Welcome to the PGL information meeting (9th – 13 th March 2015) Agenda Introductions Organisation What the children need to bring What the children do not need to bring Grouping arrangements Activities & Safety Illness & Homesickness DVD Any questions
Introduction of those going Mr Bandara Miss Voice Miss Cheetham Mrs Webb Mr Maitet Mrs Hanson
Organisation When? Monday 9 th March to Friday 13 th March 2015 Where? Marchants Hill, Hindhead, Surrey. (Nr. The Devils Punch Bowl – approx 1 hr.) How? Children arrive at school in their own clothes by 11am. Luggage will be collected in the small hall and must be clearly labelled. Coaches arrive at approx pm. A packed lunch will be needed for this first day (in a separate bag). We should arrive back at school on Friday 13 th March at approximately 2.30pm.
What the children need to bring £4.00 max. pocket money, (4x£1 coins in a sealed and named envelope please.) £ £8.00. gift money, (In a sealed and named envelope please.) Sleeping bag & pillow Any medications in a named bag with required dose clearly noted please (and to be given to Miss Voice). Toiletries 2 old towels – one (or both) normally end up muddy! Plastic bags for wet/muddy/dirty clothes Camera if they wish, (small disposable type is best with name written on the card wrapper.) Nightwear OLD clothes, including one set for the mud course – jeans are not good, tracksuits are best. Waterproof Sun protection/water bottle 2 pairs of trainers – one for the mud course. One set of smarter clothes for evening disco
What the children do NOT need to bring Other food or sweets - all meals are provided. Anything valuable – they will get lost on a messy dormitory. Wellington boots – not safe for the activities. IPods or any other electrical equipment Mobile phones – these will get lost and induce homesickness. Torches – no need for them Extra smuggled money – not needed. Any jewellery – for health and safety reasons. Latest fashion clothes – they won’t be for long!!
Grouping Arrangements Sleeping Boys and girls in separate rooms. The children will be placed in groups of 5/6 for separate smaller rooms. The Adults are in separate rooms attached to children's rooms Night security patrol Activities The children will have chosen groups of 2. We will then put mixed groups together from across classes to form larger groups of 11 or 12. Each group has an attached member of staff.
Illness and homesickness Illness The centre has a staffed first aid room in case of need Homesickness Not normally a problem as children are kept very busy. No phoning during the week as this often triggers issues. We will contact you if there is a problem.
Activities and safety Powerfan Quad Biking Jacob’s Ladder Zip Wire Challenge Course Climbing Aeroball Giant Swing Archery Problem Solving Survivor Trapeze Sensory Trail 2 activities before lunch, 2 after lunch PLUS evening activities eg. Games etc. SAFETY FIRST – safety bench, instructors etc.
DVD PGL promotional DVD.
Any Questions?