Effective & Active Listening Why is it important? M&feature=fvwp&NR=1 M&feature=fvwp&NR=1(Dilbert)
Hearing Listening A biological process created when sound waves hit your ears.A biological process created when sound waves hit your ears. /watch?v=IVJF6Ug7s2U &NR=1http:// /watch?v=IVJF6Ug7s2U &NR=1http:// /watch?v=IVJF6Ug7s2U &NR=1http:// /watch?v=IVJF6Ug7s2U &NR=1 Is an active process that includes:Is an active process that includes: ReceivingReceiving InterpretingInterpreting EvaluatingEvaluating RespondingResponding
Poor Listening Even a good listener recalls only 50% of what they hear!Even a good listener recalls only 50% of what they hear! That is only half!That is only half! Yz4xA8http:// Yz4xA8http:// Yz4xA8http:// Yz4xA8 (office scene)(office scene)
Listening Means: Listening means paying attention not only to the story, but how it is told, the use of language and voice, and how the other person uses his or her body.Listening means paying attention not only to the story, but how it is told, the use of language and voice, and how the other person uses his or her body.
Listeners should ask themselves: Why am I listening?Why am I listening? What is my purpose?What is my purpose? What skills do I need to listen properly?What skills do I need to listen properly?
Retention Is the ability to recall and remember information.Is the ability to recall and remember information. It decreases about 20-25% after a few days.It decreases about 20-25% after a few days.
Effective Listening When the message sent is the same message received.When the message sent is the same message received. Effective Communication When the receiver understands theWhen the receiver understands the ideas, thoughts and feelings we have shared with them just as we intended.
Steps to Effective Listening Concentrate – eye contact, focus on voiceConcentrate – eye contact, focus on voice Interpret - Giving meaning to what you heard. What does it mean?Interpret - Giving meaning to what you heard. What does it mean? Feedback – respond by giving verbal and non verbal feedback to a speaker. Ask questions, offer comments. What does a blank stare tell the speaker?Feedback – respond by giving verbal and non verbal feedback to a speaker. Ask questions, offer comments. What does a blank stare tell the speaker?
Types of Listening Comprehensive ListeningComprehensive Listening - listening to learn/understand information such as facts, explanations, directions or news.- listening to learn/understand information such as facts, explanations, directions or news. E-0https:// E-0https:// E-0https:// E-0 (Who’s on 1 st ?)(Who’s on 1 st ?)
Eye ContactEye Contact Focus – concentrate on their voiceFocus – concentrate on their voice Paraphrase – Summarize what he/she said. So,…Paraphrase – Summarize what he/she said. So,… Reflect – Say what you think the person is feelingReflect – Say what you think the person is feeling Connections – connect info to what you already knowConnections – connect info to what you already know Patience – don’t interruptPatience – don’t interrupt Body Language – positive, openBody Language – positive, open Empathize – understandingEmpathize – understanding Feedback – ask questions, thanksFeedback – ask questions, thanks Tips to Active Listening
Critical Listening - to analyze, evaluate or judge a message containing opinions, points of view and attempts at persuasion and then making a decision based on your analysis.- to analyze, evaluate or judge a message containing opinions, points of view and attempts at persuasion and then making a decision based on your analysis. Look for meaning in the words and vocal nonverbals.Look for meaning in the words and vocal nonverbals.
Empathetic Listening - listening to support others emotionally, not to judge.- listening to support others emotionally, not to judge.
Appreciative Listening - listening for enjoyment. Movie, concert…- listening for enjoyment. Movie, concert…
Barriers to Effective Listening External distractions – noise, window…External distractions – noise, window… Internal distractions – day dreaming, hunger…Internal distractions – day dreaming, hunger… Rehearsing - Your desire to talkRehearsing - Your desire to talk Filtering – pseudo listeningFiltering – pseudo listening Judging -Personal biasJudging -Personal bias YcG4http:// YcG4http:// YcG4http:// YcG4 (jargon)(jargon)
Awareness Test ay4https:// ay4https:// ay4https:// ay4 Compare to ListeningCompare to Listening