Human Sciences Research Council Human Sciences Research Council Strategic Plan 2015/16 – 2019/20 & Annual Performance Plan 2015/16 Date: 14 April
Strategic Overview Vision: The HSRC intends to serve as a knowledge hub for research-based solutions to inform human and social development in South Africa, the African continent and the rest of the world. Mission: The mission of the HSRC is to be a research organisation that advances social sciences and humanities to help address pressing social issues such inequality and poverty and enhance human welfare and development, for public use. 3
Values Be a scientific research organisation whose work is viewed as authoritative and non-partisan; Undertake and promote research that will benefit all the people of South Africa, particularly marginalised groups, Promote human well-being and the achievement of social justice Collaborate with relevant groupings including government, higher education institutions, donors, non-governmental organisations, media and advocacy groups in the course of its work, while maintaining its independent identity; Be guided by its Code of Ethics in policy development 4
Address developmental challenges, Inform effective formulation of policies and monitoring and evaluation, Stimulate public debate, Help build research capacity and infrastructure, Foster research collaboration, networks and institutional linkages, Respond to the needs of vulnerable and marginalised groups, and Develop and make available data sets. Objects of the HSRC (cf. Section 3, Act 17 of 2008) 5
NDP and national priorities (MTSF ) 1. Improved quality of basic education. 2. A long and healthy life for all South Africans. 3. All people in South Africa are and feel safe. 4. Decent employment through inclusive economic growth. 5. A skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path. 6. An efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure network. 7. Vibrant, equitable and sustainable rural communities with food security for all. 6
MTSF priorities (cont.) 8. Sustainable human settlements and improved quality of household life. 9. A responsive, accountable, effective and efficient local government system. 10. Environmental assets and natural resources that are well protected and continually enhanced. 11. Create a better South Africa and contribute to a better and safer Africa and World. 12. An efficient, effective and development oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship 13. A comprehensive, responsive and sustainable social protection system 14. A diverse, socially cohesive society with a common national identity 7
Specific Policy Mandates Outcome 1 (Improved quality of basic education) Outcome 2 (A long and healthy life for all South Africans), and Outcome 5 (A skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path). Strategic Intent To have addressed key priorities facing South Africa through its research, and to have generated new knowledge that helps us understand the changing human and social environment in which we live. 8
What we do ± 202 projects, most touch people Science system and innovation poverty, grow economy and create jobs quality of education human and social advancement skills development service delivery crime youth, families and social cohesion Health promotion, health systems and wellbeing HIV/AIDS and STI control nutrition and food security 9
Strengthening humanities centred research in 2015/6 The HSRC will be implementing decisions made by DST on proposed measures to (a) enhance humanities centred research across the NSI and (b) enhance the impact of humanities research in society These recommendations were based upon two seminars on Knowledge Generation and Innovation in the Humanities hosted by DST and the HSRC that reviewed responses by science councils and universities to ASSAf’s Consensus Study on the Humanities and Social Sciences Working arrangements, structured collaborations, and an MOU will be formalized between the HSRC and the NIHSS (which reports DHET) to ensure complementarity of efforts. 10
Flagship Projects for 2015/16 (1) Project details Project Duration (Yrs) Government Outcome Addressed SABSSM V: Complete the fifth wave of population-based survey by end of the financial year 2015/ SASAS: Ensure sustainability for the implementation of an annual survey (as the core of the project). Continue participation in the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP). On-going K2P (Knowledge to Policy) processes. Capacity development. Annually since &12 SANHANES-II: Complete the second wave of population-based survey by end of the financial year 2015/16. A surveillance programme that will continuously assess selected aspects of the health and nutrition status of the South African population in line with the identified priorities of the national DoH. Annual/ Biennial 2 State of the nation (book series): Release of re-launched product: Mar 2013; Next editions 2014/15 and 2016/17; Provides insight to policy actors across spheres on key D&G themes. Biennial since 2003 All outcomes PMTCT Couples project: The HSRC is implementing a comprehensive PMTCT and HIV prevention for couples in Mpumalanga. This study enhances PMTCT uptake pre- and postpartum and reduce MTCT in Community Health Centers. The project started in Jan 2014 and will end in Dec Educators Survey of HIV/AIDS and health: This is a national survey on the Health of our Educators and Officials in Public Schools In South Africa. The study will determine the changes that have occurred in the HIV epidemic and the impact of interventions since the last survey
Flagship Projects for 2015/16 (2) Project details Project Duration (Yrs) Government Outcome Addressed Sport and social cohesion: A research-driven set of activities that will document, monitor and provide a longitudinal assessment of the sub-programme (School Sports) by qualitatively and quantitatively mapping the strategic objective and objective statement of the Directorate to measure the impact of the SRSA National mandate. 511 Changing family structure and impact on care roles of family members: To have conducted research and produced a report that provides policy makers with appropriate knowledge and recommendations for effecting improvements family care provisions by the end of financial year 2017/18 52 Race, Education and Emancipation: A longitudinal qualitative study of student’s agency and impasses to success: Investigates the structural and social obstacles and opportunities students experience in Higher Education and Training institutions over five years. Focuses on the role of intersecting identities (race, class and gender) and their use of personal and social agency in striving for success. 55 & 11 12
Project details Project Duration (Yrs) Government Outcome Addressed Trends in international Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2015: Achievement and assessment studies: TIMSS 2012 & 2015 & International Citizenship and Civic Education Study (ICCES) in years1 Labour Market Intelligence Partnership (LMIP) project: In partnership with the Department of Higher Education and Training, LMIP sets up systems for reliable data indicating skills needs, supply and demand in our labour market allowing South Africa to plan better for human resources development. 1 year5 MIMMS: To strengthen the maternal and child morbidity and mortality surveillance system in South Africa 53 & 2; Millenium goal 4 & 5 Methods of Prevention Packages Program (MP3) for men who have sex with men (MSM) in Southern Africa - Pilot Study: A formative study of the combination package of biomedical, behavioral and community-level HIV prevention interventions and services for MSM in Southern Africa; produced a report on the mathematical modeling of HIV transmission in Southern African MSM during the financial year 2013/14; and produced a report on the feasibility, acceptability and outcomes of the combination prevention package intervention during the pilot study by end of the financial year 2015/ Flagship Projects for 2015/16 (3) 13
Funding Highlights Major funders included Department of Science and Technology, Department of Higher Education, Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, the CDC, the Independent Electoral Commission of South Africa, and the Development Bank of Southern Africa. DST has awarded the HSRC R19.8 million for the procurement of research infrastructure demonstrating commitment to finance infrastructure for repeat surveys. HSRC will receive the funds in the 2015/16 financial year. 14
Strategic outcome oriented goals A – “Knowledge Advancement”: Advancing social sciences and humanities for public use by initiating, undertaking and fostering basic and applied research in human and social sciences, and geopolitical issues; stimulated public debate and disseminated research results. D – “Contribution to Development and Social Progress in Africa”: Conducting research, analysing and publishing data that aims to address developmental challenges in South Africa and elsewhere in Africa and the rest of the world. E – “Enhanced Skills”: Contribution to the development of a skilled and capable workforce in the Republic and elsewhere in Africa by providing developing research skills & capacity. P – “Preserved data & knowledge”: Digitisation and preservation of data sets. T – “Transformation”: Transformation at senior level to reflect the national demographic composition with respect to race and gender. S – “Financial Sustainability”: Improvement and implementation of effective and efficient systems of financial management and good corporate governance; and ensuring sustainability of research funding through long-term research projects and longitudinal studies. 15
Strategic Performance Targets A – “Knowledge Advancement” 1Peer-reviewed journal articles per SR1.9 2Scholarly books published Scholarly book chapters published HSRC research seminars.50 5 State of the Nation book volumes published 1 6HSRC Review publications.6 7New publishing imprint5 8Policy briefs22 9Active MoUs41 APP Targets
D – “Contribution to Development and Social Progress in Africa” 10Research projects completed19 11Research reports produced29 12African research fellows17 13 Structured collaborative research projects completed 18 APP Targets
E – “Enhanced Skills” 14Master’s level interns42 15PhD level interns49 16Post Doctoral Fellows29 17 Students reached in research seminars/lecture campus series Schools engaged in outreach180 19Completed Master’s level internships5 20 Peer-reviewed journal articles per Master’s intern Completed PhD level internships9 22Peer-reviewed articles per PhD intern Peer-reviewed journal articles per Post-Doctoral Fellows 1.1 APP Targets
P – “Preserved data & knowledge” 24Preserved datasets23 25 Datasets generated and prepared for preservation Digitised library holdings; maps and photo collection 158 APP Targets
T – “Transformation” 27Senior researchers who are African56% 28Senior researchers who are female49% 29Annual employment equity reports produced1 30 Quarterly employment equity reports produced 4 31 Diversity awareness events hosted1 32 Gender awareness events hosted1 APP Targets
S – “Financial Sustainability” 33Extra-parliamentary income48% 34Multi-year grants54% 35Official attending the anti-corruption campaign80% 36Eligible officials who have declared their interests100% 37Compliance reports produced4 38Unqualified external audit report1 39BBBEE Status3 40PPPFA Compliance100% 41Stakeholder engagement16 42Annual Social Sciences Research Conferences hosted1 43 Networking Platform for engaging policy makers established 1 44 Registered research projects to improve public understanding of science 2 APP Targets
Budget Summary 2015/ /16 R’000 Income Parliamentary Grant Research Income Other income Expenses Salaries Administration and other Costs Project related expenses Surplus / deficit- 22
Approved Parliamentary Grant (PG) vs. Salaries Narration HSRC (Inc. AISA) 2014/15 R’M HSRC (Inc. AISA) 2015/16 R’M HSRC (Inc. AISA) 2016/17 R’M Total Budgeted Revenue % Increase3.6%4.6% Salaries Approved Budget % Increase6.46%5.7% % of salaries to total budget 53%54%55% 23
Budget Analysis – 2015/16 Budgeted income : R Parliamentary Grant: R External research income target: R Other external income target: R Staff costs: R Ratio between Parliamentary grant and (total) external income: 60:40 24
Institutional Challenges Misalignment between Research Demands and IT Capabilities/Capacity. Attracting of critical skills Non-compliance with OHS regulations – Pretoria building Greater concentration on high impact, large multi-year projects that address big societal and policy challenges Undue Donor/Funder Influence on the Research Agenda and pressure to secure income 25
Strategic issues for future iterations of the APP (1) Clearer articulation of how the HSRC contributes to specific MTSF outcomes (alignment of strategic outcome oriented goals and specification of key proxy indicators where necessary) Specification of a clear strategic research agenda for AISA in the HSRC (complementing the Africa focus of NSI agencies and collaborating with them on this focus) Reflections on the benefits, challenges, and future plans for collaborating with other players in the NSI Greater priority on research that informs policies on enhancing the economic activities of township and peri-urban areas. 26
Strategic issues for future iterations of the APP (2) Effective interface and collaboration with the various South African Research Chairs and Centres of Excellence Enhancing the impact of the work of the HSRC within current financial constraints (cost containment measures) Redoubling efforts at communicating significant achievements that have been made by the NSI Highlighting efforts being made to secure greater value for money. 27
Appreciation Minister, Deputy Minister and Department of Science and Technology Portfolio Committee on Science & Technology Partners and funding agencies Board chair, members, committees Staff of the HSRC 28