Big Lottery Fund & European Social Fund Market testing, June & July 2015 Aine Lovedale, Policy and Learning Advisor, Big Lottery Fund Scotland
Why European Funding? (and why are we getting involved?) Scottish Government’s thematic objective: Promoting social inclusion, combating poverty and any discrimination Big Lottery Fund Mission: Helping Communities and people most in need £8M £10M Total joint pot £18M
What’s our plan? We want to deliver an initiative which will lead to a step change in financial inclusion and capability for disadvantaged households in FIVE local authority areas: ARGYLL & BUTE: estimated contract value is £3.75M (inc VAT) INVERCLYDE: estimated contract value is £2.25M (inc VAT) DUNDEE: estimated contract value is £3M (inc VAT) NORTH AYRSHIRE: estimated contract value is £3M (inc VAT) GLASGOW: estimated contract value is £4.25M (inc VAT)
Target beneficiaries/participants are: Workless, lone parent or low income households Contracts will focus on delivering the following two outcomes: An increase in disadvantaged participants with improved money management skills A decrease in disadvantaged participants affected by debt as a barrier to social inclusion
Lowlands & Uplands (LUPS) or Highland & Islands (H&I) /sns/BoundMap#a10
What’s our timeline? DateActivity Monday July 6, 2015Closing date for return of market testing questionnaires Friday July 31, 2015Publish PQQ, Tender and contract on OJEU Tuesday September 29, 2015Deadline for submission of PQQ responses Monday October 12, 2015Issue invitation to tender to (at least) the 5 top scoring bidders in each lot Friday November 20, 2015Closing date for questions Monday November 30, 2015Deadline for submission of tenders January 2016Contract Signature April 2016Services commence
Over to you? If you have any questions ask today or
Link to ESF Questionnaire: out-big/tender-opportunities Your feedback would be really appreciated and will help us shape the tender documents. Thanks!