What “ Age ” Do We Live In?
Shift in Real Self Adhering to a high standard Living up to one’s standards Through achievements When in control of feelings and behaviors Revealing life’s perfection Expressing wants and feelings Not doing what one enjoys Through discovery When constraint, inhibitions removed Reveal life ’ s imperfections Institution Emotion
Consequences of Shift From Institution to Emotion 1)Appearances Masking Vulnerability and Fear Jim Carrey’s Commencement Speech 2) Feeling - Functioning Disjunction 3) It about me 4) Focus on what’s next? 5) What’s in it for me?
Texas Tech Undergraduates Perceived Importance of Each Domain of Flourishing (Note: All paired samples t-test contrasts were significant at p <.05) Not at All Important Very Important
Texas Tech Undergraduates Perceived Importance of Each Dimensions of Flourishing Not at All Important Very Important
Adjusted Std. Coefficients of Perceived Importance and Level of Subjective Well-Being Texas Tech Undergraduates
Personal Growth Initiative I know how to change specific things that I want to change in my life. I have a good sense of where I am headed in my life. If I want to change something in my life, I initiate the transition process. I can choose the role that I want to have in a group. I know what I need to do to get started toward reaching my goals. I have a specific action plan to help me reach my goals. I take charge of my life. I know what my unique contribution to the world might be. I have a plan for making my life more balanced.
Support Family, Friends, and Faculty Important for Social Well-Being and Flourishing Items: –How much they care about you. –How much they understand the way you feel about things. –How much you can rely on them for help if you have a problem. –How much you can open up to them if you need to talk about your worries or concerns.
Closeness to Others
How Do We Create More For Our Young Folks? Closeness to Others: how close they felt toward six individuals mother (or stepmother), father (or stepfather), sibling, friends, teacher, other adults outside of school.
Integration into School
How Do We Create More For Our Young Folks? School Integration: how often youth felt –“part of your school,” –“close to people at your school,” –“happy to be at your school,” –“safe at your school”
Global Self Concept
How Do We Create More For Our Young Folks? Global Self Concept scale –“I have a lot to be proud of,” –“I can do things as well as most people,” –“I’m as good as most other people,” –“Other people think I am a good person,” –“When I do something, I do it well,” –“A lot of things about me are good.”
Connection: Flourishing and Social Well- Being in College
Kathryn Graff Low (2011)
College Students (main effect of mental health)
College Students (no main effect of mental health)
Adjusted Log Odds Any Drug –CMI = 1.60 –EWB =.91 –PWB =.90 –SWB = ns Binge Drinking –CMI = 1.19 –EWB =.92 –PWB =.90 –SWB = 1.17
We Are Wired to Connect Vulnerability – on_vulnerability.htmlhttp:// on_vulnerability.html Love, Loss Connection, Disconnection Shame (fear of disconnection) –something about me that if others see it I will not be worthy of connection not good enough, not fit enough, not pretty enough… we must allow ourselves to be seen for connection to happen
What We Need To Do More Of Courage (tell the story of who you are with your whole heart) –Courage to be imperfect Worthiness of being loved Kind to themselves and others Authenticity –Let go of who they should be to be who they were Embrace vulnerability –Believe that what made them vulnerable made them beautiful –Vulnerability is not comfortable; it is necessary –ACT intervention
Flourishers 1) “Just do it” 2) Self Control 3) Capable 4) Deliberate 5) Apologize 6) Malleable Mindsets 7) Curiosity 8) Learn from Adversity 9) Motivated by Mastery 10) Loved