Identifying recombination events in phage Giles through presence of repeat sequences MEGAN MAIR
Mycobacteriophage Giles Genes Unique to Giles Genes Conserved in Other Phages 72% 57 genes 28% 22 genes A B C D F G H I J K M N P R T Singleton clusters Hatfull et al., 2010 Phamerator-generated data
Where do nonessential genes originate? Tandem repeats are well-documented in mycobacteria – presence might imply origin? Sun et al.,2004
Autocorrelation Function CGTCTGACGGCTGA ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ x x (nothing added) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Total Score: 6 Total Possible Score: 7
gp27 gp nucleotide repeat Scores > 40 (0.03% chance of occurring randomly)
gp27 Phamerator Map Minor Tail Protein No documented protein-protein interactions Mehla et al., 2015
gp46 No known function One protein-protein interaction with minor tail protein gp17 Phamerator Map Mehla et al., 2015
Possible traces of satellite DNA (Deumling, 1981)
Further Research -Sequence alignment documentation to further investigate sequence similarities between gp27, gp46 and identified sequences within mycobacterium -Host range studies to correlate data
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