to normal for several hours post-workout) Increased sense of effort Affective disturbance (irritability, anxiety, depression) Feeling physically, emotionally/mentally exhausted Sleep impairment Chronic fatigue Appetite disturbance Elevated resting BP & HR (failure of HR to return to normal for several hours post-workout) Increased sense of effort Affective disturbance (irritability, anxiety, depression) Feeling physically, emotionally/mentally exhausted
Decreased performance (in practice and competition) Increased risk of injury Burnout (next slide) Decreased performance (in practice and competition) Increased risk of injury Burnout (next slide)
Burnout complex, psychophysiological reaction to the increasing intensity of athletic training superimposed on everyday stresses of life Three components: Emotional/Physical exhaustion Depersonalization (a feeling of just going through the motions – not caring) Decreased feelings of competence and control Burnout complex, psychophysiological reaction to the increasing intensity of athletic training superimposed on everyday stresses of life Three components: Emotional/Physical exhaustion Depersonalization (a feeling of just going through the motions – not caring) Decreased feelings of competence and control
Small group exercise: What factors are involved in someone “burning-out” in sports? Give specific examples to support your hypotheses
long hours of practice which require a great deal of physical and mental energy not much off-season constant pressure to “perform” travel poor diet stress in other areas of life individual’s coping style training from an early age long hours of practice which require a great deal of physical and mental energy not much off-season constant pressure to “perform” travel poor diet stress in other areas of life individual’s coping style training from an early age
Realizing that one’s self-concept and identity is becoming overconstricted (e.g., Nick Bollettieri Tennis Academy) Perceived stress / fear of failure / loss of control Sport entrapment (too much invested to quit, but experiencing low satisfaction) Realizing that one’s self-concept and identity is becoming overconstricted (e.g., Nick Bollettieri Tennis Academy) Perceived stress / fear of failure / loss of control Sport entrapment (too much invested to quit, but experiencing low satisfaction)
Strategies?? (ideas?) Promote the development of multidimensional identities among athletes (don’t just help them “adjust” to their “tunnel identity”) Be careful with young athletes making exclusive commitments to sport Strategies?? (ideas?) Promote the development of multidimensional identities among athletes (don’t just help them “adjust” to their “tunnel identity”) Be careful with young athletes making exclusive commitments to sport
Take time off (maybe a few days off practice, maybe a season!) Learn more psychological coping skills (e.g., goal-setting, arousal-control) Keep it FUN Take time off (maybe a few days off practice, maybe a season!) Learn more psychological coping skills (e.g., goal-setting, arousal-control) Keep it FUN